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Regarding the Pie Incident

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by WrongEndoftheRainbow, Jun 3, 2016.

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  1. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    I'm going to preface this by saying my only interest here is the same interest I've always had, which is to preserve the diversity of RP here on our server. Also, while I wasn't directly involved, I have spoken to a few people that were.

    Now, moving into the issue: No one was forced to have the effects actually effect their character. If they didn't want to do it they could have said their character felt ill because of it instead, and camped out on their ships or whatever else they deemed appropriate. Of course this isn't the only option, there are dozens of ways someone could have avoided the effects or simply removed themselves, without effecting others desire to actually participate in the event. As always, consent is on a per person basis, and no one was forced to be effected, and certainly no one was forced to ERP. I understand that eating foods does not equal consent, but to outright ban an easily achievable action (adding a drug to food before you pass it out) based solely on that fact is absurd, and ultimately only further restricts the breadth of RP that can occur here. this action adds literally nothing aside from another millimeter of safety netting for children that aren't actually even here.

    We all know that public ERP is not acceptable, but we are all supposed to be of an age here where we can maturely handle topics such as sex without collectively losing our fucking minds about it. If we're not, then we should probably work on banning violence and murder as well, because violence is far worse and morally wrong than implying that you were touching yourself in a tent or an outhouse.
    Banning events of this nature is excessive, unnecessary, and pointless.

    Also for the record, I've seen MUCH worse happen, coupled with way heavier punishments, and the effects not get voided. This was while I was a mod too, and was pushing for a void. I'm pretty disappointed that this is where we've decided to draw the line. This was poorly handled from start to finish, and the fact that an announcement was made on top of that just blows me away.
  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    --Warning, the following is a little bit of a pop-off so take it as you will--

    This specifically is why there needs to be a clearer line on what is ERP. I mean sure, you're putting an addendum to the rules that "aphrodisiac" effects aren't allowed or whatever (which is silly in my opinion, but that's only an opinion), but where do you cut the line of things like flirting?

    There is an important distinction to make between erotic roleplay and good roleplay. The way a couple has sex is so important to the dynamic of the relationship, that it's honestly a little shameful that it's pushed off the server. Now I don't mean that we should have "But I poop from there" in the middle of a hub, but in a private setting (where sex is correct to happen) I don't know why it would be worth mentioning. I know part of the argument was "but the staff doesn't want to look through it" to which I say fuck you, if you're not bloody mature enough to set aside your childish discomfort with sex, then why are you a mod in the first place?

    I don't even know what argument to use here, because this is all something that seems so basic to me that I don't even know how people have a problem with it. I know this specific case is about consent to effects, and whatever else but if someone didn't want it to effect them like that, are they not in the right to just say "Nah"? It's not like it breaks anything, that person just has to remove themselves from the event going on and everything is fine.

    I know I'm blowing this up a bit, but I wanted to use this as an opportunity to really ask for better guidelines on what the staff defines as ERP, and what their real justification is for the rules. It's a rule that we've had too gray for too long, and people have been burned by it.
  3. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    To address both of you, peer pressure IS a thing. People who didn't want to roleplay the effects were dragged into it because of others RPing it, and thus 'It would be bad if I didn't do it because everyone else is being effected by it'. We also do not ban ERP entirely. We're just not a server built around ERP nor do we want to deal with ERP. How hard is it to take off-game?

    As for the "Now you can't drug food??" thing, That is explicitly a lie as at no point was it implied or said that you cannot do it.

    I'm sorry to be so hostile about the previous statement, but this will rapidly spiral into a trainwreck if you start claiming things that were not implied nor said. The void specifically happened as it was determined that there was no real or visible character development from the aphrodisiac part, which is the same reason we kept the anger part in, since it DID result in character development. Violence that goes over the line often is not voided because doing so would affect character development seriously.

