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Getting started

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CadeEsh, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. CadeEsh

    CadeEsh New Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I just got started on the server and had a few questions.
    This is a new character with no items or ship upgrades, can I use the starter world to collect resources?
    Can I build and destroy terrain on the starting world?
    I want to join a community, my character is neutral good and a farmer, let me know if you'll hire me :)
    If you do hire me i'll probably end up asking you some questions, so if you don't like questions then you might not want to hire me... or any new player.

    Thanks :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441589305][/DOUBLEPOST]One day he was out, and his farm was attacked by bandits. He saw them take his family in to their ship, he hasn't heard anything about them since then. He still thinks they're out there somewhere but in reality, they are long gone. He now farms for himself, but recently he has been thinking of producing crops for people besides himself, he doesn't want to be in his little corner of space alone any longer...

    This character will be neutral good. He is fit, his knowledge when it comes to weaponry is limited but when it comes to farming he knows what's what. Building is something he can also do, small wooden structures are easy for him. Hiding is another thing he's good at, as a kid he could find a way to hide anywhere during games.

    also here is my character's background. Hopefully it's a valid background =P
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I'd recommend you download mods for Starbound to spawn all of the resources and ship upgrades you want. In terms of RP, you only 'have' what you have in character, no matter what's in your 'inventory.' Generally you want to do all of your resource gathering and questing in singleplayer, if at all. Worlds on the Antares server are typically no-dig zones. So don't go tearing stuff up without permission from the world/colony owner.

    Here are a couple useful mods to help get you started.

    Antares Crafting Mod | Official Chucklefish Forums!

    SBSE - Easy Player and Armor Coloring Without Mods (0.10.0 RELEASED - Pleased Giraffe supported) | Starbound Roleplay

    Starcheat 0.26 is out | Starbound Roleplay

    Both Starcheat and SBSE are external applications that can be used to edit equipment in your inventory to have custom properties and colors. Want to have a prop that looks like a crate of farm goods for your character to carry around? draw it in an art program and import it via Starcheat! Have a bunch of cool mismatched armor that isn't colored the same? Use SBSE to change the colors! Go nuts. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of us lingering around on the forums.
  3. CadeEsh

    CadeEsh New Member

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I'll look at these. I am not a huge fan of downloading things and I'm not good at it either, but I'll try to get these working. I'm not good at art either, but maybe farm goods won't be too hard. I don't like single player very much because the first boss is too hard for me :3

    Thanks for the help! Maybe I'll see your not evil character around :) (some evil people like to burn down farms)