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OOC: Ragnarok restructuring plan

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Khaltor, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Greetings, everyone.

    As you have surely noticed, the settlement of Ragnarok has dropped in popularity as of late.
    Considering a lot of characters that were involved with Ragnarok have not been around for a while, I would like to apply some changes to the colony.


    I believe everyone has already been to Ragnarok a few times and will thus be familiar with its infrastructure, so I won't go into detail on this image. Though let me quickly go over what the image is supposed to represent from left to right. (Not quite perfectly scaled)

    Ser_Wilhelm's keep, the large abandoned arena, the hill with cave, workshop, entrance to mines and sewers, with power generator, the beampoint in the cave, the pitfall, the guard tower, the unused Floran shop/store-house, the Inn, the hill, cave + Iron keep and finally the mostly abandoned village district.

    Phase 1:

    First off, as you can see the beam point on this version seems like it has moved.
    In fact it has not, not in-game anyway. Let me explain. I've always had a thing for having a meaningful/useful beampoint when not using a teleporter. ((*Glares at the Seafeather beampoint*))

    I'll go over it again, left to right.
    Above ground: a factory-like facility, which will also be a foundry, storehouse and specialised workshop on the left outer border of the Glitch-Floran themed district on Ragnarok.
    Underground: Sewage system and waterworks, then Power generator and electrical wiring network, followed by "surprise", more sewage system and waterworks.

    To the right of the factory you have the hill with the smithee.
    This hill and smithee will be moved In-game to create more space in the centre of the settlement. In-character this doesn't really happen and instead the beampoint was moved elsewhere. The magically appearing of more space in the centre is just some form of minor retcon... Just go with it. However this does mean that I'll have to move the hill and build the entrance to the mines and sewers where the hill and smithee end up being.

    Then we see the two clouds in the centre part, these represent space for Glitch and Floran-Styled village centre with a small market place (Everything on here will have a Glitch-Floran theme to it, in some way or another).

    In the exact centre of the settlement there will be the beampoint and teleporter, which will be located inside of a guard tower, creating a similar customs set-up as Monolith, yet less strict. Oak decided to add this to avoid the spread of harmful parasites like the Umbra or other diseases.

    Then to the right we have the Inn, which I plan to expand downwards and perhaps sidewards as well, giving it more depth. (I didn't mean to pun there, but I guess I did?)

    Then we have the Iron Keep which will mostly be kept alone, marking the right outer border of the Glitch-Floran themed district on Ragnarok.

    Phase 2:
    I don't have an elaborate plan for these two ideas yet, but should there be an increase in the Floran playerbase, I'd like to establish a tribal village district far to the left, and should Ragnarok become more popular and if people would want to live there, yet rather not live in the Glitch-Floran district itself, there would be a "common" urban-themed (yet not super high-tech like Monolith) village/city district.

    The idea is that you can go to each district from the main-beampoint, by going through the guard tower's customs and choosing to which district you'd like to beam.

    Essentially this would make Ragnarok a planet with 3 settlement districts: 1"Tribal" Floran village in the jungle to the left., 1Shared, yet predominantly Glitch, Glitch-Floran center district and 1 common village/city district, reminiscent of what New Chicago was.

    I was wondering if there was any interest or additional input/ideas for this restructuring plan and whether or not people are interested to help me build and wire ((I plan on having some wiring and fancy teleporting stuff done)) and potentially sprite some nice things should they be required/if people want to add some atmosphere.

    So consider this a proposal and an idea check.
    Give Ragnarok some love, please... ;-;

    Read the fucking post, I put a decent amount of effort into typing all this shit out and all you have to do is read it.
  2. War_Weazel

    War_Weazel New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I would gladly help build and/or wire. I may even be able to help IC, if that's possible.