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Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ace1560, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    -Signed in as SerricPSmith024-
    <:: Securing com channel, Please wait...::>
    <:: Please wait...::>
    <:: Secured, Initializing video feed. ::>
    *Serric's face would be seen, a bandage around his head, covering his left eye, his face slim, as if he hadn't eaten enough for a few days, the camera is placed on a table and he limps his way across the room until his whole body is visible, he would have his USCM Casuals on and has a Bandage around his left leg, he waves*
    "Uh, Hey guys, I know I said I would have to write but you know me, I cannot write a good letter, it would just be a jumble of run on sentences." *he would shift weight onto his right leg* "I cannot lie, I miss it there on Veridan, I envy you guys so much and I sincerely thank you for believing me even after all that time. I have some good news and bad news, good news I joined up with the USAF out here, I am the newest Marine and they took off that armor! But... well I was guarding the prison cause Corporal Solour assigned me to do so cause he wanted to go sleep in his comfy bed, I was attacked by a floran, yeah, I know, it is so weird, I've never really had to deal with a floran but they are fast and strong, I held my own against them quite well considering the circumstances of my sleepless night and well..." *he would lightly pat the bandages* "I got my armor's visor kicked in early in the fight sending a shard of it into my eye so, I fought with only one eye. I hope you have all kept your promises, I haven't heard from you since I left the penal colony. Vince, I hope you aren't still a private by the time you get this, that would just be sad." *he would Lean his back ever so slightly against the wall* "Well, I have been through some shit, some things we would never go through as Military Police, I was in a ship crash and lived, there were like twenty survivors..." *he would look down at the ground, seemingly sad* "Only about fourteen made it out." *regaining composure, he would step away from the wall and looks into the camera again* "But I made it and hopefully made some good friends and definitely improved my standing in the USCM. I met one person in particular who I like, their name is Aurora. She crashed with us and lost her Guitar as well, which is a shame, I was thinking of using what little pixels I have left to buy her a new one. I mean, she is the bartender here as well and that job is almost as boring as guarding the prison so she might as well have something to do when she's idle. She seems very nice and I do hope I could talk to her more. But enough about me, Caffe I hope things worked out between you and your girlfriend since you two weren't on such good terms when I left and if you aren't then fix it! That is an order Private!" *Serric laughs a hearty laugh, a very genuine laugh.* "I miss you all so much, I know I am not your Sergeant anymore though, I do expect you to fix your relationship Caffe, a girl like that only comes around every once in a while." *he would look down to his boots again, now sounding sad and serious* "I suggest you don't let her go, it will haunt your memories for the rest of your life. I know what I saw haunts me, almost as much as what I did after." *Once again regaining his composer, he smiles looking at the camera and sounds cheery again* "I hope you are all doing great, send the Lieutenant my regards and please do message me back, I look forward to hearing from you all. Oh, and don't forget to tell me if a new Sergeant has been picked out yet, I know it is taking them forever to do this because in my opinion, you all deserve it. Now, I would salute you guys but hey! I am no longer apart of the Veridan PDF! Ha! Seriously though, I cannot stress this enough, it was an honor serving with, by, over, with all of you. Oh, and I am a recruit here in the USCM, hopefully soon to be private though! And I for once feel worthy of using my maiden last name though instead of my bastard last name, so, this is Serric Smith, Signing off." *Serric would limp back across the room, grabbing the camera and shuts it off*
    <:: Video: Off; Sending message.... Message sent. ::>
    -Signed out-
  2. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    -Signed in as SerricPSmith024-
    <:: Securing com channel, Please wait...::>
    <:: Please wait...::>
    <:: Secured, Initializing video feed. ::>
    *Serric's face would be seen he has an eyepatch on now instead of the bandages. he is rather pale and his face is very thin as he sets the camera down on a table and takes a few steps away, then turning to face the camera. He shifts around nervously and looks distraught. He stares at the ground for a few seconds, takes some long, deep breaths and then looks at the camera.