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Morgan's Rustbox PC.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Cannibal_Kon, May 28, 2015.

  1. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *This computer is /REALLY/ old and, if you somehow know how to hack such ancient technology, is possible to get into. If you get the password from Morgan or guess it, you can read this too, I guess.*

    [Boot successful!]
    [User: GuNG4L]
    [Password: *****]

    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Created]

    Morgan Persephone Crowsen
    Stardate: 4/23/2415
    Pixel Balance: 4736

    Okay, it has been a week since I found this dumb junkbox out on some desert planet. It looks like it is from the 1900s or something. Jesus, this thing is ancient. I was scouring for some supplies on a desert planet, stupid right? Well, there I was, searching the sandy hell of nowhere and this thing is just in a bunch of rubble. There were like seventeen skeletons scattered around it, so there must have been some importance to it. After clearing the dust and sandy rubble from it, I was surprised to see how intact this thing was. Luckily, my ship wasn't terribly far off, so I loaded this rusty piece of crap onto it and went searching around for someone who knew anything about this hulk of a computer.

    I eventually ran into some dude who went by the name "Crusty Eye Joe" and he told me all this random information about the early 2000s and stuff. He told me this was made by some company, "Macroshaft" or something. I can't remember the details too well, he was talking way too fast. Hell, I can't even remember why he said his name was Crusty Eye Joe. God, I keep getting off topic, anyway he was telling me all this stuff and tinkering with the damn box the entire time. After almost two hours, he hits the damn thing on the top of the case and it just starts purring like one of those damn cats from the StarNet Ads. I was so damned surprised I had him shut it off so I knew it wouldn't die.

    I left Crusty Eye Joe about another hour after that, having him explain the ins and outs of this damn machine and then, like, three more times. He gave me a lot of stuff that'd help keep this old thing running. I have it all stored in some crates at the bottom of the ship. Now, you're probably wondering, "Morgan, why the hell would you use a piece of shit like this when you have a PDA that operates almost 2000 times faster and your ship has its own audio and video logs?" Well, you see, I don't give a shit about any of that, this is literally a novelty that not many people get. This thing was important to the people who died on that planet and I want to know why.

    Okay, I should probably get on to what else I have done lately. It has been almost 2 months since I ditched home and started heading for the Antares Frontier. I heard legends of that place, a damn Floran that stands 12 feet tall and eats cows that were bred from Earth cows? That is obviously a super bullshit myth, but hell if I wasn't going to see what life is like out there. I'm still quite a bit of the ways away from even getting close to Antares, I heard there was a group of marines out there, USAF or USCM or something. I'm interested in seeing if they're anything like back home.

    Shit, what else? Ah, I was able to adjust the fuel tanks and the engine to consume less fuel and output more energy than before. It took a while, and I'm surprised it worked. I didn't know how trust worthy "Puny Pete" would be. I'm glad I left that station though, fucking, Crusty Eye Joe and Puny Pete? I felt like I was in a sleazy version of one of those Apex drama shows. After all that, I'm currently chilling on my ship, I'm going FTL and have been for the past hour. It's a wonder that I haven't died of boredom. This computer is the first thing I've had to do in weeks.

    Okay, for now, that's all I've got. I'll probably try to write more when I get to Antares... blast! Where am I going to store this computer? Ah... fuck it, anyway I'm going to figure out how to shut this thing off now. I should probably record some more information but it isn't coming to mi-

    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]
    #1 Cannibal_Kon, May 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2015
  2. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Boot successful!]
    [User: GuNG4L]
    [Password: *****]
    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Opened]

    Morgan Persephone Crowsen
    Stardate: 4/30/2415
    Pixel Balance: 4009

    So it's been like... a week? Oh this thing keeps track of the date too, that's cool. I can use that so that I don't have to remember the damn date every time I want to write something. This thing is apparently more useful that previously thought. I did some calling around and this dude, Linked Feather was his name, told me he knew some stuff about old Human technology. I was pretty surprised, I mean an Avian that had an interest in ancient computers? I know, it's crazy! Anyway, I'm gonna call him LF for short, he told me about how there were games on these things, like minebrush and Mahshong or something. These were apparently sacred games to the people back then. I don't see why, they're really simple and LF's AI could solve them in mere seconds. The humans of the early 2000s must have been pretty dumb. So LF was telling me about all this stuff and he told me that there's a command prompt that you can pull up that overrides like everything on the computer. He said that's where people could access even the most hidden data on the computer. I was pretty sure he was bullshitting me, and I really didn't buy it. After a few seconds he completely wrecked the computer and the monitor went bright blue with white letters. I swore he broke it, but in the next few seconds he did something and it rebooted, good as new.

