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No More

Discussion in 'Archives' started by EyesofMarch, May 16, 2015.

  1. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    You are correct. We would only need to have Floran kill Floran to make the Antares Frontier better.

    -Alo Sunstriker
  2. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *audio translation to text from Fernpetal*

    Me alssso correct on many other countsss but can't sssee passst beak.
  3. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    So...has anything actually come of this..or are we just seeing an actual floran flame war?

    -Lance Corporal Shay Brians
    Posted from her home with genuine curiosity
  4. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    They'd all die in a flame war.

  5. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    *logged in as Angila Rosecress*

    While you all sit there and type out on your PDA's and computers about us, you mostly only look negatively. I'm a Floran who chooses to actively change how I talk so we can better our relations with you all. Wear 'normal' clothes. I stick to Floran traditions, but I have been avoiding even eating sentients. Sure I get cravings, but if I need to sate them, I try for people that the whole community hates.

    As for Nurora. I'm her mate, and she is more kind then you think. Maybe if so many people stop this flaming hate at us, you would see.

    I read data-chips and files when I can. I have read that every one of you came, from what? A tribe at one point or another. To deny us room to have our say on what we will do, is to deny self. For Floran's sake, I saved one of my best friends, a Hylotl doctor. A HYLOTL. And she doesn't hate me at all.

    Think about it everyone...
    #25 Teshak, May 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
  6. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    As charming as your attempts are, the fact is you follow Nurora Stab-Dancer. A Floran who preaches Floran superiority and has stepped on many lives as a result. Whether you are its mate means little. You follow its ideology, one that will see Antares put to war with the Dionea in the future, or now. I, personally, would rather it be now, as you Florans multiply at a rate that would mean we'd be overwhelmed come the future. I have watched your tribes march over Avian settlements time and time again.

    Stab-Dancer will lead you to a similar, war-like state. If that is your choice, so be it. But you would be wise to follow your kin who turned on Stab-Dancer. At least then you may have a chance not to walk down the warpath IT would have you walk.

    -Alo Sunstriker
  7. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    So, is this Stab-Dancer floran the same one that went by Sharptooth? This is all eerily similar.

  8. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    *logged in as Angila Rosecress*

    We have all made mistakes. Floran and non-Floran. To single out a single species...

    As far as Stab, I've heard her talk about peace. She has been talking about having it. Showing all of you that she can have it, but still being strong. You stick to your species stereotypes and past.
  9. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    there are only 3 florans that are tolerable.
    all of the others can hang themselves.

  10. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    I hold the Flightless responsible for what they did and the Grounded responsible for what they do. I condone Grounded pirates no more than I do Flightless Zealots. I know the Avian people have made their mistakes in the past. (Perhaps the greatest of which was releasing the Floran at all.) Greater and lesser. But if you consider the genocide of billions to be a minor mistake of the past? Then you are a fool. No. Florans are more than a mistake. There is no PAST savage. Florans have always been savages. And are today. They march on the worlds of other civilizations and conquer and slaughter and devour even as we type this argument.

    Your own tribe has desecrated the dead, killed for minor reasons and shown savage behavior toward 'birdmen' and other 'meat'. I am not stereotyping your entire race, as I understand there are a few individuals that wish to live in peace and civility. However, Nurora Stab-Dancer is not one of these Florans. Believe what you will, be proud of your individual path toward civility, but know that your people have slaughtered billions across countless worlds. And Stab-Dancer adheres to the same ideologies of those I watched burn village after village when I still served Kluex.

    You are a savage as long as you adhere to the leadership of a savage.

    And there is no doubt about Nurora Stab-Dancer. It is a savage.

    -Alo Sunstriker
  11. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *audio translation to text from Fernpetal*

    Me think that Alo hasss more isssue with Sstab and not floransss asss whole, except them floran that are part of tribe. Let me asssk thisss Alo. You okay with Hakachi? A floran who on Katune ate a criminal in public on the ssstreet in front of othersss to sssee? If you okay with that then you have problemsss asss that floran live on Dexter's Garden.