    Flirting is fine, but as soon as your dick comes out or you start heavily implying your dick comes out, take it off the server. As someone I know once put it, "I love bourbon, but you won't see me downing a glass at parent-teacher's night. There's a time and place for that type of thing, and this isn't there."
  4. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    To say that no character development occurred because it isn't in the logs, is like saying there was no bullet because you didn't hear the gunshot. Anything that would have occurred in that vein would have been taken off the server, because that's explicitly what the rules require them to do.
    You just did the thing you were bashing the previous statement over, by assuming and claiming that there was no development fueled by this element of the event when you are absolutely incapable of determining that due to the rules that you are enforcing in this very thread.

    And I'm sorry but I really don't buy the peer pressure thing either. This comes back to my "We are supposed to be adults" thing that I was on about before. I was in the area and was offered pie, with my character Ava. She said no and went about her business. Absolutely no one bothered her or PM'd me trying to get Ava to eat some pie. I'm not saying that just because I wasn't bothered over it means that no one was, but no one here is incapable of saying no or removing themselves from the situation. If someone was truly being heavily harassed over this, you should be passing out punishment to them, not the people that ate the pie.
  5. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Eh, I have different feelings about peer pressure but that's probably not something I can expect everyone to follow. In the end we're all just here to have fun, so I don't see why anyone would do something they're uncomfortable with.

    There's just something unsettling about not feeling like I know exactly where the limit is on what's classified as ERP. I think I know, but I got in trouble and then exonerated of it immediately after, so I'm not certain anymore. Do I need to be considering others' opinions, or should I just do what I /think/ the rules allow? For example (basically my example), are you allowed to "fade to black" in a public location, knowing full well IC that it's not an "acceptable" action. If you get caught, is that forcing people to confront an subject matter they're uncomfortable with? Does it matter that some people want nothing to do with it, if it's inside the rules in terms of vulgarity?

    Also don't feel bad about appearing hostile, I'll be sure to try and one up you so it seems fine.
  6. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    If someone's character developed because they masturbated, then they can keep that in easy enough without the aphrodisiac part. That was the pure problem of it all. We do not endorse ERP, so therefore we do not endorse events that cause mass ERP. And I never said people were PM'd "YOU NEED TO RP THE EFFECTS OF THE PIE", I said "They would be pressured into it by everyone else around them RPing it, thus making them feel like a bad roleplayer if they didn't also RP the effects".

    In the end, this isn't about all of that minor details. This is about an event inciting something against the rules without getting consent beforehand from the people involved.

    EDIT: Doing it in public is an edge case with a verdict that would be decided by the entire staff, that I can't really address firmly at this time. But I wouldn't recommend it. We are not a server for ERP and purposely forcing people who didn't come here to ERP confront it is something I wouldn't recommend.
  7. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Again, the masturbation part was only the part that you saw, and even those people were punished for RPing the effects out that they chose to have their characters effected by.

