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Discussion in 'Archives' started by EyesofMarch, May 16, 2015.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Florans of Antares, lend your ears to Hakachi. Hakachi does not want power, Hakachi does not want death. Hakachi has seen too much of this; a slander on the Floran species. If Florans continue badness, if Florans continue to scare and hurt meaties; how long until another war comes to us? Till the meats douse us in their dangerous chemicals in order to protect themselves... From Floran? Too long have the meats been afraid of us, turned away from Flora. Hakachi wants this to change, but Hakachi sees problem.

    Stab-Dancer and the violent ways of Dionaea. Hakachi sees only one way to change Florans... To fight Stab-Dancer, and turn Dionaea into force for good. Help protect places; have an honorable hunt instead of killing and hunting the innocent of Antares. Stab-Dancer must stand down, or die a Florans death at Hakachi's hand for this to happen. And Hakachi will make it so.

    Stab-Dancer, Nurora, has put many pixels on Hakachi's head... A disgrace to Floran way. Nurora does not come for Hakachi by Nurora's self; instead cowering away to have others fight for Nurora. Hakachi will fight Stab-Dancer by Hakachi's self, take Dionaea, and bring Florans into new age. An age not of fear, salvage, and survival, but of technology, knowledge, and much smarts. Yet Hakachi will not destroy the Floran Way. Hakachi will add it to our new ideas and smarts.

    Hakachi asks the Florans of Antares to stand by Hakachi and bring about new age. Do small things; cause small issues for Dionaea. Help Hakachi save Florans.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Says the one who chose herself to tear a criminal apart with her knives and teeth, in arena combat, and also helped her lover Max, torture someone.

    How many times has Stab-Dancer assaulted people on other colonies for no reason.

    How many times has Hakachi?

    Only one who is disgrace to floran way, is you, for ruining unity of florans.

  3. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Please, ladies, you are both pretty, there is no need to fight,

    -Lance Corporal Shay Brians
    posted from the safety of her home against her better judgement
  4. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Do florans even have ears? Or are these other people's ears you are asking for. Ear lending... Okay, this seem pretty floran after all. Carry on.

  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Well if corn has ears, then florans got ears too I'm guessing.

  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *The sudden digitized scream of a glitchy AI appears.]

    Wandering Savior's Floran AI: "You all will lisssten asss Fernpetal ssspeaksss!"

    *That image cackles as it vanishes and an image of Fernpetal appears upon her ship, her blue skin covered in grease spots accompanied by her blue mushroom top that is complimented with red short red leaves.*

    "Hakachim, SssAIL asss notified me of what you did. Ssshame. You will get no help from me, but perhaps needles. You sssay you want not power or death but attack Ssstab. Try to kill and take over tribe. Me may jussst fix things but not ssstupid Floran and ssspeak venom but do another. You are not Floran, you are lesss then floran. You are the dribbly bits of white liquid on corner of mouth from the mosssst vile beassst of sssector.

    You sssay out help protect, yet you have done worssse then whole tribe of floransss. SssAIL watch feedsss, sssee data, let Fernpetal know. Me thought it sssimply other racesss that jussst sssaying ssstuff about member of tribe. It not. It all true. You sssay tribe disgrace, but you attack Ssstab at a colony, with othersss. Then ssshow ssstrength and challenge Ssstab to right to control tribe. But wait! That mean you get power, you no want power. That make no sssenssse! You what other racesss call hypocrite.

    *She is completely frustrated at this point and shows it.*

    "And for information Hakachi, me like salvage and to salvage. It what othersss call recycle, take old broke thingsss and turn new. Or fix broken thingsss to make work. Hakachi not add to floran way, ssshe doesss exactly asss floran do. Ssspread, consssume and multiply. Ssspreading liesss and death, consssuming other floransss to her caussse, then multiply her idea to other floransss.

    Me would think the sssector would want lessss of you, then they want lesss of Ssstab and tribe. Me already know many want lesss of floran altogether, but me not care. Me not want to hear about birdsss that can't fly, and birdsss that like ground not to fight, but not happening ever.

    Hakachi isss ssstupid floran like a ssseedling not know what to do. We all fear sssomething, we all salvaging sssomething, and we all try to sssurvive. You no different.

    *The images simply just cuts out.*
  7. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Oh hey, now the Florans are fighting each other. All we're missing is a Miniknog Cold War, a Glitch Kingdom war, a Human Anything War, and a Novakid Showdown at Noon and we'll have a full set! (Sorry, Hylotl, you seem to be pretty alright on the civil front. Hooray for pacisfism!)

    On a more serrious note, I can testify Stab might be a little...trigger-happy. But the instance I know of WAS on Aldrovanda so I guess that doesn't count. Raiding Katune, on the other hand, is probably another story.

    However, as a ssstupid meatsssman, I don't think I'm in a position to get involved or have an opinion. Like pretty much every other non-human-related issue.
  8. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Fernpetal is right in some ways. Hakachi has made many mistakes; done many things Hakachi is not proud of, or would make the tribe proud of, but brings fear into hearts of humans, of Hyltol and Avian and Ape and Novakid. Hakachi has struggled to find way; a path between tribe and between civilized galaxy, and Hakachi has begun to find it. Hakachi seeks no forgiveness for Hakachi's mistakes, as there is none. But Hakachi seeks to change Hakachi's ways, and seek new goals, a new way of life for Florans. A way Flora can enjoy our path, but not bring fear and anger to others.