    *Suddenly two file are produces by someone named Racchi*
    *But thisss okay right? Hakachi what to change waysss but past isss passst right? Ssso that mean that no matter what Hakachi can do or doesss, floran isss floran and floran wasss part of tribe. By what you sssay, Hakachi isss sssavage and that not okay. Yet you allow floran to live on Garden? Angila changed but be part of tribe, that not okay? Me know other floransss not part of tribe, like Oak, that floran ssscholar ssso that not okay caussse they floran?
  12. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    (( That's uh... That's SARAH's message, not Hakachi's... ))
  13. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    [There is no name on it. Fern knows that Hakachi is was part of Katune security. Permit to her suggested it was Hakachi]
    [DOUBLEPOST=1432293389][/DOUBLEPOST]Starnet Network Connect code: BZF2FR0027
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    USCM Jericho Decoder: Translating
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    Karma System V5.86 CS: Actuating
    Reincarnation Post Processing: Accessed


    Lets address that elephant in the room per-say. Shall we? Lets discussion genocide and the history or past of the races.

    First Avian history, which has yet to cease. The flightless have been doing the same practices for centuries, parhaps even millinia's.

    Avian Analysis: Find Floran, accidentally cause floran to have available space flight. Avian panic and create blockade, Floran react as any other race when threatened. Battle ensued into full out conflict, both Avian and floran kill many on opposite side. Determination results that Avian are savage and remain as savage race.

    Oh wait there is more. -

    Lamont Cranston

    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Translating

    [DOUBLEPOST=1432293556][/DOUBLEPOST]Starnet Network Connect code: TB0WUJN8D6
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    Mana Port: Linked
    Host Line: Connected
    Karma System V5.86 CS: Actuating
    Reincarnation Post Processing: Accessed

    Continuation -

    Gltich History has a constant showings of savagery, specially for those gltiches who are not hive-minded upon with will continuously kill glitched hiveminded.

    Human history is ripe with genocide:
    The Holocaust - Deathtoll estimates 5 - 11 million humans killed.
    Armenian Genocide - Deathtoll estimates 800K - 1.5 mill humans killed.
    Cambodian Genocide - Deathtoll estimates 1 - 2 mill humans killed.
    Red Terror - Deathtoll estimates 30k to 500k humans killed.
    Holodomor - Deathtoll estimates 2.4 mill to 7.5 mill humans killed.
    Nigerian Civil War - Deathtoll estimates 1 - 3 mill humans killed.
    Rwandan genocide - Deathtoll estimates 500k to 1 mill humans killed.
    Expulsion of Germans after World War II - 500k to 3 mill humans killed.
    Zunghar Genocide - Deathtoll estimates 480k - 600k humans killed.
    Decossackization - Deathtoll estimates 300k - 500k humans killed.
    Assyrian genocide - Deathtoll estimates 275k - 750k humans killed.
    Ustasha genocide - Deathtoll estimates 270k - 955k humans killed.
    Greek genocide - Deathtoll estimates 200k to 1 mill humans killed.
    Massacres of Polish peoples - Deathtoll estimates 110k - 250k humans killed.
    Massacres of Maya peoples - Deathtoll estimates 100l - 200l humans killed.
    Post 30 September Movement - Deathtoll estimates 78,500 to 500k humans killed.
    Volhynia massacre - Deathtoll estimates 60k - 200k humans killed.
    Al-Anfal Campaign - Deathtoll estimates 50k - 200k humans killed.
    Massacres of Hutus - Deathtoll estimates 50k - 100k humans killed.
    Nanking Massacre - Deathtoll estimates 275k - 450k humans killed.
    Congo Free State - Deathtoll estimates 3 - 10 mill humans killed.
    1971 Bangladesh atrocities - Deathtoll 26k to 3 mill humans killed.
    Herero and Namaqua genocide - Deathtoll 24k - 75k humans killed.
    Equatorial Guinea - Deathtoll 20k - 80k humans killed.
    Dersim Massacre - Deathtoll 13,160 to 70k humans killed.
    Srebrenica massacre - Deathtoll 8k - 8,500 humans killed.
    Persecution of Falun Gong - Deathtoll 2k - 70k humans killed.

    The above does not include deathtoll numbers from human 115 civil wars which have an estimate calculation of 440,802,288 mill humans killed.