    I'm not entirely sure how to address this one. So if I do an event, and it causes some other person with free human will to do something that is against the rules, that kind of event must be banned? So if I start a fight in a bar, and someone starts godmodding pulling a dozen nades out of their pockets, it's my fault because I started the fight? Following this logic we have to ban fighting at this point too, because it caused an action that was against the rules. Also, I didn't get the consent of a bystander, so them getting caught in the blast from the god-nade man is also my fault because I didn't get his consent before I started an event in his presence.
  8. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    The difference here is that fights are not against the rules, but godmodding is. If they godmod, it's on them. If you create a pie, don't get consent for drugging people first, and then make the effect something that encourages breaking the rules, there is a problem. Please stop trying to strawman my arguments. We'll achieve nothing that way.
  9. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    I'm not strawmanning, I'm making a point by drawing an equivalency. Yes he should have informed people the pies were drugged before hand, but that isn't the issue that's being raised here, the issue you're raising is what was in the pie in the first place. you've already said that eating the drugged food doesn't equate to consent to the effects of the food, so they are therefore free to simply ignore those effects even if they ate the food. If they RP themselves as being under the effects, then they are consenting.
  10. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    That's exactly what I said, yes. We are in agreement. I'm more concerned about the 'Peer pressure' part, making people RP something they didn't want to consent to.
  11. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    but we're not in agreement because you've effectively voided half of the event, and banned events in that vein. Events like this take characters out of their normal state of mind, and force development. I know that aphrodisiacs aren't something that people generally have to deal with in real life, but take for example, that some people who normally wouldn't touch one another may decide to do so under the effects of alcohol. After something like that occurs, if these are people that see each other often, it would cause a change in their interaction, which would cause further developments between the two. It's disappointing that nothing like that happened here, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have, or that in the future it never will. Thus, bringing me back to my original issue of banning an entire kind of event, due to some people acting out.
  12. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    If you want to ERP because of alcohol, take it off the server. That's fine. But if you give someone a drink and then say ((That was alcohol, you're drunk so you have to sleep with me)), there is a problem. Now, it wasn't that hamfisted, but it was still inciting mass ERP for the purpose of inciting mass ERP. If you want character development from ERP, keep it off the server and don't try to force it upon people without their consent.
  13. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    ay I may not be staff, but can you please take this to steam or a conversation? it gets annoying when you constantly have to look in the same thread.
  14. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    No I'm pretty much finished. I've said my peace and it doesn't seem to matter, so I'm done.
  15. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    There are a lot of misinformed people here.

    This is a decision that was made after reviewing the event and everybody's actions involving it. Messages have been sent to anyone that needed one, everyone else can assume that what they were doing is acceptable. I'm seeing a lot of people interpret this as 'no fun allowed' when really it is a case of 'don't make events that invite erp'.

    People are using the argument 'we are meant to be adults' yet they're essentially arguing for being allowed to laugh about sex like children. Mature themes are allowed, no-one ever said they weren't, but there's a line where it stop being for the sake of character develop and becomes masturbatory self-gratification. It's only when that line is crossed that the staff get involved, and it was crossed here.

    You people need to stop acting like we've banned people for having fun.
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix the one and only

    Feb 19, 2014
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    just to get the info here, and because I'm a lazy shite that doesn't like to read all the time, did any real ERP go down because of the pie? Or was it just all nonchalant flirting and the so.

    because if it was just flirting, I'm gonna join the passive crowd here and say 'this mole hill really got turned into a mountain'.
  17. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Real ERP happened.
  18. Phoenix

    Phoenix the one and only

    Feb 19, 2014
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    alright, well, lemme give my own two cents on the situation;

    ew erp fuck that's gross, yeah, keep it clean people, do it in your ships, gosh.

    anyhow, well, i think the pie is justified, anyone can drug anything in starbound and give it to anyone for any real thing. getting the pie voided because some people had some 'sexual encounters of the 4th kind' seems like some pretty bad roleplay management. You guys are pretty damn dope, and do a mighty fine job, but roleplay is roleplay, just because some people acted like total asshats, doesn't mean we need to void it entirely. Maybe the certain ERP could be voided, and replaced with something else to fill the gap there. I mean, the pie counts as much as FearRP would, where you point a gun at a defenseless person and say 'well, hey man, you're probably pissing your shorts here because you may die, so you probably wanna comply' type junk, I mean, the other player could try to be a hero and disarm the man, but that's got a 50/50 chance of getting him dead.

    the pie should count, but certain events should be modified so all parties are happy.

    also yeah take this to fuckin steam and remove it from the front page if you haven't already, it's overneeded drama over a pie.
  19. BobGood

    BobGood Memer

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Jebus christos dis pie is some reel sht rite? No but seriously which focked up person makes a pie like that? I mean i understand characters senselessly murdering people (Still don't actually get it.) But who makes a pie like that?
  20. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Actually that's what happened. The "arousal" part of the pie was voided because it was unnecessary and yielded nothing in the way of development/decent RP. However another aspect of the "drug" was that afterwards people became irritable and angry. That part was left in since it DID yield some level of decent, non-ERP based RP. So the pie isn't voided entirely, just the part that was flagrantly trying to make people start ERPing.
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