    LF was also really interested in the monitor itself. He said it would be worth like half a million pixels or something, but who knows? You can only trust a stranger for so long. After that crackpot told me that, I knew I had to get away from his crazy ass. A few minutes later, I was on my ship and halfway out of the solar system. That was the gist of my adventure with Linked Feather, but that's not all that happened and that's not all I have to talk about. There was also this Apex I met up with, he was like a three day ride to meet up with. His name was Kranky and it was easy to tell why. He was really tired when I saw him. Kranky was big on anything that predated the existence of most living beings. He spouted off tales about a planet full of treasure and a moon shaped city. He even mentioned a giant tentacle monster... cahpoolew or something. He realized who he was talking to mere moments after this and promptly apologized immensely.

    It sucked, seeing my dad die. Have you ever witnessed something you never thought about, like nothing like it had crossed your mind and until that point, you hadn't even imagined it existing? That's how it was with my dad. He was a dick, yeah I'll say that for sure, but he was my father. He was always proud of his planet, he didn't care that there were other species, he was just proud to be a part of planet Earth. That's what got him in the end, the tentacle comet came down when I was barely leaving childhood. A little twelve year old watching their father being grabbed by a slimy tentacle and never appear again? It was devastating. I never really saw him, he was always always preparing regimes and things for the military or something. I wish I had spent more time with him, he was my dad after all. Gah, enough of the sob story for now, I gotta explain Kranky.

    Kranky was that Apex you expected, always experimenting and always sciencey and shit. He didn't have a lazy bone in his body. That'd probably explain why he had a cybernetic leg made from scrap parts of old ships. He droned on and on about human civilization and how fast they developed and blah blah blah. I was tired of it after the first four minutes, but he went on for like seven hours. It was worth it in the end, because he was willing to pass off his research notes on the history behind his machine, you can see that it took a chunk out of my Pixels, but it was worth it. I'm figuring out how to crack into why this junker was so important.

    That's the most of what happened this week, I'm gonna make the exit paragraph short, that way I don't accidentally close the document befo
    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]
  3. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Boot corrupted!]
    [Attempting to salvage corrupt data]

    [Salvage successful]
    [Autologin Initiated]
    [User: Bst3m21]
    [Password: ************]

    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Research Notes" Opened]

    It has been a while since I recorded notes on this thing. Kieffer says it's a good idea to boot this thing up every once in a while to make sure it's still working. That being said, I decided to detail some information in this thing so I don't forget.

    That side note aside, I've begun research on the MK III Opal Oasis Prototype. This is the very system I am writing on. It has all the capacities of a computer of old, but added enhancements that are only noticeable with a key code. I am not writing it here due to the constant change of code to keep this from being abused. MK III OOP, as I like to call it, is a very simple concept.

    At this point, Kieffer asked me to double check all the research and backup our existing files. Of course, when it comes to Kieffer, what he meant was quintuple check along with encrypting every file individually and cross reference all of the data with other members of the team. I did not do this to save time and that is probably why this was only 5 pages compared to the normal 17 page note file. Managing to save space is my specialty. In the next file I will likely go into detail about the reasons and decisions behind disguising the MK III OOP as an ancient computer with pre-dated tech and inefficient OS. Until then, this is Dr. Keiner signing off.

