Welcome to Orwell! Consider us a bastion of civilization in the untamed frontier. If you work hard, or have an entrepreneurial spirit, you're sure to fit right in. While we may be small, expansion is always our goal. Current amenities include: Running Water! Electricity! Breathable Atmosphere! Currently, there are four open apartments available. Apartment furnishings must be provided, excluding sinks, Bath/Shower, and toilets. Utility costs are covered in the rent contract. Conveniently located next door is the Razorback Security office, and of course, The Rooftop, a quaint eatery (With liquor license). Note: If seeking factory work, contact August Hardreig with Erebus Industries. For security work, contact Razorback Security Solutions Building permits, residential permits, etc. Contact Governor Cara Knox.
((I'm sorry for OOC'ing like a dork, but I don't really have a character to voice my concerns though. But um. Don't you think that having an outdoor eating area... Literally downwind from some exhaust pipes might be a bit of a bad idea? Like maybe make those a bit higher or something I dunno?))
Attempting Secure connection from S.A.I.L....... Connected Stonefungi@starnet.com Loging in.... Hope this does not end up with Mills laws and opinion. Floran is tired of peoples yelling about floran stabby people all the time. Obvious non-civil florans are most obvious. Stonefungi@starnet.com Loging off.... Connection Terminated.
Contact the governor, it should be noted that businesses who enter into the Sovereign Trade Union are granted certain liberties within Orwell, as I understand it. August Hardreig Erebus Industries ((PM Ricardo, to contact the "governor"))
You do know why the law was made, yeah? Too many non-civil Florans tearing the shit out of the place. Then, after the law was passed, there was no Floran attacks on the people afterwards. - quackattack19
As I understand it Orwell has no such laws, although Governor Knox can surely answer better than I. There is an indigenous population, but they are slowly being introduced to modernity. Most work in the quarry, or as brick makers. We promote their cultural heritage, and do not interfere, allowing them to live as they always have. In Adobe huts, with cook fires and the like. August Hardreig, Erebus Industries
No. All bricks are paid, or traded for. The indigenous folk, or mud hut dwelling folk are not exclusively floran? August Hardreig Erebus Industries
Slavery is an outdated practice that only floran tribes still make use of. Much like piracy and banditry
I need please talk to Cara Knox over matter. Cans you have her PM me over starnet, or perhaps face to face at Orwell. -Chief Metalwood