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Do The Glitch Have Childhood...? :^)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Soulcairn, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Soulcairn

    Soulcairn New Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    no seriously.... its been bothering me for quite some time....
  2. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Highly doubt it.
    Mostly because I haven't seen a single line of dialogue (NPC or Player-character inspection) that would hint them being children once.
    There's also the simple fact that they build their offspring, and metal obviously doesn't grow (unless NANOMACHINES, SON, but no evidence either to suggest that either).
  3. Soulcairn

    Soulcairn New Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    combined with their immortality....... dats fuked up......

    .........i like it
  4. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Although in a way, being "born" into the Hivemind could function as a replacement for it.
    Born to obey, grow up rebellious, become a liberated outcast or become parts for the next generation of obedient subjects.
  5. Soulcairn

    Soulcairn New Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    wait a minute.......... that spark another thought in my head...........

    what if 2 pair of outcast start reproduce....?

  6. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Suddenly robot revolution.
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Platinum Ace, leader of the Outcasts tried to reproduce more outcast glitch to increase their numbers.

    ''The outcast Glitch, desperate to strengthen their numbers, came up with a plan. Outcast leader Platinum Ace approached a particularly volatile Glitch scientist, and together they drew up blueprints for a new form of Glitch; a better, more powerful being.

    Thus, the first Fatal Circuit was born. Initially, everything was okay. Then two seconds passed and Fatal Circuit malfunctioned, trying to kill every living being in the immediate area.

    After a lengthy chase, Platinum smashed Fatal Circuit with a handy nearby hammer, and inspected the wreckage. She was horrified to discover that the scientist had transplanted a monster brain into the robot, thus rendering it uncontrollably murderous.

    Deciding Fatal Circuit should never be recreated, Platinum buried the plans in a landfill in the desert, but recent sightings have suggested that someone has found and duplicated the Fatal Circuit blueprint.

    Fun Fatal Circuit Fact: Big Ape and Greenfinger once tried to improve the design by using a Floran brain, but for some reason the robot was just as savage and uncontrollable''
  8. anemone

    anemone New Member

    Jun 23, 2015
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    i really doubt they have a geuine childhood since ive seen it repeatedly stated they they're built, not born! it's possible that the general hivemindy thing probably just updates them on the basic information required for them to function, and they go do stuff like any normal psuedosentient machine! and then some get self-aware and etc etc.

    i wouldn't be surprised if outcast glitch did the same thing, given that there's really no element that stops them from doing so; the real risk is having them born with self-awareness as opposed to without. you see, every outcast glitch created from a traditional glitch society would have had time to accept what they are. they had the time to contemplate the nature of their self-awareness, which could lead to them either leading fully independent lives, or joining the outcast cause. but, glitch created without that timeframe of adjustment will definitely more than likely rebel against the outcast cause if said faction made it, on the sole purpose of fufilling the very nature of self-awareness, which is the inevitable journey of the self!

    paradoxically, if outcast glitch made more of themselves, they would adjust to having more of a real "childhood" (learning about themselves and the tribulations of finding who they really are) as opposed to those within the hivemind who rebel in the first place, since they have the cushion of the hivemind to protect themselves in the first place!

    also wreth, we have no idea if fatal circuit is still canon (you don't experience it in unstable, and there's no mention of reimplementation since), so using that as fact is potentially obsolete reasoning!
  9. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Fatal circuit is still canon I think, even if the player doesn't fight it anymore, I think it did exist at some point in the Starbound universe.

    Check out the Shockhopper Codex

    Shockhopper Mech Mk I (codex) - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki

    The lore writer himself said that they are going to let the development of the game determine the game's lore.
  10. anemone

    anemone New Member

    Jun 23, 2015
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    oh, i stand corrected!
    this is sorta lazy, though. :/