A young woman with red hair, a big bright smile, and a beautiful purple dress comes on-screen. "Hello! I, Winifred Burnside, decided to start up a small business to get some pixels, as well as give people that want clothing, clothing! If you want to order something, just contact the information below" The video ends, however, it has a restart button on-screen in-case you decide to re-watch it. Below this video, is her contact information. The website looks quite new, and looks like it will be expanded on in the future. ((If you plan on ordering, PM me))
I am hiring people to build a shop for me! Contact me for more info. Also, I will be requiring a shipment of supplies soon, and since moving to this sector I have not set up annual shipments, so if any companies that want to set up annual shipments with me, please contact me on starnet. -Winifred
((don't mean to be a big shitter but wouldn't that just be you or some other people selling stock clothing from ilc to people that already have dedicated armor/clothes that they recolored themselves))
((this is IC, I dont even use ILC anymore, I use Kaz's mod, and I wouldn't even be giving any items at all OOC, because there are no good vanilla casual clothing items out there, and I don't even know any of the item creating engine thingies, let alone know how to use one, but if I did learn how to use one, I for sure would be making customized items for the orders.))
((seems to be you can't even make custom clothing "Weapons are made up of drawables, a series of .png files attached to one another. With the entry of the sign generator, new .png files can be made and combined together to form a drawable. Clothing is different because they aren't made up of drawables and are actuall game assets. To change clothing to something else would mean overwriting the game assets. Overwriting the game assets causes the server to crash because the server follow vanilla assets."- Smokestack))