    Apex history is too classified for specification. However between at a collectivist regime controlled by the MiniKnog and the use of VEP "Volunteers". Over a 1000 run-times an average calculations that the Apex have a 78% savagery to the Apex Racial history.

    Hytlot historical data is completely destroy due homeworld destruction. However though a pacifist race now, 1000 run-times calculation an average a 85% savagery of racial history with a 97.3& similarity to Human (Asian) historical comparison.

    If you say Avian are not a savage race, then you are mistaken. The flightless constant sacrifice "Sunborn" ascend daily on countless planets. Yet even Avian threaten or attack civilians of Antare (References: IBC News - EXCLUSIVE interview with Flightless militant!, May the Grounded and Flightless Die, Funerary Rites: Gustwood and Óðinn, IBC Nightly News - Religious Turmoil in Antares?). Flightless or Ground you are all classified as Avian and still savage. Hive-minded Glitch still created genocide against their glitched brothers and sisters at the same rate daily. Apex are not innocent either, how many have died to VEP? If the Hylotl homeworld was not destroyed, I calculate that every Anatare civilian would never look at them the same. You have little to know foot, fin, stem, talon, or limb to stand on and call other races savage. When every races history descend from every civilian in Antare comes from savagery, or are still involved in it. While I am not arguing the Florans are still savage, however they are in there historical/current history of racial period. An until this period is over with and they as a race come together. Every other race needs to help and tolerate the Florans.

    So let get back to the matter at hand, shall we? This is about a floran name Hakachi'Jita, previous head of Katune security when she was part of the Dionaea Tribe AT THE TIME.. Prior to that has killed in public, involved in several other incidences. [Would have reference links to old forums but those forums are gone] The questions what should be asked is. Do you trust Hakachi? Has she earn her right to declare what she says? Why hasn't Hakachi declared a challenge duel against Nurora for perhaps the tribe, respect, or even the rights safety. What evidence does Hakachi have to her claims and how is she going to create new technologies? Ultimately how is the floran going to go about this new way of peace? More death, mayhem, and more killing?

    Lamont Cranston

    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Translating
    #33 Yotan, May 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2015
  14. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    ((Ehrm, is that IC knowledge? I mean, the abridged history of the Avians isn't necessarily known by everyone or available to everyone...))
  15. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    SOMEBODY'S MAD. See? You're just an angry savage looking for a reason to fight. You really aren't painting yourself to be a pretty puppy, are you? You're looking for reasons to put other people down, meanwhile all anyone has to do is take a very, very brief look at floran history and their general mental state. What an entire species does isn't exactly "racism" or "generalization" if it's the ENTIRE SPECIES. You're grasping at straws to make other people mad, and it ain't working. You have to relax, plant. You're on a path of self-destruction and paving the road to self-destruction.

  16. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    *logged in as Angila Rosecress*
    Me? My friends? Looking for a reason to fight? You really aren't reading correctly then. I have only brought those silly accusations down that this tribe is just a bunch of mindless savages. I'm sure plenty of people have had their stupid wars. For small reasons. A big part of which didn't include Floran. Are we really just a new reason for people to have hate? I've learned this human language so that Florans can be welcomed and finally have this name shoved off of them, but people don't like change when it disrupts a reason for them to hate, huh?
    #36 Teshak, May 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2015
  17. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    It's no use, trying to convince people who are not up for debate, but rather have this static view they will defend at all costs.
    I'd advise not wasting your time on them.
  18. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    ((Technically this should not be easily obtained knowledge in character, however there are a lot of people who have (and will continue) to abuse the codexes and such, despite the fact that most of them should not be accessible to characters (as some are even personal journals). The Abridged History itself has never been fully considered canon on the server due to a lot of contradictions it has with other sources of lore.))
  19. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((for example, I had an avian priestess who didn't know all the that history. Plus we as player can never be too sure how canon the codexes are, they are written by people and are not necessarily historical fact, they could easily just be opinions. Hell, the list of avian commandments is even listed as a first draft with no date of when said first draft was written, meaning we all just assume that we know the final draft))
  20. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    [Very well it is deleted but I love how some stuff can be use and other stuff can't. Either way it is deleted.]