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Post something funny, then not funny about your character(s)!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Doctor Frohman, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. MrGodZilla

    MrGodZilla Not A Shitposter

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Funny: Bright, cute, and enjoys a good conversation.
    Not Funny: Usually enjoys writing down the exploits of people for possible future use.

    Funny: Friendly enough for a floran, is technologically advanced.
    Not Funny: Is Mentally Retarded, Mechanics and Technology is her only specialty.

    Funny: Can actually take a goddamn joke.
    Not Funny: Used to run a illegal drug, slave, and weapons smuggling cartel.

  2. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Link Thorncrown
    Funny! Despite being surprisingly intelligent, he has very little knowledge and experiences. Will ask questions at the worst possible times (see - in the middle of a swordfight)
    Not Funny. Was created from Floran DNA by Apex rebels for the purpose of removing savagery from the Floran psyche. Has no idea just how bloodthirsty real Florans are.

    Keiko Yurinaka
    Funny! Has a knack for running into awkward situations.
    Not funny. Has lost several business opportunities due to betrayal by someone she thought was a friend. Has severe trust issues as a result.
  3. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    ((*Revives thread*))

    Funneh - Silly Avian she is, often being cheerfull and whatnot, always bringing the joy everytime she can.
    Not-So-Funneh - Married, Husband dissapeared, tragic love story indeed, that got her into a cycle of depression that can be triggered with a simple question.
    (Dat rhyme doe.)
    Funneh - Yet another silly little Avian. Childish, but in the good way! Often gets in funny, awkward situations too!
    NsF - Hatched, and raised as a slave, the thousand and three things she's been forced to do simply permanently scarred the little birdy for life.

    Funneh - This Floran believes she can do magic, even though it's all sheer fake props and effects! This tends to get 'er in interesting situations!
    NsF - As a Floran, and as a Hunter, she uses this 'magic' to cause horrible explosions, resulting in severe pain for those around her, and herself.

    Funneh - As a novakid, she tends to forget things, and running New Vegas, this is quite the funny thing when she forgets that she co-Owns the place!
    NsF - This also brings troubles -Like when she forgot to order new Air filters, and a strange Bacteria wiped Vegas. Twice.

    Funneh - This Birdy'll always act tough, but in the end, he's soft like bread in the heart.
    NsF - A hundred-year-olf Bread, cooked in the oven of the Stargazers, and with a pretty closed mentality.
    #43 Alyxx, Aug 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2015