I find it frustrating, and aggravating to attempt to get support from the staff. I like to think of myself as a creative guy. I try to do fun stuff for the server. But almost every single time I have wanted to do something for the server, I run into the same stop, every single time. And that stop is gathering mod and admin support. The story goes a little something like this. I have an idea! Tell friends and other players. Gather interest. People get excited. WAIT! I should talk to the admins because I want to do X. PM ADMINS GET ONE RESPONSE GET FORGOTTEN ABOUT I'm sure you guys speak privately, but hot damn. Every single time I try to put something together, I hear nothing back, get little feedback, and ultimately just get left in the dust. I understand, you guys have a lot to do. So here's my current strategy. I'm going to be vocal. Squeeky wheel gets the oil. I've been here a year and eight months. This has been an issue I've encountered with nearly every body of staff. Maybe I'm internally despised. Maybe my ideas are legitimately bad. Maybe, you guys are just busy. But the conversation is completely one sided, so I'll never know.
I have had this happen to me before. It was a while back, but it seems that it's still a problem. Hopefully the admins notice your post, Node.
We can get backed up with different reports/requests and such along with our personal lives. We also sometimes are not sure what to make of certain issues we got to take care of. We also just get distracted by issues that come up. Basically, we are woefully human. Edit: You have reminded us when you felt we had forgotten and that is appreciated. More of that should that happen in the future plz.