    [File: "Research Notes" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Logging off]

    [Account: Encrypted]
    [Power down!]
    #3 Cannibal_Kon, Jun 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
  4. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Boot successful!]
    [User: GuNG4L]
    [Password: *****]

    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Opened]

    Morgan Persephone Crowsen
    Stardate: 5/08/2415

    Status: Stressed
    Pixel Balance: 3045

    It has been a while since I used this thing and there's a good reason behind it. Some weird document was up on this thing when I went to boot it up last time. That was over a week ago. The document said some weird stuff, like MKIII OOP? What is that? Anyway, it almost broke the damn computer. I thought for sure that I had lost it. The system powered down after it closed the document and I couldn't get it to boot back up for a week or so. I tried it a few days ago and it worked, so that's something off my back, but that's not the biggest problem I've had since my last entry. I'll worry about this weird document later, for now, I'm going to tell you about what has happened lately.

    The day after I wrote my last entry, I met a dude named Kieger Varensour. He told me to call him Triple K. I didn't question it at the time due to this guy having some weird cyber enhancements. He had something glowing in his chest and told me that if he took it out, he'd die instantly. I thought that was pretty cool. The reason I met with the dude was because he had a job offer. I wasn't terribly sure of the legitimacy of his work, but I needed money at the time. I know you're probably wondering, "Morgan you already had like 4k pix, why would you need money?" Well, the problem was, my FTL drive died and I needed to get a better one. Those things aren't cheap, I was told the one I wanted was about 10k pix and I came to Triple K due to him offering a 9k payment if I helped him out.

    Turns out that ol' Triple K was in the head hunting business. I'm not entirely knowledgeable when it comes to this field of work, but it's basically we went in and had to kill some guy. He was the CEO of some company or something. I never really asked for the name, I was just supposed to watch Triple K's back and that's what I did. We went in and we got out. Simple and easy. I don't think there was a single problem the entire time we were there. The problems only arose when we made it back to the meeting place. Triple K was trying to jib me of my money. I was fucking pissed. He told me that I "wasn't needed" and that I "didn't help at all." I almost punched him in the dick at that comment. I watched his back and did what he needed. After a very heated argument at his place, he attempted to get in my pants. Apparently this turned him on and I was disgusted. Literally mere minutes later, I was on my ship and halfway across the sector with 12k pix in hand, all of his music files from the past 8 years, and a weasel.

    Now, I'm going to stop at this point and say this took about two days. That was two days and in all that time, I was able to get a shit ton of music, pix and I also obtained a weasel and pissed off a notorious head hunter. The weasel is a baby and I've been taking care of it since I stole it from Triple K. I named him Bernard, because I read in a holo-book somewhere that it was the name of a Saint or something. He eats strictly potato squares and loves to play with this little red ball I have. Bernard is growing pretty quickly, so I'm unsure if he's a regular weasel or not. I've heard stories of genetically enhanced animals being used as tracking animals. I'll make sure Bernard is nothing like that if so.

    Ah, I got off topic again. I was talking about what has happened. So at this point, I'm running from a pissed off head hunter and I've still got the better part of a month left until I'm able to get to Antares. What do I do? I heard word of a mechanic who was hiring. I changed my name to Lilith Bellwater and hid there for a few days. I had to leave my ship orbiting a random dead moon for the entire time as well. I was able to learn a lot about fixing up ships and was even able to pay the mechanic, I named him Greasy Clide, to replace my FTL drive. It took an entire week to get the heat from Triple K to cool down and I spent a lot of time hidden on the space station where Greasy Clide lived. After that week I made it back to my ship and that's where I am now. Bernard is currently sleeping in my lap and I'm preparing for the trip to Antares. The USAF better be worth all this trouble.

    I'll close with a cute little message from me to me: Keep fighting dude, you'll make it in the end. I believe in you and that's all you need. Fucking love you dude.

    [File: "Morgan's Journal" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]
  5. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *Due to the new hands, this now requires a new password from Lilith, because Morgan's password was never found by anyone.*

    [Boot Successful!]
    [New User? Y/N]
    [Input Username: ]
    [Input Password: ]
    [Account Registered]
    [Login Successful!]

    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Diary of Woe" Created]

    Stardate: 9/20/2415

    Dear Diary,

    You may have noticed that I am now writing to you from a completely different source. Why is that? Because I found this cool computer box thing! It was just sitting there on this piece of space debris! Now that I think about it... it kind of looked like a ship. Oh well! There were more holes in it than in the plot to Sparbon and the Incredible Monster. That movie was just horrible. The acting looked like something out of a 2014 horror movie.

