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Fenris Abdominae's Contracts

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Fenris Fenrir, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Fenris Fenrir

    Fenris Fenrir New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    ((So I've had a few people actually ask me what my contracts wind up looking like once they're finished. I'm honestly surprised, considering that I first started doing paperwork ICly to take up time and explain why I'm not mingling. It eventually became a kind of running gag, and apparently some people want to see them written out. This first post is going to be the outline of what everything on the contract means, and why its there. Believe it or not, i've put a fair amount of thought into these. Some are contracts that have been given ICly by another player, and others are more in terms of npc interaction. In other words, the contracts that have an npc designation are ones that I have used to excuse my absence from the server for OOC reasons. Seeing as I don't usually have the time these days to actually jump on the server, I thought I'd actually write these out. I hope these are enjoyed!))

    ((IMPORTANT!! These contracts are not on StarNet. They are physical documents, and you cannot just say you "hacked" to get them. You would have to know where I keep them, and you would have to be able to steal them. So dont try to use any knowledge you see here.))

    Envelope Designation; This is determined by a little colored square on the top right on the envelope I receive them in. They are categorical, and have to do with the type of contract and whether or not its fulfilled.

    Black; Highest priority contract, usually given by a repeat customers. These contracts are the first ones I attempt to fulfill if possible, and usually pay the best. The pay is not something I can put a range on, as it depends on the contract itself. They are also the ones that are most likely to give me some unwanted enemies, so they are usually only accepted from people who I have worked with repeatedly.

    Black with a white center; Basically this is the completed form of the Black contract. Essentially, this will mean that I am filling out a report for the people who ordered the contract to begin with.

    Black with a red X on it; This is black contract that I have either failed to complete, or that I have decided not to do. This form will include the reasons why, or if those reasons are something I cannot afford to give out, then I will state that it is for business purposes.

    Red; These are the most common contracts. They usually come from people who I have dealt with before, but not necessarily on a regular basis. They have a range of pay somewhere within 1000 to 5000 pixels. This will either seem extravagant, which is not exactly true, or it will seem to be too little. These contracts involve little risk of me gaining an enemy, or being discovered, and therefore I do not charge that much. While these are the most common contracts, they are not so common as to be daily. They usually come in about once per week, and they rarely last longer than 2 days.

    Red with a white center; Pretty much the same as Black with a white center, its a report on my findings and the results of whatever my contract entailed.

    Red with a black cross; Same as Black with a red X. These wont be written out very often, unless they were given ICly. And even then, the person who requested the contract will have their name removed, because some people will meta.

    White; The easiest contracts, which usually involve a singular person who is not affiliated with a larger group, or is not of great importance. These contracts hold minimal risk, and usually dont pay very much. The pay range is somewhere between 200 and 500 pixels. As the pay is so low, I do not take these very often. They are also not very common, as it is fairly rare for someone to want my services for someone who is unaffiliated with a major group or organization.

    White with a black center; Report of findings/results

    White with a red X; Not taken, failure is an unlikely result in this case.

    Subject; This is either the name of the person who is being targeted, or his/her designation. Most commonly, this will be a alpha-numerical designation rather than a name.

    Start time; This is the date that the contract began.

    Contractor; This will never be written outright. It will be instead a code. For those who actually hire my IC, I will tell them what their designation is.

    Purpose of contract; This is a brief synopsis of what the Contractor wants me to do. It will be brief, and if there is information that might reveal who the contracter is, it will be redacted.

    Subject details; This will describe the target, and his/her mental and physical condition at the beginning of the contract.

    Methodology; This will be a brief description of what methods were used, or if the contract is not yet fulfilled, it will be left blank. The exception is if the contractor has a specific method that they wish to be used.

    Results; This is a detailed description of what the results of the contract, any information that might reveal an actual character will be redacted, unless otherwise specified by the contractor.

    End time; The date that the contract was fulfilled.

    Subject detail followup; the physical and mental evaluation of the target once the contract is fulfilled.

