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Character Trivia

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Node, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I disagree, grounded filth.
  2. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Panzer I created after reading the song of Ice and Fire series. Brienne of Tarth from the series was the inspiration as she was very physically imposing though emotionally delicate. Panzer owned a fairly successful Foundry on server with a handful of player characters for a little while.

    Herx-Amman was a jokey character I made originally as a typical though somewhat prissy avian and evolved into a homeless alcoholic wretch. I tried to keep his outward appearance darkly comedic while allowing only those who got to know him in on the more severe and tragic side of his situation. Herx was also a sort of artist/poet though he did not profit from it. He only did it for his personal enjoyment.

    Other - My Priestess [ART & POEM] | Starbound Roleplay
    Other - The Wind [POETRY] | Starbound Roleplay
    *Positive Thoughts* with Herx-Amman | Starbound Roleplay

    Edit: Oh I forgot to mention. They're both dead now. Panzer by suicide, Herx by police brutality/negligence.
    #22 Ricardo, Oct 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2015
  3. Epitaxis

    Epitaxis Bathmophobic

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Stanza "Wingless" Talonrend
    -My first character on the server, he started as a retired tomb keeper whom had become grounded.
    -90% of his time on Avalon he was recovering from a concussion(s) which started to affect his thinking.
    -Reintroduced to the faith by Hawke whom was his best friend. (Hawke is a horrible friend)
    -Originally supposed to die helping evacuate Unity from an attack. But didn't, I could make it to the event.
    -Had a problem where if anybody hooted or said something that sounded close to a hoot he'd have to hoot.
  4. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Kaz the biologist was first character on the server you ding dong
  5. Epitaxis

    Epitaxis Bathmophobic

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Woops.. That is a typo. Fixed now. <.< >.>
  6. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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  7. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Let's bring this thread back.

    Zbird went through a brief 'Entertainer/Dancer' phase. His favorite show music was the old human classics 'Rattlesnake Shake' and 'Kickstart My Heart' on Motley Crue's 'Doctor Feelgood' album.
  8. TheExoHunter

    TheExoHunter The Prettiest Princess

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Sol, the blue Novakid was not the character I had been first meaning to use on this server. My first real OC was a Nova named Dovakid. I was just too shy to say anything as him. *Shrug*
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Chitlipotonqui finds all life beautiful in its own way. Except Florans. Florans are always the exception.
    Chitlipotonqui is my only straight character right now (on Antares, as Djedptahaufankh and his father Prehirwonnef haven't been shipped over yet).
    He's supposed to look evil and sinister as fuck, as well as his deterring occupation. Somehow people keep flocking to him though.
    I based his burial ceremonies (Qustulian) off of Egyptian ones and lore from inspections.
  10. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Sarah enjoys electronic music, like, a lot. And while she may seem like an intense extrovert, she does enjoy just sitting around silently, maybe reading a book, or just doing nothing all together.
  11. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Oakie- Named after Oklahoma; A state translated by Native Americans as "Land of the Red Man".Ironically, Oakie is black, and most people who live in Oklahoma are white.
  12. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Prehirwonnef is pink and short. However, going against the stereotype, he's a volitable, bigoted, straight bastard. Also a deadbeat dad of three. Djedptauhaufankh, Ahura, and one that he doesn't even know exists yet.
  13. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Wingwing started as a joke, when the random name generator gave me 'wingwing' as a name

    I later made him into a big lumbering buff dude on the server with attitude and 'a particular set of skills'

    In actuality he is a lumbering clumsy buffoon and a huge poser who follows trends and wants people to think he is cool, who is very bad at being a criminal

    His favorite brand of wartwine is feather friends, a shitty human made wine marketed towards avians, with a bottle covered in offensive stereotypes of birds.

    Wingwing thinks it is the only good thing humans have ever made.
  14. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Doc has a knack for spotting romance, and has had moments of "matchmaker" throughout his time in Antares. Call him "the love doctor" I suppose, because it's funny.
  15. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
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    Becky Ratskin is a steam-powered Glitch of undetermined age who wears a giant rat pelt and tends to creep people out. She's a sort of tribal assassin/huntress but nobody cares so she just tends to force her own self-centered and assholeish opinions in where they're not asked for because I find it easy to play an asshole, though I don't connect with her. An edgelord in all respects.

    Mr Sunwings is a bastard-born, kind-hearted gay birb who likes the flute and likes to cook a lot. He used to be a slave on Avos before being forcibly set free by his mother so he could live a better life. He carries a shoddy spear that will probably break first use and he is overall warm-hearted and friendly. He dreams of seeing the world and forming a band thanks to Ayaka. And his first name is Katha but he never tells nobody

    Batiru Colorstabber reflects my own artistic tendencies (though I make sure his skills are more at Eyes' level). He's a young, innocent Floran with girly foliage who likes to meet new people, make friends and wants to feel accepted overall. He fails. He has serious acid damage down half of his face from when he tried to eat an acid grenade which he tends to scratch when idle, and he wears a tree like a dumbass. He is mute because of said acid damage damaging his windpipe and mouth, so he uses a special keyboard TTS device which he looted from a dead guy. He has no clue how society works, in fact he didn't even know what pixels are when he started. How did my jokiest character become the one I can write the most about? Fuck
  16. Ripley

    Ripley New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    RockShroom was my first character and is somehow still alive today. "She's" a psychopathic Floran who has questionable ethnics to even other florans at times and seems almost civil the next. Loves anything with a edge but has fondness for swords and making them. She use to wear a normal floran woven leaf shirt but then she got a her armor and orange scarf shirt from her first love. She is very diverted from commitment as her first lover, who was human, went completely insane from mind and head trauma then started over, almost forgeting her and gaining a complete racist hate for florans. At one point she was convinced by said human lover to join the USCM,(whatever branch, i forget) she received weapon training and was going for marksmen before getting kicked out after being betrayed and ratted out by her lover about her psychotic tendencies. Then her second lover, who was floran this time, just vanished and presumed dead in old Antares. Overall, shes a trained unusually psychotic floran with commitment issues, that has a knack for swords, tech, and metal.

    Riopreoixde was the second true character i created at the very beginning of the nova-kid update. I first thought for him a law man persona but then it evolved more into a person who would get things done, rules be damned, kind of guy, as long as it was right in the end. I don't take him out of his wandering train much though so can't say too much on him\

    Void: Nope.
  17. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    So basically just average antarans, then?
  18. Ripley

    Ripley New Member

    May 30, 2014
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    Pretttty much.
  19. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    -Servebot is my second oldest character and my oldest character still in 'The Antares Crowd'
    -I got inspiration after finishing Portal 2's main campagin
    -Servebot's personality actually a hybrid between Wheatly, glaDOS, and a Dalek
    -Servebot has been in nearly every important event since he was created from the USAF to the New Chicago riots to when those plant people hijacked that one settlement nobody remembers to Gum, really just name it, Servebot's influenced it.
    -I originally made Servebot to act as a cleaning Droid before I realized how boring that was and repurposed him to be general use robot
    -Servebot was originally sent to Antares in a time capsule with a counterfeit Mona Lisa which Servebot accidentily set on fire
    -His iconic line 'I am Servebot, how may I assist." Actually came from one of the ICIA grunts asking who he was and what the hell he was doing there. I improvised and it stuck.
    -Servebot's killed just under a dozen PCs in-game

    Oh, and for those wondering, Krug isn't dead he's taking an internship at a beauty salon​