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Barry's Bombastic and Totally Titular Memoirs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Day Tripper, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    6/Jun/2416(? fucking dates), 00:30 Cygnus Standard.

    You know, portable terminals are real gross shit. Always about cutting-edge tech; with the fucking headsets, visor up-links, and God DAMN portable computers. Always had to have everything hooked into the matrix. It isn't like enough officers got beaten up in dark alleys to warrant it, right? No optie wandered off alone, but it was all about that surveillance tech; even if EMS and shit had spending cut to below half.

    Shit, that was a lot of room to waste typing to myself about garbage that isn't even happening anymore. Why the fuck didn't I start doing this sooner? Better than a therapist, probably. You understand yourself better than anyone else, or some such shit. Maybe that's stupid, though; not even talking about your problems- typing them out so you can read them later instead of solving them. Holy SHIT that was more philosophical than I thought it'd be.

    Probably means I need to get some sleep.

    Someday, man, I'm gonna toss all that tech into a fire. Maybe settle down with a dog on some little farming colony. Mmm, produce. Haven't had fresh veggies in a long time.

    Maybe I'll dream of vegetables.
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  2. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    The day after the last one. Fuck OFF.

    Stars are pretty. That's probably a given for most folks, but I never got to see them on Cygnus. Too many lights blaring for them to show. Who the fuck even thought that was okay? Nobody has any right to turn the sky off by turning their fluorescent lights on. Fuck that. Fluorescent lights, God damn - what a mess those are. Lot of folks say that Sol was bad during the day - that people would fuck their eyes up staring at the sun, but you never hear about people going blind from fluorescent lights. What the hell?

    As much as I hate sleeping in a tent and checking for trench-foot and shit, I think I prefer it to the bright lights and loud vehicles. It's always dark at night, bright during the day - and the rain isn't drowned out by yelling and those SHITTING hunter-seekers beeping outside my window for fUFLKASKCLKAS

  3. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    why even bother dating this it's for me and me only why even bother d

    Rain isn't so bad, but fuck those shitty trees. Can't even go for a walk without getting soaked and catching hyper-pneumonia or some stupid shit, God damn. Small miracle the DPPD and stuff even function; guess the SSC took waterproofing seriously. Now I think of it, why wouldn't they? Rained all the damn time in the city. So common-place there weren't any forecasters; you just looked up and figured it out yourself. I guess, in that way, this jungle isn't so different.

    Why the hell am I still living in a tent? Got prefab toilets and shit, generators, even a full workshop. But we're still in fucking tents. Not even like I mind my tent, it's just ridiculous. Using money on anti-air measures and luxuries when people are still going hungry, without wound treatment, and in cramped living conditions. Fuck, man, it's jarring, and I can't do shit about it.

    Wonder what John would think about this. Clarke? I dunno. Maybe they'd do something. What could they do that I couldn't? What is there even to do? Psychos at the helm got their own agenda; probably end up in a shallow grave if I said anything. Fuck.
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  4. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    It was a cold, dark day in the sticks; and here I was, clacking away inside my tent.

    I had to clean out the DPPD today. Some shithead opened my tent flap and didn't close it, so the fucker got covered in jungle piss.
    That would be weird; if trees could piss. There you are, out backpacking or whatever, and an asshole tree just takes a leak overhead. Probably not out of the question in some places - just hard to imagine when the only trees I've seen are fake and/or don't relieve themselves. Themselves? Trees aren't sapient.

    God, I think this is Cabin Fever.

    Maybe I ought to invest in a board game. Pretty much out of good reading material, too - and I don't want to read my own fucking self-therapy every night before bed.

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  5. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    I'm gonna call today 'the day I found a can of corned beef hash'.

    Lots of food is really salty. I mean, shit, cooking wild plants and stuff probably doesn't sound appetising to a lot of people, but after doing it for so long I dunno how people can handle all this salt. The worst part, I think, is that corned beef is on the saltier end of the spectrum anyway.

    Wonder if soldiers without good supply lines feel the same way. Going for a while on whatever they can gather, and then a freighter drops off a bunch of freeze-dried meals or whatever - and they're unpalatable because they're too damn salty. That'd suck, huh? Shit.
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