    Special cases will be explained as they come up.
    Contract 1
    ((this is mainly an example, but it also counts as a contract))​

    Envelope Designation; Black (White core)

    Subject; Miniknog infiltrator, designation MK25b

    Start time; July 23rd.

    Contractor; [REDACTED]

    Purpose of contract; "We have caught a Miniknog infiltrator invading the lab. We believe he was attempting to steal some of our work, and to ascertain the location of [REDACTED]. Information is needed on how the spy found the labs, and whether or not he has reported the location yet. Furthermore, information on who his commander is will warrant a bonus payment." Synopsis; Interrogation of Miniknog spy. Objectives; Obtain info on discovery of lab. Obtain information on commanding officer.

    Subject Details; Apex Male, mid-twenties. Shows signs of usual Miniknog indoctrination. Scar running from right eye socket to the back of the jaw on the right side of the head. Height; 5' 10". Weight; 167 pounds. Physically fit, most likely due to the training regimen of the Miniknog. Lab results came back negative for psychoactive drugs, and no life-threatening diseases present. Shows an allergy for peanuts, which is unusual for Apex. Shows high mental fortitude, once again most likely due to indoctrination.

    Methodology; The subject showed significant levels of pain tolerance, and a higher than average mental fortitude. Common techniques had little effect. Techniques that were attempted, but failed, include the introduction of Resinoferatoxin in a refined form to the oral cavity. The subject showed signs that he was experiencing the extreme burning sensation that is the norm for Resinoferatoxin, but even after continued administrations of the chemical, he showed no inclination to relinquishing information. The next method had marginally more success, as we isolated him in a cell located in the bottom of the lab. The cell had no windows, and a light that was set to turn on and off at random intervals. The room itself was designed to change with each light interval. The changes usually included what appeared to be the writing of previous subjects on the walls, describing painful and emotionally torturous events that they endured. The subject was brought out of the room approximately 10 hours later. He showed signs of fear towards myself and my assistant, which gave hope that he might give in. We were unable to get him to give up the information until we began a new technique. We put the subject into an unconscious state, before making incisions that corresponded to every major nerve cluster in the arms and legs. Once the incisions were made, we inserted small capsules that contained a chemical that induces a sensation of extreme cold, similar to that of the initial stages of frostbite. The subject was awoken, and sent back to the cell. The capsules, which were designed to slowly release the chemical, began to have their effect approximately ten minutes later. The subject was seen to be screaming and calling out for help, before he eventually began yelling about giving us the information we required. We took him out of the cell and brought him to the interrogation room. We gave him enough anesthetic that he could speak coherently, but refrained from removing the pain entirely. He quickly gave us the information we required, and, once it was verified to be true, we put the subject under and removed the capsules. I then left the subject in the care of the laboratory, to do with as they wished.

    Results; The subject gave us the information that he had not yet revealed the location of the laboratory to his superiors, as he wished to sabotage it and capture [REDACTED]. He stated that he wished to be promoted for his initiative, which was why he had yet to report it in. His commander goes by the name of Octavius, and he resides in the gamma sector. The subject was about to reveal the coordinates of his base when the contractor stated that they were familiar with the commander, and that coordinates were unnecessary.

    End time; July 25th.

    Subject detail followup; Subject shows a newly acquired intense fear of dark places, which will be immensely detrimental to his occupation as a spy should he be allowed to leave. Due to the precise nature of the surgery involved in placing the capsules, the scars that remain are insignificant and rather unnoticeable unless they are being specifically looked for. Subject has lost around 8 pounds since we began, and shows signs of PTSD, as expected. Overall prognosis; the subject will be unfit for use by the miniknog, even if he is released. His mind is broken enough that it is unlikely that the miniknog will get anything out of him even if he is released.
    #1 Fenris Fenrir, Sep 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2014
  2. Fenris Fenrir

    Fenris Fenrir New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Contract 2​

    Envelope Designation; Red (white core)

    Subject; Human Female, designation HM105a

    Start time; August 2nd

    Contractor; Weapons factory located in the Gamma sector, goes by the name of Tellurian Weapons.

