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Security openings. (Roster full)

Discussion in 'Upside' started by Haplap, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Friends, it's often hard to admit your mistakes. That's why I had been delayed in addressing the recent attack on the small town of Upside. I entrusted that the security measures in place would handle any issues adequately, but it's evident that was not the case. An innocent bystander died due to my lack of preparation, and that solely rests on me. In order to prevent such needless loss again, a security detail will be installed in Upside. We are looking for qualified and experienced soldiers and mercenaries for the task. Of course, any illegal mercenaries will not be permitted.

    If you are interested in protecting the people of Upside, fill out the provided application. If you are accepted, further details will be sent.

    • Name:
    • Gender:
    • Race:
    • Age:
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present):
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended):
    • Criminal record:
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL):

    ~Argus Hemstreet
  2. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Ethan Kendall Britton
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Human (Caucasian)
    • Age: 29
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Wounded on multiple occasions while in military service. Nothing currently relevant.
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): Served 1 year as a naval security force officer (MP). Served 2 years as a naval aviator. Served 1 year as a special operations capable infantry marine. Units: 15th NSF Auxiliary (MPs), VFA-146 (Naval Aviation), Task Force 77 USCMCFR/USNSO Combined Arms Unit (Infantry). Qualifications: Minimal Corpsman Instruction, CLS Certification, attended Marine Corps BCT at Fort Puller, attended SOI at Fort Puller, received Advanced Pilot's and Weapons Officer's Instruction, attended Naval BCT at New Anchorage Dockyard, certified brown belt in the MCMAP, began qualification training for black belt.
    • Criminal record: Three counts of desertion. (Pardoned)
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): A continuation of the law enforcement career and a form of income.
    #2 CaptainBritton02, Apr 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2016
  3. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    • Name: Clark Logan Atkins
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Human
    • Age: 25 years
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Allergic to domesticated horses (which are probably all dead now anyways)
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): Served in the 65th Marine Expeditionary Unit of the United Systems Colonial Marine Corps for approximately 1 year as an Infantry Marine Fireteam Leader (0311.) CLS (medically trained) certified and a green belt in MCMAP (martial arts.)
      Worked as a security officer for Monolith Inc. on the colony of Tartarus Rest 1. Employer reference: [email protected]
      Worked as a security officer for Aedre Cotovate on the colony of Seafeather. Employer reference: [email protected]
    • Criminal record: None.
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): We've spoken before, and I'm currently trying to maintain steady work in the sector.
    • Addendum: Can provide my own equipment if absolutely necessary.
  4. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Asirris Lexington.
    • Gender: Male.
    • Race: Human.
    • Age: 31.
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): None.
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): Various firearms training, months of wilderness survival capabilities, and a minute amount of medical knowledge, which includes minor scratches, cuts, head trauma, and basic knowledge of gunshot wound injuries.
    • Criminal record: None.
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): I seek income as I have none.
  5. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Your applications have been processed. To complete the application process, meet with Officer Noboru, who is temporarily stationed on Upside. He will carry you through the rest of the process.
  6. Meibethu-Chan

    Meibethu-Chan New Member

    Mar 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Chetwig
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Novakid
    • Age: 234
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): none
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): 40 years sheriff duty, 90 years wilderness living
    • Criminal record: none
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): I've been wanting to get back into the force
  7. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Ebi Kibo
    • Gender: Female
    • Race: Hylotl
    • Age: 26
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Lactose intolerant
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): 2 years private security, 4 years self employed mercenary work
    • Criminal record: One count homicide (Self defense), one count public intoxication
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): New to the sector and looking for work.
  8. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Andrew Williams
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Human
    • Age: 36
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): None.
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): 10 years active duty in the Australian Defense Force, rank Major, 8 years of private security/contracting work.
    • Criminal record: Two counts aggravated assault (most recent dated a year ago), three counts public intoxication (most recent dated a few months ago).
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): Looking to get out of private contract work and get some more honest work with steady pay.
  9. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Your applications have been processed and the three have you have been selected for interview. Report to Upside and seek out one of the two on duty officers, Head of Security Clark Atkins will be carrying out aforementioned interviews.
  10. Circuit1

    Circuit1 New Member

    Apr 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Ation.
    • Gender: Male.
    • Race: Novakid.
    • Age: ..What year is it?
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Steam. Steam comes out of my face.
    • Past experience: Practiced and experienced with long-ranged weaponry, had to protect old research stations. Did that for about 5 years.
    • Criminal record: Yes. All of them worked off through helping the community and such, though. Two counts of harassment and one count of assault.
    • Reason for interest: I'm obligated at this point. That, and i'm poor.
  11. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Nano
    • Gender: N/A
    • Race: Nanowerx Model R400 slimline
    • Age: First activation 4th May, 2400.
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Minor system damage. Multitool system removed.
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): Pre-programmed functionality with additional software downloads available. Compromising previous "user's" digital security systems during escape attempt.
    • Criminal record: One possible count of vandalism. The crutch was more functional than the chair.
    • Reason for interest: Income required.
  12. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Application processed, report to the town hall and see Heady of Security Clark Atkins for interview.
  13. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Name: Noa Jaycee (Jaycee in-game)
    • Gender: Female
    • Race: Avian
    • Age: 25
    • Medical Information (Any major medical operations and or medical issues in the past or present): Clean Record
    • Past experience (References optional but recommended): Military Bootcamp (firearms/weapons experience, agility, other training-boosted things), Technician on a ship
    • Criminal record: Clean Record
    • Reason for interest (OPTIONAL): "I guess I'm interested because, you know, a guard or security job was kinda meant for me and I have experience handling weapons."
  14. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    We aren't currently accepting any further applicants at this time, though your application has been archived and you will be contacted when an additional position is open.