This week has been interesting for all of us here on the springs. I'll start with the incident on Ragnarok. I was sitting on the springs when I heard a radio call asking for a doctor. So I hurried up, grabbed my gear, and arrived on Ragnarok as quick as I could. Some fellow had taken a couple hits from a small caliber weapon, nothing too terrible. Volare just happened to be there as well, so I thought I might have him help me. Oh Kluex, I think the poor guy was overwhelmed as I kept giving him instructions while I worked. I hopefully taught him how to stop bleeding with a couple specialized tools and how to tie a good bandage. Anyways, people kept standing in the doorway watching us work. Firebird was one of the few who actually entered the clinic. Together, Volare and Firebird decided to draw a nice weiner and write 'butt' on this guy's face in Avian. I can only imagine the rage this guy felt when he woke up. Probably blamed it on me. So then, Fire planted her butt on a bedside table. This caused an unnecessary amount of fuss from everyone except for Volare and I. For Kluex's sake, it's a table... I'm glad Oak didn't throw a fit over me getting blood on the sheets if he's that concerned over a tiny table. A little fighting broke out between a glitch and Fire. I can remember seeing Volare break his beak after he was hit by a tranq dart. Then everything went black for me. Next thing I know, Firebird has us on the springs and she's slapping the shit out of me. At least she had a reason... I did get Volare's beak to stop bleeding when I got up. Then, just a few days later out of the blue, Skye arrives. She makes a radio call asking for me (I left my codex in my room.) Ziggy answered and the two joked around about me for a minute before we headed over to Ragnarok to meet her. It's fantastic getting to see her again. She's still as beautiful as ever, if not more. Yesterday was probably the most stressful days I have had in along time. Ziggy and I responded to an SOS. It was Miss Nalcotl. Her ship crashed six or seven days ago according to her. She sustained multiple lacerations to the torso, bruises everywhere, a little dehydration, some starvation. Ziggy didn't like it, but I put her to sleep so I could remove the bits of glass from her abdomen and stitch up all those jagged cuts. As of last night she was running a small fever, so I went ahead and gave her some medicine after she woke up. She'll be fine, she just needs rest now. I'll be sure to give her the meds she needs everyday and monitor her health. Also, the Springs has a new resident. I never caught her name, or maybe I did but just don't remember. She was really sweet towards Nalcotl though. I think she and Skye will get along very well.
*This entry is a bit different. It's a video log. Karo sits alone at his desk. The poor bird has slightly bloodshot eyes and just looks tired. Birthday hangover!* "First off, I had no clue that three or four shots of.. whatever that was.. Was enough to get me drunk. I'm kinda disappointed with myself for getting drunk. That was extremely irresponsible. What if someone needed a medic? I was far too intoxicated to help. Luckily nothing happened last night." *He rubs his forehead* "Skye's taking off today. I'm really going to miss her while she's away.. She promised to come back as soon as she accumulated enough vacation days. Kh, I should really go get ready for my day... Until next time." *He salutes the camera sloppily before ending the recording.*
1/30/2416 *A picture of Skye marks this page in his journal* I've turned to a new page in my life. I asked Skye to marry me on one of our camping trips together. It was the perfect setting for the occasion. We stopped in a wonderful grassy clearing near a bubbling creek to set up camp. After a great fire cooked meal we laid under the stars, side by side, staring out into the cosmos and enjoying the sounds of nature. Above us were the arms of our galaxy, the Milky Way. They formed a band across the sky that was just as fascinating as it was beautiful. The only thing more beautiful than the Milky Way is Skye. I decided to pop the big question before either of us got too tired. She said yes! Also, I now work as a guard at Monolith Inc. Gives me something to do. I gotta say, it's not too bad. Though there's one person I don't care for. Kili? Kaili? The Thornkill guy. He looks at me like I'm scum and has treated me like so, so far. I'm not too concerned about him though. Most of my concerns are with Volare. He's been feeling down from what I can tell. Today he asked if I have any contraceptives and that was all he wanted. I thought if I told him one of my worries, he'd tell me his, but mince came out sounding very stupid. I guess it helps to tell the entire story. I wish Ziggy was still here... I miss him. It's funny how attached you can grow to someone in such a short timespan. To me, he was a brother. He was always there for me and he genuinely cared. Enough rambling for now. -K Veyron
Well, after having the fringe sectors fall to pieces so quickly, Skye and I headed back corewards to her parents. My little nephew was really happy to see us again. He's really grown up since I last saw him. There shouldn't be much time dilation so we're gonna be here for a while. Akhem still hasn't gotten back with me. Hope he does soon. I lost my family on Avos. I'd be destroyed if I lost what little I have back there. Hope Springs is gone. I must've sat in the ashes for days. I'll rebuild when I get back I guess. Until next time, Karo Veyron. *Signed in fine handwriting*