    Purpose of contract; After a series of incidents in which large quantities of weapons were stolen from various warehouses, the Tellurian Weapons company managed to track down and capture one of those involved. The company wants to find out what happened to the weapons, and whether or not there is a larger organization at play.

    Subject Details; Subject is a human female, about 5' 7". She is fairly average in weight, and of light skin tone. No distinguishing marks on exposed skin, but a tattoo of what appears to be a snake eating itself around the subject's upper thigh. The subject shows no sign of having prior training in resisting interrogation, and appears to be very frightened. Blood results came back with a positive for psychoactive drugs. In particular, there appeared to be a new methamphetamine in the subjects bloodstream, which has since been documented and submitted for standard scans.

    Methodology; My employers, in seeking to avoid a major conflict, have asked that the subject take as little harm as possible. They have given me a set of guidelines which they wish to be followed if at all possible. The subject gave little reason to believe that she would be a difficult case, as she seemed to jump at her own shadow. After a brief questioning without any extraneous methods, which I had hoped would get us the information with minimal interrogation, I decided to move on to a psychological method. The choice in this case was to outline in great detail all the physical punishments that I have been granted permission to use on the subject. The subject showed signs of being ready to relent and give up the information, so a secondary method was employed to bolster the odds of success from the first. The subject was sent to her cell, and was told that if she did not decide to give up the information by one hour, that I was being given free reign with her. After approximately thirty minutes, the subject told the guards that she wished to give up the information. Once the subject was brought into the interrogation room, I had her both write down and say aloud the location of the weapons as she last knew it, and who her compatriots were. Once both were checked to be matching, she was escorted back to her cell to await the results of the scouts, who were sent out to investigate her claims. Approximately three hours later, we received news that the weapons had been recovered, and the rest of the compatriots had surrendered. There were minimal casualties on both sides.

    Results; Subject confessed that the weapons had been stored on a nearby planet's moon, under the ruins of an Avian tower. Furthermore, she revealed that she had been the newest member of a local pirate group, which was corroborated by the similar tattoos the others were seen to have, upon their capture. Under my suggestion, the local authorities offered pardon to the subject on the grounds that she seemed to have been made dependent on the drugs provided by the pirate group. In return, the subject provided more information on other caches of stolen goods that were previously thought to be unrelated. As a reward, the subject was given a full pardon, and the promise of medical treatment for her addiction.

    End time; August 3rd

    Subject detail followup; Although the subject was highly distressed once the interrogation ended, she shows no signs of developing psychological problems as a result. Due to her strong addiction to the methamphetamines provided by the pirate group, it is very likely that she will be undergoing moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms within the next few weeks. Overall prognosis; subject is likely to make a full recovery, with minimal psychological or physical effects due to interrogation, and may prove to be a valuable asset to the community should the chance arise.
  3. Fenris Fenrir

    Fenris Fenrir New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Envelope Designation; Black (Red X)

    Subject; Avian Male, designation AV83b

    Start Time; January 3rd

    Contractor; [REDACTED]

    Purpose of Contract; As a united military effort on behalf of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] governments, I have been asked to interrogate what appears to be a rather high ranking priest of the Stargazers. The goal of this interrogation is to find any and all military depots that the Stargazers might have for future sabotage. Normally, interrogating a priest for such an endeavor would be useless, but due to the way the Stargazer military is set up priests are synonymous with commanders.

    Subject Details; Subject is a prime specimen of Avian biology, standing at 6'4" with a brown plumage. Subject was stripped of any and all clothing for the reason that much of avian technology appears to be decorative in nature. Subject shows extremely high mental fortitude, and the large number of ceremonial scars underneath his feathers suggest that he has a high physical tolerance as well. No signs of psycho-active drugs were found in the bloodstream of the subject, and no allergies were found to any known substance in our database.

