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The Mutant of ARTEK

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by JohnShadow, Jan 9, 2016.


Just wanna know who thinks this is a cool Idea lol

  1. Good Idea

  2. Bad Idea

    0 vote(s)
  3. Could be better, but nice concept

  1. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    The Story
    A distress beacon emerges from space, origin date unknown, but it must be sometime in the past half a year. It comes from a laboratory known as Artek.

    A man comes over the radio.

    *Heavy breathing, and a shaky voice* "This is Artek laboratories, we need immediate evacuation. A test subject has escaped, and it's coming after us. We've locked ourselves in the security room, but the door won't hold that thing for long. We need to get out of here now. . . *banging on the door can be heard* Please, hurry. We don't have an- *the banging ceases* Did it stop? Ya? That's odd, what is it doing? *Movement can be heard, sounding like it comes from an air-vent* It's in the ceiling, oh my go-

    The audio then cuts.

    OOC Info.
    How does it work? Ok, so, this event is about exploration. There is no linear path, the station is free to explore. Players will need to find the remaining survivor. However, at the same time, they will be uncovering the story of Artek's downfall, and also, be avoiding/killing the mutant that killed everyone else. The story part will mainly work with 'Story Items' which are basically notes, data-pads, and audio logs, that will have a piece of dialogue on them. The mutant and the player will be able to use cameras, and the players may be able to use some vents. Cameras are well, cameras. Air vents are crawl spaces, mainly for the mutant, but the explorers can use some of them as well. Both of these things will be able to be disabled, but their corresponding consoles must be found first.

    What time will it be? As of now, I don't know. It depends on what works best for all the players.

    Will I die? Well, that's up to you, but don't be stupid please, you can't say 'I'm gonna run towards this super strong mutant to kill him, but I don't have any consent to injury or death. If you are gonna attack the mutant, you should probably at least be consenting to major injury. That's my piece on it.

    What's in it for me and my character? Well firstly, adventure. But if you're looking for some physical rewards, expect maybe some damaged lab equipment, maybe a small bit of money, but really, it's a big lab full of blood, corpses, and the 'wrecked' set of objects. . .

    Soooooo, how do I join? Glad you asked fictional character! Here's a little thing to fill out

    : (why you here? Unless you're just helpful I guess. . .)
    And I guess that's basically it? Don't stress about the background one, I just wanna know some info about the characters joining, you don't have to write that much lol, just a sentence or two

    Anything else? Not really, I just wanted to finish the rainbow. . . I guess just, have fun most importantly, that's what this is all about.
    #1 JohnShadow, Jan 9, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2016
  2. Havel

    Havel New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
    Likes Received:
    (( I like the idea, sounds a lot like Alien. ))
    Name: Kalidasa
    Race: Avian
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Background: Kalidasa heard the message on the radio, and came seeking to salvage valuable equipment and technology pieces.
  3. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    (( Thanks, nice to see you're in! ))
  4. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Alright, so, it turns out we might be fusing @War_Weazel,'s event with this one, keeping the vent and camera stuff probaably, but they will have their ideas fused in a way. Sound cool?
  5. Parrthurnax

    Parrthurnax New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Name: Osiris
    Race: Avian
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Background: Osiris is a Avian combat medic wishing to help care for wounded
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Name: Reed
    Race: Human
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Background: Reed is a first responder who routinely answers distress calls and has dealt with similar events in the past.