    So I should get back on track. My name is Lilith. I generally go by Lilly, mainly because that way people don't think I'm super dark inside. I mean, I am, but they don't need to know that. My last name is Harmen, but nobody ever seems to care about that part. Probably because my parents were super rich, but not the rich that was due to fame, but the rich that happens due to living in a wealthy family that had a well known company, but not a well known name. Ah, but anyway, backstory sucks, I moved away due to complications of an illegal kind. I did some bad stuff, I spent some time in some bad places, and whatnot. Anyway, now I'm in Antares after about 13 years and I'm figuring out my place in the universe.

    I don't exactly know where all the cool places here are, and I've heard there's some kind of bad thing that happened or something. Some weird shit is all I know. I just wanted to find out about this place, and maybe tinker with this box a little more. Believe it or not, I know a thing or two about these old things. Came with the life, you know? Anyway I am going to log off for now, I don't have TOO much to say, but I wanted to at least establish a document on here.

    [File: "Diary of Woe" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]
  6. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Boot successful!]
    [User: H4rgr4v3nH3ll]
    [Password: **********]
    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Diary of Woe" Opened]

    Stardate: 9/27/2415

    Dear Diary,

    Okay, this week was awesome. I am like, so good at this whole business thing. I was able to get Pegasus Trading Enterprises up and running. I was able to make a deal with Fort Brakken and I'm going to get shipments of minerals in exchange for my continued support of their well being. Alongside this, I'm working on a deal with Triton Enterprises that could help me expand even further. I'm mapping out an idea for ship manufacturing, it'll be difficult, but I may be able to repair old ships and link them to the asteroid field around my delivery shuttle.

    Obviously, I don't know how well this'll work, but the added benefit of extra shuttles will help. I remember passing a ship on my way to Antares that looked wonderful. I may be able to replicate a similar version of the ship. I'm obviously not going to sell these, due to them not being of my own imagination and planning, but having back ups could help. It'll take a while though, so who knows.

    Aside from that, Fort Brakken feels like a sound investment, they offered me a place to stay with free food and supplies, but I had to decline, I have big plans in motion. I do plan on helping them out though, it's the least I can do after what happened when I left my home. My father probably still hates me because of it. I mean, I understand why, but that doesn't make it right. Being a mechanic was what I wanted, hopefully I can mix this into my current business. I hope so..

    [File: "Diary of Woe" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]
    #6 Cannibal_Kon, Sep 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2015
  7. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Boot successful!]
    [User: H4rgr4v3nH3ll]
    [Password: **********]
    [Accessing Documents]
    [File: "Diary of Woe" Opened]

    Stardate: 10/3/2415

    Dear Diary,

    So like, fucking SCORE. Do you understand how awesome I am? Like, fuck dude, I just scored a partnership with a budding mining colony and a galactic enterprise. I'm so glad I grew up learning the ins and outs of business. I'm making deals left and right, it's a good thing I'm a mechanic too, like damn. If anyone knew my business was manned by one person with an army of automated robot workers, they'd probably think less of me, but hey, nobody can fucking read this so SPOILERS I'M FUCKING AWESOME.

    Damn, I need to calm down a bit, yeah yeah I know, I'm typing this but I'm stiLL FUCKING HYPED. I'm so proud of myself, my family thought I'd never make it this far, but this fucking shows them. The fucking lot of pricks. Anyway, aside from that, I've been working on expanding my place of business, that way I can accommodate bigger requests and keep up with my ever-rising quota. So I'm expecting my area to expand, and hell, I might even be able to host a small shopping area for different wares, I could easily hire people or just make more robots or something.

    Aside from the business aspect of my life, I haven't actually had much luck making friends. There's this gray Avian I keep seeing, he seems like a nice guy, I might talk to him. I did meet a few people, but they seemed like immature kids acting as adults, who knows? Anyway, I'll try to find some more coordinates to social areas and broaden my horizon (and my network). So, uh, ta-ta for now, lots of love and whatever the hell else you say to end these. I FUCKING ROCK.

    [File: "Diary of Woe" Closed]
    [Exiting Documents]
    [Power down!]