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Event: The "Opportunity" Shipwreck

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Tallen, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    An event brought to you by @BalrogTheGreat , @Dark Lord Stan , @FoRgE , @Gustwood , @Node , @Optimism , @solaruin and @Tallen !

    * * *
    Opportunity awaits!

    The passenger and cargo ship Opportunity was getting ready for it's first trans-sector flight! The goal? To make a back and forth trip from the Antares Sector to the Tormenta Sector, allowing passengers to leave the sector and bringing precious resources back to the frontier!

    Or that was the theory.

    Hired as ship staff or as a passenger hoping to leave, you joined the Opportunity and set off, but what was going to be a smooth trip of a few weeks turned into a nightmare. The ship crashed before leaving Antares in it's first voyage. You are now marooned in an arctic planet with several others and scarce resources and have to find a way to escape. Help isn't coming - the distress signal has been completely busted and your absence won't be noticed for weeks at minimum. Band together, or try to stake out on your own. Split your resources with those who need them, or hoard them. Fight for survival! Power struggles!

    - An entire wrecked ship!
    - Drama and excitement!
    - Genuine impromptu player interactions!
    - An end to BarRP!
    - Fit for both old characters and new!
    - Secrets to be uncovered!


    X: -75 Y:135 Antares Be'el 6480 IV

    How to join and more information:

    Simply post here explaining who your character is while providing an IC explanation as of what he or she or it was doing in the ship itself (passenger, crewmember etc...) as well as a full inventory of what he or she or it was carrying. The goal is not to discourage people, but rather to avoid asspulling when things start to turn grim. Above all be sensible with what your character is bringing with them.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1434147920][/DOUBLEPOST]Character: "Nano"
    Species: Glitch
    In the ship because: Hired as tech expert and problem solver. Getting sick of Antares and could perhaps just leave entirely if given the opportunity.
    Carrying things with him: Custom PDA, custom personal computer, custom headset, flask of high-grade oil, spare clothing, general purpose handyman box, "Bino" plush toy, (embarrassing) poster of Free Radical.
    #1 Tallen, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  2. FoRgE

    FoRgE Whack-A-Yak-5

    May 5, 2015
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    Character: "Carter"
    Species: Human
    Age: 42
    In the ship because: He's your Captain for this flight, keeping everything slow and steady with his Co-pilot and other Staff. (Or so it seems...)
    Carrying things with him: Wrist-PDA, Trench-coat, Key-card to Ship restricted areas, Custom Handgun w/ a few magazines.
    Skills: Advanced Combat Training, Basic Survival Skills and Advanced Pilot Training.
    #2 FoRgE, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Character: Ion
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: Investor in the Tormentus Excursion
    Carrying things with her: 1 set of Clothes, 2 PDAs, 1 Camera, 1 bathing suit, a pack of gum.
    Skills: Basic self taught Tundra survival and Adept biomechanical engineer. Also wicked great at paperwork and telemarketing.

    Cargo (Lost in crash): 2 cases of Free Blue (48 bottles)(Beer), 1 case of Ionic vintage (4 bottles)(Wine), 1 case of Silk Malt (6 bottles)(Scotch), 1 case of Odinn Ice (8 bottles)(Vodka)
    #3 Node, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  4. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Character: Sidney Jarvis
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: Having very little assets, and not much to his name, Sidney Jarvis bought a ticket on the promising voyage for the Opportunity in hopes to find a more promising career. Leaving Antares, and heading hopefully for Tormenta.
    Carrying things with him: A Cheap PDA, the clothes on his back, and a wallet with an ID and what little money he had remaining. (Twenty two pixels.)
    Skills: A low, basic education and a sly hand.
    #4 Razortazor, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2015
  5. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Character: Cole Ombre
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: Was going out of sector on some needed R&R. Welp, guess not.
    Carrying things with him: Forest camo pants, combat boots, light jacket and t-shirt, small handgun with 3 mags of 10 bullets, KABAR combat knife.
    Skills: Physically fit, basic skills in field survival, combat training.
  6. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Character: Aurora Norman
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: We wanted to see more of the universe but her ship couldn't handle it, so she got a ride.
    Carrying things with him: Her guitar, journal, her casual clothing, her winter wear and her PDA
    Skills: Fishing, art, and fleeing
  7. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Character: Hexen
    Species: Novakid
    Reason: He was travelling out of Antares in hopes of obtaining a supply of exotic coffee beans for use in a business he wishes to set up.
    Inventory: A PDA, a few hundred pixels and some spare clothing.
  8. Wingfighter

    Wingfighter New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Character: Bork (Captain Bork)
    Species: Hylotl
    Reason: Once a courageous space captain, now overseeing communication and navigation, how pathetic. Bork has left his ship in Antares, now taking temporary role on this unfamiliar vessel. He plans to return back to Antares after the job is complete.
    Inventory: Personal PDA, multi-tool, dynamo flashlight, change of clothing.