    Methodology; Subject was first asked where the depots were, mainly as a formality. When the subject refused, we began with an isolationist approach, putting the subject in a room with a very dim light that was prepared with various bloody feathers from volunteering [REDACTED]. Every half hour, an avian was walked past the room while screaming in pain, once again these were [REDACTED] volunteers. Subject showed little effect of this, other than a mild look of disgust on being taken out. Subject was then secured to a metal table with leather straps reinforced with steel wire. Subject was informed that for ever ten seconds that he did not provide information, we would pluck ten feathers from his body. Subject showed the first signs of being affected when informed of this, with a worried look on his face. Approximately 6 hours and 21,600 feathers later, the subject passed out from pain and blood-loss. Subject was immediately put into the medical bay to recover for further interrogation, and I took the time to go gather some supplies for the rest of the interrogation. Upon returning, i found the base a smouldering ruin, and upon further investigation i found the subject dead from multiple bullet wounds, which suggests the guards killed him to prevent his release. At this time, the identity of the attackers can not be confirmed, but it was most likely the Stargazers.

    Results; Subject and all faculty are dead, I am left with only half of my pay for the job, and I have a possible enemy in the Stargazers now. In summary, this contract is a complete mess.

    End time; January 5th

    Subject detail followup; Subject is dead. Three bullet wounds were found, two in the chest and one in the head. This is consistent with [REDACTED] military policy on execution under extreme circumstances.
  4. Fenris Fenrir

    Fenris Fenrir New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Envelope Designation; Black (White core)

    Subject; Multiple, Avian only, with varying ages and equal representation of gender.

    Start time; September 28th, XX15

    Contractor; [REDACTED]

    Purpose of contract; "In return for your services in training our newer [REDACTED] in resisting interrogation, all responsibility for the contract with [REDACTED] will be considered null and void. Our only stipulation is that you do not leave any lasting physical deformities and that mental damage be kept to a level that will be treatable over time by our own methods."

    Subject Details; Multiple avian specimens, ranging from elderly males to females who have only just entered what is considered adulthood. This contract will mainly be an overview of the various methodologies used to provide training against interrogation via physical and mental torture.

    Methodology; Due to the nature of the assignment, the usual method of detailing the individuals specific resistances to various forms of interrogation is not possible at this point in time. Should concern be raised over a specific individual, then I will provide a more detailed report from my recordings and notes on said individual. As a brief overview, each subject was first informed as to the exact nature of what they were about to undergo, and furthermore were given advice as to how to mitigate the effects of specific techniques. As a standard, each subject was to experience nerve ending lacerations, isolation, reality altering medications to cause horrific hallucinations, an extended verbal interrogation designed specifically to break the subject's confidence and spirit, and finally a standard set of chemicals designed to lower inhibitions whilst simultaneously increasing sensitivity to pain. At the end of an individual subject's round of training, they were debriefed on how successful they were at resisting various forms of interrogations, before being sent to some form of therapy not specified by my contractors. A brief report on how successful each subject was at resisting various forms of interrogation was given to my contractors, with specific recommendations on how to improve their tolerance or advice as to whether they could be trusted with high security job placements.

    Results; Of the 378 subjects I was given to test, only 36 were recommended to never be allowed a high ranking position in [REDACTED] forces. Of the remaining 342 subjects, 147 were given passes for mid security level positions, 109 were recommended for high level security if given additional training for specific weaknesses, 85 were given my highest recommendation as spies for their astounding resistance to interrogation, and 1 was immediately [REDACTED] upon discovery that he was a spy for an opposing faction in [REDACTED].

    End time; February 12th, XX16

    Subject detail followup; No significant physical deformities were caused by the training, and of the 377 subjects that were legitimate, only 12% required significant therapy for possible mental disorders that threatened to form as a result of the training. I have been given both a full pardon for my part in [REDACTED], and have been put on a list of recommended interrogators for future endeavors, with an extra recommendation as a trainer for interrogation resistance.