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Dear Twitch.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Twitch, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Dear Twitch,

    As we know starbound is still a developing game with a growing lore. However, im still awsre that the server lore is more important than the games lore. However, there is always a chance tht chucklefish might implement another new race during the course of its development. If this happens, how would we go about introducing this new vanilla race? Woud it be handled in the same manner as novakids? Are the there chances that certain properties of the race would be restricted? For example, novakids have been given the ability o choose no brands for their characters even though, according to the original creator, they were sort of mandatory to maintain their life?

    And how will we br going about handling the newer starbound implementations in the future? I.e, the ark.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Actually the original creator said novakid that lack brands actually do have brand. It's just ingrown and inside their head rather than on the surface.


    They couldn't get the slag deposits to look good in Starbound which has such low detail due to being a pixelated game. But the ingrown brand is still a thing.
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    It depends on the lore that comes with the newer race. I am pretty sure as long as it is a vanilla in game race, I know I will push it to be included and not blacklisted due to inconvenience. They may just slid into the community as normal, or we might create an event around it. Can't really say until it is at our doorstep. In regards to novakid, if you play a novakid, you have a brand. That's all there is to it. It's either on your face, or in your body(the head I imagine).

    The Ark is something that will either be handled as a big event, or set aside to remain a mystery. We are waiting to see the outcome before we as staff decide on how it will be included. We want to make sure that, if it is something everyone could access, that it is presented to players in a good way to maintain the weight of the apparent truths inside. If it is suppose to be super secret, we may ask players to refrain from interacting with it, and instead trickle out information over Starnet from an NPC source. We want to avoid people making claims over it, as it's here for us all, but at the same time not everyone would or should be running around ancient ruins just because.
  4. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    The Ark and all things like it are a touchy subject,

    Essentially, we as players have no idea what is going to happen with it, so trying to do anything with it IC now would be foolish, as Chucklefish could do literally anything with it at this point.
  5. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Alright, let's kickstart this again.

    You voiced your opinion on a special snowflake. Now what about the difference between a character quirk and a gimmick?
  6. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Not twitch, but I also have opinions on this.

    A gimmicky character is usually flat and boring, they have one thing and that is it, once it is played out there is not much use to the characters

    A character quirk is different because a character can have multiple quirks. Usually they are not the defining trait of the character, but one of MANY defining traits.

    A gimmick character might be the floran who has a strange fascination with apex and exclusively hunts them, harassing every apex character he see. A character with a quirk similar to that might also be adept at fletching or bonecarving, selling objects he creates at the local market to help support himself alongside his less economical job as a bounty hunter, hunting down apex rebels, which is the best way he has found so far to legally fuel his obsession. The obsession that came about when a group of rebels sought refuge on his home planet many years ago, which he found to be much more interesting and challenging game than anything else on his planet. This would later cause him to leave his home and tribe to search for more of these highly advanced bipedal apes. He would eventually settle on a mixed colony, where he would eventually develop a taste for the finer things in life, namely music and entertainment. Things which he had in his former tribe, but which were not nearly as refined as they were in modern galactic culture.

    The main difference is depth, and how well written the character can potentially be. If your character can be described as having a gimmick, it could probably use more work.
  7. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Gimmick characters can be alot of fun, and it is quite possible to build a character around a gimmick, but it's hard to sustain it unless it plays into the setting extremely well. I see alot of gimmick characters on the server (not much these days though), as well as I have played some before both on and off Starbound. They can be fun for everyone involved, at first. If however that character keeps coming around, over and over, you see it takes a toll on people. It can get to be annoying. Most gimmick characters who remain gimmicks are one note, and will more or less fail given time should they be played often enough that they become commonplace.

    Quirks are alot like gimmicks, depending on how big they are. As a quick example, I had a character who was bad with names. Whenever he was introduced to someone new, he would repeat their name a few times, and preform a small action, such as tapping his forehead. He did this as a way of trying to recall the name and associating it with a physical sensation, as another way to remember. This is a quirk. Something unique or different from the standard about the character that doesn't solely drive their development. It's just another part of them. I often play quirky characters, because I am a fan of small intricacies.

  8. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I go where I want, when I want

    Also I am a dumb face.
    Twitch was here
  9. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Lost but not forgotten. Feel free to ask your questions still, just be sure to look over the thread in case a question you might want answered has been already.
  10. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Dear Twitch,

    What do you think about violent hylotl? The race is supposedly incredibly pacifistic normally, so should the large amount of "samurai" type Hylotl be considered lore-friendly or are they just a reversal of the Floran issue?
    #30 Donovennn, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2015
  11. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I feel a hylotl, as a character, can be whatever it is they want to be. Hylotl culture is inherently pacifistic, but this doesn't bar a character from having reason to turn away from their teachings. I take personal issue with the majority of "Samurai (not actually samurai)" hylotl that we use to have on the server, mostly because they never really followed a lord, or codes of conduct. I still feel, on average, the population of a particular race should follow the lore established norm however, but given our history here, my view is in the minority.
  12. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    There are definitely warrior hylotl, one only needs to read the racial armour descriptions to know that. A hylotl warrior would be as skilled in combat as any other race, there are probably just very few hylotl warriors compared to other races.

