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Visitor's Guide to Elysium

Discussion in 'Elysium' started by Andromeda-SB, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. Andromeda-SB

    Andromeda-SB New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Visitor's Guide to Elysium
    Services & Utilities
    Elysium's staff and facilities provides both notary and funeral services to its guests and visitors.
    • As with its previous run in Antares, all its operation and funding comes directly from donation form by both independent and colonial presences. Its on-site utilities is provided by self-powered generator units with a full networking galaxy-range access to StarNet and affiliating networks featuring its own private database and server.
    • Access to the obituary is currently open to the general public.
    • Elysium also features an on-site archive in both paper and digital form that is only accessible to guests under staff supervision. Due to the recent crisis of Antares, approximately 3/4 of its original database has been lost during its evacuation. Most of the previous archives has experienced significant data corruption and/or damage, currently the focus of ongoing restoration.
    • Notary consultation and executor services are available per appointment. Trustees are limited to secure cold storage for written documentation and personal effects limited to the deceased party.
    • Funeral services and viewings are available per appointment. Personal requests by family and associates of the deceased party may be bestowed pending accessibility and management. Private bookings are also available per request.
    • Elysium scheduling and booking is held private by staff members to prevent any potential hostilities between visiting parties. Due to the ongoing political and physical conflicts between the Known Species, visitors must sign a safety waiver and conduct agreement prior to gaining access during visitation periods.
    Addendum::Staff Notice
    • Due to the number of requests for worshipers of Kleux, the Avian database will be updated on a bi-weekly schedule pending storage data capacity. Elysium is no longer accepting the remains of Grounded worshipers due to overcapacity at this time. It will eventually be re-opened once construction and renovation has been completed at a future date.
    • Due to previous incidents, Elysium will not be providing on-site viewings of Novakid individuals due to the structural collapse of their plasma anatomy. Interment of brands are still accepted by staff for burial and/or viewing. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause at this point and time.
    For consultation and appointments for future viewings/funeral services, please contact Cordelia Winters <StarNetID::Enclosed>.

    Notary Arrangement & Services
    Please note that Elysium staff maintains the right to review/restrict certain illegal and/or hazardous materials stored in its security deposit vault. No explosive/toxic materials are permitted in the basic, silver, and gold notary services.

    General Posting: No fee required

    Basic Service: 500 pixels
    • Posting on StarNet Obituary
    • Basic security deposit unit: 3"x5"x24" titanium panel security box
    • Chemical and fire proofing
    • Will & executor services via on-site reading and/or CommLink
    Silver Service: 1500 pixels
    • Posting on StarNet Obituary
    • Silver security deposit unit: 3"x10"x24" frozenium panel security box
    • Chemical and fire proofing; non-conductive and radiation protected
    • Will & executor services via on-site reading and/or CommLink
    • Private holotape screening; 500 PB encrypted database storage unit
    Gold Service: 4500 pixels <Limited>
    • Posting on StarNet Obituary
    • Gold security deposit unit: 5"x10"24 rubinium panel security box
    • Chemical and fire proofing; non-conductive and radiation protection
    • Heat/cold resistant fiber-optic tracking installation
    • EMP resistant seal protection
    • Will & executor services via on-site reading and/or CommLink
    • Private holotape screening; 500 ZB encrypted database storage unit
    • DNA-lock accessible only by next of kin or subscribed entry
    Platinum Service: 13500 pixels <Limited>
    • Posting on StarNet Obituary
    • Platinum security deposit unit; 10"x10"x24" impervium panel security box
    • Chemical and fire proofing; non-conductive and radiation protection
    • Heat/cold resistant fiber-optic tracking installation
    • EMP resistant seal protection
    • Will & executor services via on-site/off-site reading and/or CommLink
    • Private holotape screening; 500 BB encrypted database storage unit
    • DNA-lock accessible only by next of kin or subscribed entry
    • Off-world security storage placement via personal or staff arrangement
    • Ship-Access entry keys storage; self-destruct biometric lock secured by digital or audio codephrase
    • DNA cold-storage unit; genetic coding storage protection
    #1 Andromeda-SB, Jan 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2016
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