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Concerns and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Concerns and Suggestions' started by Username, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. Username

    Username Custom Title

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I like my theme, alright? Anyway I want to make this quick to read and use up as little time as it can, So I'm going to list some concerns then suggestions to fix them.

    Concern #1: All we do is go to mud and the refugee camp
    Suggestion: Why not add something that tells us how many people at in each settlement? If somebody went to upside then people would see somebody was there rather then not knowing followed by going to mud/camp.

    Concern #2: The refugee camp should not even be a place to visit
    Suggestion: It should be a home and a place to work IC (when you are offline and can't play them). Anybody who is not a refugee has none or barely any reason to be there, the refugee camp is made for closet RP and thats the major problem with it. (Nobody says "Lets hang out at the refugee camp")

    Concern #3: Too much closet RP
    Suggestion: I know people don't mean to closet RP half the time but the first thing you have to do is TRY not too. It will happen from time to time and that is fine but in some cases even going to a bar helps WAY more then going home by yourselves. This server relys on people interacting with each other, By only doing so in a small group you are telling people to fuck off.

    Concern #4: Nothing to do at settlements
    Suggestion: Make settlements smaller (in-game) with very clear and unique things to do in each one. We should be going to points of interest and not normal towns. Normal towns should be lore. Sure people can do stuff there but not much nor should they.

    Concern #4.4: No reason to interact with people
    Suggestion: Add a reason for people to talk to you (like a job) then add a reason for YOU to talk to people. Guy 1 fixes ships. Guy 2 got a broke ship. They interact then ship together.

    Concern #5: The lore
    Suggestion: Keep it Short, Simple, and Sweet. Add the big lore if you want but not everybody wants or even will read the giant text walls of lore. Also add more fluff like the news, that is just something to talk about and helps more then one might think.
    #1 Username, Jun 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016
  2. Cassidy

    Cassidy The Strudel

    Jan 18, 2014
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    All of these are my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.

    Concern #1: Mud's a hub, from what I believe, overall that's how its been for a long while. One city becomes the 'hip' one to be at, so the others kinda get forgotten. Overall the whole 'How many people are on this colony' thing might be a small problem. There's no way atm to determine how many people are on each planet, but really what is stopping you from just going there, bookmarking the planet, and popping in to see how many people are there?

    Concern #2: I mean, why shouldn't it? It's a place with a bar, people are bound to flock there, it isn't just a camp. Another thing to mention is that there have been popular colonies in the past that were literately garbage dumps per-say. I'm actually glad to have something different from the usual 'oop, its a city, woohoo.'

    Concern #3: I agree with you 100% on this one, I hate the idea of all this closet'd rp, where there's not much to do because someone is just hiding in their little groups private planet, and rping with themselves, but really you can't change this. People will /always/ closet rp, its something you really can't change, best way to solve it for yourself is just find a group or faction and stick with it, most have applications that you can apply to on the forms.

    Concern #4: Really it's up to the colony maker's discretion. My opinion on this one is if you don't like it, make a colony, or convince someone else to! Don't really have much else to say on this one.

    Concern #4.4: Peeps do that, check out the IC starnet, people are offering jobs all the time, also factions are a big job finder.

    Concern #5: I'll fight you on this one (sorta), This is strictly my opinion. I like detailed lore, I agree we should have a Tl;dr lore, but keep that lore long. Having longer lore keeps grey-spots from appearing, and keeps lore consistent. other than that, I like long lore, that is my opinion.

    Concern #1: Mud @ The camp are a hub, it's norm. yeet
    Concern #2: I don't agree
    Concern #3: I agree
    Concern #4 & 4.4: If ya' don't like, fix it!
    Concern #5: Should be a Tl;dr lore section, keep lore as it is for now though, long lore means less confusion later on.