    Note: I'm not sure how early I'll be online tomorrow, so feel free to start without him. He can be pulled out of the wreckage later.
    #8 Wingfighter, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  9. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    To allow the maximum number of people to join, at four PM EST we're going to divulge the co-ordinates to the crash site. That is in five hours and twenty minutes from this post. Head right to find the crash site. Ideally, everyone wakes up at the same time, but of course folks are going to wake up at wrong intervals or maybe get stuck beneath the snow, so people will be slowly trickling in, and that is fine. Even if you have not entered yet you can still participate by simply filing the template.

    Cheers folks!
  10. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Character: "Natasha"
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: Natasha, tired of the violence and the chaos of the frontier, has decided to abandon it permanently.
    Carrying things with her: A PDA, plenty of clothing, a credit card (Not that it's going to be useful in a backwater planet.), a notebook and a pen, and a small dagger intended for self-defence.
  11. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Character: Jon
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: Because, in his own words, "Antares is fucking stupid!" AKA, tired of all the stupid people in Antares solving stuff without thinking and using guns to solve simple problems that can be solved with words. Yeah.
    Carrying with him: A PDA, Security-Badge of Katune, Not-Used Journal, Taser with two batteries, Backpack with extra clothing, his Katune security vest, a treatment kit for his cybernetic ear implant, and a knife, and a guitar and holo-comm (that wouldnt work unless anyone else on the ship had one )
    Additional Info: There's a 90% chance I won't be able to make it at the initial event. I'll join later on though, just pull me out of the wreckage and say I'm unconscious for a while.
    #11 NovaZenk, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2015
  12. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Character: Tayshaun Aanz; "Tayse"
    Human Goat
    In the ship because: Tayse wanted to visit his Framer friends in Tormenta to go to an 'Animo' convention.
    Carrying things with him: A Comm-link, loose change, a pack of e-cigs and 8 packets of salt.
    Skills: Software coding and the ability to communicate with goats.
  13. Comrade

    Comrade New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Character: Marko
    Species: Human
    Carrying with him: Suitcase full of his average mercenary gear, fleece jacket, woodland camo pants, boots, sidearm with two magazines of .45 ammunition.
    In the ship because: He wants to explore other mercenary jobs and such to get more business.
  14. Coolguy

    Coolguy Coolest mod around

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Character: Mattulip
    Species: Floran
    In the ship because: Was going out of sector for a quick trip to grab a few supplies unavailable in the sector.
    Carrying things with her: camo pants, combat boots, light flak jacket and t-shirt, small handgun with 3 mags of 10 bullets, KA-BAR knife
    Skills: Physically fit, basic skills in field survival, combat training, scavenging and hunting
    #14 Coolguy, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  15. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    X: -75 Y:135 Antares Be'el 6480 IV
  16. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Character: Tsuyoshi Takashiro
    Species: Hylotl
    In the ship because: His ship was under maintenence and pitched a ride on the vessel to get going places.
    Carrying things with him: His katana, katana maintenence kit, tanto, swiss-army multi-tool for technical work. Simple PDA to process data etc. Sturdy travel kimono, .45 sidearm alongside 2 extra magazines. Bamboo water container.
  17. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Character: Serric Paulson
    Species: Human
    In the ship because: He wished to get a great quality bionic eye from the sector and he also kinda wanted a reason to skip out on Matt's PT for that day, boy was he wrong though....
    Carrying: He has a light flack jacket, a t-shirt, pants, A handgun with two magazines, his spear, a single MRE, His PDA.
    Skills: Basic Survival, physically fit, extensive close combat training.
  18. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    Character: Minera Maverick
    Species: Novakid
    In the ship because: She is one of the ship's medical staff, and she also wanted to have a bigger knowledge of the outlying sectors next to Antares.
    Carrying on her: a simple medic back back (3 gauze rolls, two sterile syringes, 1 Ace bandage, bottle of Morphine, SAM splint, 5 alcohol swabs, suture thread and needle, single IV kit. Water jel burn dressing)​
    #18 Teshak, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2015
  19. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Character: Fernpetal
    Species: Floran
    In the ship because: Maintenance.
    Carrying things with him: Hunting Knife, Toolkit containing various tools, and bag of spar odd parts.
  20. Gustwood

    Gustwood New Member

    Mar 9, 2015
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    Character: Edden
    Species: Avian
    In the ship because: Reed was gonna' hunt his ass. Stowed-away in the luggage.
    Carrying on him: One set of clothing, a nanostove, Reed's Lighter, Five cigarettes in a case, two plasma-slingers (one not working), glasses, And a bottle of Sake.