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Interstellar News Network: Florans Prepare for Violence

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Solanidae, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Floran trousers, not human or whatever the fuck.
    - "Unity"
  2. Solanidae

    Solanidae New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I am afraid due to the number of officials have leaked information from private reports, INN is unable to share the source of its information at this time except to heads of government.This is to protect the identity of INN undercover reporters.

    But do not fear! INN has a full staff of highly competent and skilled individuals, and we have eyes and ears everywhere. We will get the news to the public, and we do not fear the censorship of terrorist organizations or rampaging warbands.

    - Executive Producer Relstish Lisehs
    #42 Solanidae, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
  3. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Using the dead for parts is not in the least bit unethical, it's called organ donation and most governments in the core system use on opt-out system - meaning people upon death elect to donate any eligible organs unless they specifically specify otherwise. Where the proper facilities are present "dead body parts" are even grown for use in medicine - or in the case of Glitch, manufactured for repairs.

    Every species has a bloody history, but that's not the real issue at hand.

    The issue is that on top of regular racial tensions and mishaps salads also practice cannibalism (which no other species does on an even remotely wide scale), have an openly hostile world view, and are responsible for the destruction and desecration of many colony worlds for no reason other than to sate their bloodlust.

    Civilian casualties in war-like conflicts are a given, yet only when Florans are involved do you find such casualties to be intentional if not the purpose of the entire conflict as a whole.

    No other species goes specifically out of their way to senselessly slaughter civilian populations, there is simply no gain to be had. It is only the Florans who seem to believe that such practices are acceptable - and even commendable and desirable despite there being no shortage of "food" whatsoever.

    Whilst Humans, Avians, Glitch, Apex, and others seek progress and a path forward, the Florans seek destruction, mayhem, and carnage. The barbarism and ignorance of your species as a whole is thoroughly represented by your primitive systems of governance and your insistence on forming roving, tribal warbands that feast upon all in their path at every given opportunity.

    Why is it that Florans are more than eager to feed on other fully sapient and self-aware beings, when every other species have condemned such actions on a galactic scale?

    Why do the vast majority of Florans - so much a majority that it may as well be every single Floran - go out of their way to maim and devour other races despite easier sources of food being available?

    I'd really love to know.

    - HardShock
  4. ErinKeen

    ErinKeen New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    When the plant brought up the natural cycle of things, it had a good point. See, if the Florans were killing and cannibalizing each other on their own world, it wouldn't be such a problem. But the thing is, that's not the case. They're everywhere, and whether it's true savagery, stupidity, or even simple lack of understanding (sometimes cultures are just too different to come together) they're a menace, by and large. Culture, nature, call it what you will: it needs pruning.

    RECAP: If it was limited to Florans eating Florans on the Floran homeworld, fine, let them. But that's not the case, now is it?

    - E
  5. TheHitter

    TheHitter New Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    You could say that the Florans are...
    down to Earth.
    (No offense to any humans out there.)

  6. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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