* "Hey guys. Everything is going fine out here, sorry I haven't sent you a message in a long time. I have been very busy, you know climbing the ranks in the U.S.A.F. It has been great and I have made some good friends here. I am doing fine they fed me and gave me a place to stay." *his voice starts to break as he says this next part* "I just want you all to know... I will be alright." *he would look down again, silently sobbing, a few glints can be seen falling from his right eye. he would continue, half sobbing now* "I'm sorry! I lied! Everything has gone to shit! I wish I could go home to you guys! I really do now! But.... but.... I am running out of fuel." *He would go silent, looking at the ground, collecting himself then speaks again* "I.... I... I don't know what to do, I am nearly out of food on my ship, I have been rationing it to myself, I am in a bad way guys. a real bad way." *he would lean back against the wall and slowly sit down against it, resting his head in his hands, he would remain there for a few moments, then looks up* "I am going to die out here on the frontier. I am going to die. Do me a favor guys, if I do die out here...." *he would start to cry into his hands again* "Just send someone to get my body! I want to be buried on my home planet! That is all I want after this life." *he would stop crying then slowly stands up, looking at the camera* "I don't know what I feel anymore, rage, sadness, distress.... I just don't know..... *he would sigh, walking over to the camera* " Well, everything is going to shit. This is Serric Smith, signing off for possibly the last time." *the last thing that would be seen is his chest before the camera shuts off*
    <:: Video: Off; Sending message.... Message sent. ::>
    -Signed out-
    #2 Ace1560, Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2015
  3. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    -Signed in as SerricPSmith024-
    <:: Securing com channel, Please wait...::>
    <:: Please wait...::>
    <:: Secured, Initializing video feed. ::>
    *Serric would be seen, bandages wrapped around his chest, his left leg, his right arm, his left hand, he would be sitting in a chair across a small room, PDA in hand. He would set down the PDA and looks at the camera, still having an eyepatch over his left eye. He would sound tired and rather sad, his voice sounds distant, as if he wasn't entirely there.* "Hey guys.... Hope you're having fun. Wish I could be with you. I got your last message. It's nice to know you all still care about me. I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it back, at least not alive." *he would look down to his hands which are placed in his lap* "I was attacked in case you hadn't noticed. The man was vicious and brutal with his attacks, I barely stood a fighting chance against him. I did do quite a bit to him, though he won the fight with me retreating to my ship. I don't think that will be the last I'll see of him sadly. I have been practicing my aim with my pistol and my sub machine gun just because I am no longer able to fight in close quarters using my sword or spear or even hammer." *he would breath out a long, tired sigh* "I can't keep this up much longer. I wish I could just come home. I wish you could come get me. I wish for so much but none of it will happen. I suppose I should try to get some sleep now and soon go to a proper hospital. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Hopefully when things calm down we can talk of the mundane day to day dealings we both have. *he would look at the camera again, offering a sad smile, one that is obviously forced, as he picks up the PDA and pushes a button, the video cuts off.*<:: Video: Off; Sending message.... Message sent. ::>
    -Signed out-
  4. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    -Signed in as SerricPSmith024-
    <:: Securing com channel, Please wait...::>
    <:: Please wait...::>
    <:: Secured, Initializing video feed. ::>
    *A man is sitting across a small room from the camera, PDA in hand and his spear leaning against the chair. This man is Serric. He seems very beat up, he is not wearing a shirt instead it is a mass of bloody bandages. He is looking down, his hair is covering his face* "Hey guys." *his voice is shallow, pained, but somehow soft and gentle sounding* "I guess I am just not as good as I thought I was... I guess I may have never been good enough." *He would place the PDA to the side and looks up at the camera, moving his hair out of the way. He has multiple new scars across his face, one on the bridge of his nose, one over his right eye. He does not appear to be smiling but not frowning either. He lets out a deep sigh before continuing* "I don't know what to do. Everyone I have come to know I've lost contact with. To make matters worse, there is this one guy who is out to kill me, he wears armor dark as the night and attacks me from the shadows. Ha, sometimes I could swear he IS a shadow. The last encounter with him left me in this state, he has gotten a lot better since we last faced one another." *he would pause for a while, staring off into space before resuming* "I am certain I am alone out here now. I am also certain that I am going to die out here. It is sad to think there is nothing that I can do about it, well, perhaps other than speeding it up. No, no, no. I must not think those thoughts. Ha, listen to me ramble on about me. Anyways, it would be nice to hear from you guys before I die, I miss you all so dearly, you were all like my family. Well, I suppose I should go now, I have to tend to my wounds and weapons." *He would pick up the PDA and looks down at it for a second, a single sparkle is seen falling before he taps on something and the feed goes dark.*
    <:: Video: Off; Sending message.... Message sent. ::>
    -Signed out-