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Journal of Carl Anderson

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ace1560, May 6, 2014.

  1. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    <::Welcome Dr. Anderson, what would you like to do?::>
    System, Access file #22, Journal and reset it.
    <::Are you sure Y/N::>
    System, Yes.
    <::Shall I date this post?::>
    System, No, the date means nothing to me.
    <::As you wish.::>
    I have decided to start my journal from the beginning again seeing as how I have let the last one alone for far too long, it is no longer relevant. I have been working in Biotechnology mainly and still dabble in weapons and chemistry. My mechanical prosthesis is doing great, I have been thinking of adding a retractable blade to it so I will never be without a weapon. I still have not fired off a single live round of ammo from any of my anti-material plasma guns, plenty of practice rounds have been shot and they do quite a bit of damage to the targets still, it is made in a very special way, I will not mention on how as I am afraid the knowledge will be stolen but it is quite annoying to create. One downside is that it is rather heavy and has a large one shot clip, you must post up on something and support your shoulder. At one point I got out of helping with chemistry by saying I am not a chemist, though true I do know chemistry which I should brush up on at this point. Well, I shouldn't wait around too long, I have stuff to do. To do list: Modify new prosthetic arm, mess with guns, dabble in chemistry, go to the bar.
    System, Log out of Journal.
    <::As you wish, logging out::>
    <::What do you want to do now?::>
    System, shut down.
    <::Shutting down::>
    #1 Ace1560, May 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2015
  2. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    <::Welcome Dr. Anderson, what would you like to do?::>
    System, Access file #22, journal and resume the program.
    I grow tired of sitting around, I have plans drifting about, I have completed modifications to my arm but cannot find the drive to test it.
    I am tired, yet, restless I want to do something, find something to occupy my time with but I cannot think of something i wish to do.
    I wish something would alleviate the boredom, I haven't seen my sister nor my nephew for a while.
    I should design a new gun, do something anything.
    Sitting on my ship gets boring, I sit here and look at the stars, Pete by my side, Pete is my cat.
    Something is changing, something is happening, something has to at least, I grow more restless.
    I miss adventuring sometimes, I loved finding old settlements, exploring untouched planets and ruins, I liked exploring ruins better.
    I came across so many buried cities it seemed in the snow and sand depending on the planet but I was disinterested then, I am interested now.
    I should make a new gun, if all goes as planned I will have a buyer for my weapons at some point.
    One day I will make a name for myself, none are going to be the name I wished for, that is impossible now.
    People who make things of death are not so fortunate to be named good, they are for cowards, they make guns but don't use them.
    I am a gun maker, I liked it when I was younger and I do enjoy it.
    I wished to be known as someone who would have protected by making guns, if my guns are efficient enough then I would save lives.
    My guns will still do that, I hate to have armed that floran but it is the only way of showing the USAF that my guns can do that.
    My guns can protect us by helping kill, funny how that works, saving life by taking it.
    I dislike killing I must say but things must be done, we have all been through enough.
    Killing is not justifiable not even for all the wealth the universe contains.
    The only way it is justifiable is if it is in defense of life and even then it should be a last resort.
    System, Shut down.
    <::Shutting down::>
  3. Ace1560

    Ace1560 New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    <::Welcome Dr. Anderson, what would you like to do?::>
    System, Access file #22, journal and resume the program.

    It's been a long, long time since I wrote anything, where to start lets see, I joined the ONR for the USAF and I have met a couple of friends, I am not allowed visitors or anything due to this assassin business, Josh is rather nice, but, the one person who has been just too nice to me is Laonie, It's been a long time since someone has gone through all this trouble for me, they are all trying to help me but it gets so dang boring in this lab, its better than the bunker though, I mean I can go on the roof now as well. I am always hesitant to go on the roof though, I am afraid I'll get shot by a sniper one of these days but if that happens I'm close to the hospital at least. Well, time to sign off.
    System, Shut down.
    <::Shutting down::>