    ''Disphot elite guards protect the twilight that marks the entrance to Hylotl territory.''
    ''The disphot elite have protected the hylotl for millenia.''
    ''Equipped with a Durasteel breastplate, lake wardens were the protectors of Hylotl villages.''

    Then there are the Shinobi

    ''Masters of espionage, a river shinobi builds his titanium helm as part armour and part disguise
    ''Masters of infiltration, a river shinobi builds his titanium chestpiece for swiftness''
    ''Masters of sabotage, a river shinobi builds his titanium leggings for noiselessness''

    Disphots are essentially samurai warriors trained for defense of hylotl worlds.

    River Shinobi are hylotl ninjas.
  13. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I think there is a notable difference to be mentioned between hylotl warriors/protectors, and the mentioned "violent" hylotl. A culture can believe in peaceful existence while at the same time be willing to maintain it through use of needed force. The armor and weapons in game as noted by Wreth are evidence of this.
  14. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Personally disagree.

    Whilst you could construe espionage and infiltration as being defensive oriented actions, sabotage for instance is not.

    Sabotage is an inherently offensive action designed to cripple enemy capabilities, and in and of itself can be incredibly violent/ruthless. Early forms of sabotage for instance would amount to dumping dead corpses in a keep's water supply to flush out the defenders, or in the case of "feudal japan", setting storage areas alight or even poisoning supplies. That seems fairly violent to me, personally.

    Also, despite cultural influences of pacifism, I would reason there's also very good reason to see a surge in Hylotl warriors or at least a fracture in the culture as a whole... Considering their pacifistic ways are more or less the reason their homeworld got turfed.

    That's just my opinion on the matter, and I personally don't play a Hylotl at that.
  15. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I'm not exactly sure where the disagreement is here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are saying there is no actual line between hylotl forces and "violent" hylotl in the same post as saying them being pacifists is why they were defeated.
  16. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    You were stating that there is a notable difference between the two.

    I'm saying they're one in the same.
  17. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    A culture pacifistic society comprised of violent people(the brand of violent on the server mind you, this is about player characters.)... I am not sold. Nearly everything within the lore goes against this. If we are going to use the armor as a talking point for the contrary, I think it's important to figure out when the need for such a fighter emerged and how they were used.
  18. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    It's important to consider that the shinobi hylotl may have attempted to sabotage floran encampments after the floran already began showing aggression against them.

    During the hylotl/floran war, a hylotl sneaking into a floran warrior camp and starting a fire seems reasonable.

    Hylotl never take violent action first, and I imagine most hylotl civilians have no knowledge of how to fight. Once attacked however, their government/military is more than willing to use all manner of warfare to combat the enemy.

    ''The Hylotl also committed atrocities upon the Florans during the war. Here's a little-known fact: the Hylotl were the first race to develop weed killer. Does this absolve the Florans of their crimes? Of course not, but it's important to understand that neither side is blameless in their centuries-old rivalry. The Hylotl have simply built up their defenses in a different manner to the Florans, using bureaucracy to block them out instead of weapons (usually - a warship blockade still sends a powerful message).''

    I assume by weed killer they mean herbicide specifically for use on florans, not just any plants.
  19. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    You misunderstand. I'm arguing there is no distinction between a "warrior" Hylotl and a "violent" Hylotl - not that the civilian populace is going to turn around and become Florans. Both are utilizing violent methodology to meet their aims whatever those may be. Hylotl as a whole are certainly "pacifistic" (though not entirely, as a truly pacifist nation would have no military) though the military elements - especially 'ninja' which are mercenaries/assassins - do show they are more than capable of violence with little issue.
  20. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    Well I for one think of Canada as a rather pacifistic society, but it still has an armed forces capable of pulverizing small nations, does that mean that Canadians are not pacifists, that they don't favor diplomacy or political strategy to violence on a whole? It's precisely the same here. It's clear that the Hyotl are modeled after Asian culture, like Buddhism and Taoism, these are pacifist religions but Asian cultures also have traditions of martial artists that can be incredibly violent. However if 95%(pulling this out of my behind to make a point) of the Asian population has no knowledge of how to fight properly, does that make them a warrior culture? No, it's just that they carry on the tradition of their ancestors and when provoked, can mobilize these efficient fighter methodologies.