    Fernpetal, Hakachi has not yet attacked Stab. Hakachi will not put innocence at stake, like tribe did when they come in mass and try to take Hakachi from Gardens. Fernpetal, there will still be salvaging. There will still be hunts, and salvaging, and technology, but it will not be ill-gained! Florans must not destroy Katune to find salvage, or attack people who live there when they defend homes! Florans must not hunt the poor and innoence bcause they are easy prey!

    This is Hakachi's declaration. A new way of life for Flora. One that does not have Flora killing people who come to Aldrovanda because they fear our snakes, or tearing apart someones home, then killing them for defending it. We shall have a more honorable hunt, use our strength to defend those who we can. Use our knowledge and wisemen to create new technologies, instead of just rebuilding old broken things. Hakachi must play Stab-Dancers game of honor with victory, and victory at any cost, to do so. If this makes Hakachi less than Floran in eyes of tribe, so be it.

    Hakachi knows there are others that will stand with Hakachi.
  9. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Image of Fernpetal appears upon her ship, her blue skin covered in grease spots accompanied by her blue mushroom top that is complimented with red short red leaves.*

    "You sssay Hakachi want to change her waysss yet you have not. You attack people, including floran. If you want change, change yourssself, not force tribe to Change. Me not get your Hakachi, you sssay eariler fight for new age not of fear, sssalvage, and sssurvival. Yet sssay there will be sssalvage, huntsss, and tech?

    Me wasss part of Katune sssalvage, and me paid for it, othersss did you. Katune was ally, who to sssay that tribe was not given okay to sssalvage. Katune had it'sss life ssspan, and it wassss dying. Floran do what floran did bessst, take the old and make new. Me even other people was ssselling Katune ssstuff. Ssso how that make floran worssse or bad?

    Me think Hakachi delaraction isss flawed and had been flawed, like broke ssshield generator that only put ssshiled in front and not back. Me may not know what you talk about killing with sssnakes, but Ssstab open tribe world to people. Glitch, Novakid, to whole sector. Me even bathed with male human that wanted to know more of tribe and florn culture. We not eat him. He tell us not funny jokes. Yet he not die and leave with all intact.

    If you want new way make new tribe, but again you no want power. Me not sssee how to want to do thingsss, if no want thingsss.

    *Her image ssshowsss a face of tought for a few second.*

    "Hakachi. Me want to ssshare something with you and othersss. Me a gatherer of tribe, me not hunter, chief, doctor, bonesssmith, or sssentinel. Me a gatherer me sssalvage. Me and other gatherer help tribe sssurvive. Take old, make new. All for thingsss that tribe usssesss to trade for thingsss tribe needsss. Yesss me will defend messself, and yesss me know how to hunt to eat. But me gatherer, me like to fix thingsss. Me not want to hurt peole me jussst want to sssalvage and fix. Even if me not with tribe and on colony me ssstill want to do them sssame. Ssso it not matter where me isss, me will be me. Me not ssseek lusssionsss of greatnesss like you want.

    Me got to sssay that me confusssed about you. Me sssee avian fight avain all the time, yet before you. Me not ssee or hear floran attack floran. Me find it odd how that isss. Don't you?
  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    All of you fucking plants are just wastes of space. When are we gonna purge your dumb ugly asses? All you do is start shit with each other and other people for the sake of starting shit, we need a mass genocide of you fuckers, and soon. This entire thread is just dedicated to you all wanting to murder each other, so, go ahead. Prove me wrong. You're all the exact fucking same carbon copy of the exact fucking same stupid plant demon that you all originate from.

  11. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Image of Fernpetal appears upon her ship, her blue skin covered in grease spots accompanied by her blue mushroom top that is complimented with red short red leaves.*

    "You not firssst to sssay that. Have nice day."
  12. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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    HA! Hahahaha! That genuinely made me laugh for a bit..., annnnnnnnyways

    Two word solutions; Exploding Melons. That's right, hollow those suckers up, fill it with enough plastic charges, then lob that massive fruit at the walking ferns. Blam, problem solved.


  13. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Someone gets it.

  14. brianna43210

    brianna43210 New Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Hakachi... Floran was frozen for long time floran doesn't know what happens sinec then floran know tribe make old floran life way happen.

    - Deathpetal
  15. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Chieftan Stab-dancer and ITS ilk are a menace to the sector. Desperate to play victim and live their savage life at the same time. To call one Floran a savage is to insult all Florans, but the same Florans who whine of our abuses pour blood over the heads of those who offend them and kill and desecrate the dead as their kind has always been known to do.

    I am only sad that they failed to eliminate Stab-Dancer.

    -Alo Sunstriker
    #15 Felonious, May 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2015
  16. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    [Sent from professionalavian@starmail.net]

    These florans are nuts! Unless they say they're going to pluckin eat you, don't believe shit they say! They'll say anything to try and justify themselves, and act like a victim when you try to expose them!

    Pluck the florans! Carry fire!

    - Herx-Amman
  17. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Audio translated to text from Fernpetal*

    Avians are hypocritesss. If okay for Floran to fight and kill each other but not okay for Avian to fight avian. Frankly avian in parssec hasss become worssse then Hylotl. You can call usss sssavage all you want. It not hurt floran feelingsss, it only ssshow how immature Avian are toward floran. Me not sssaying all Avian like that but many in parsssec isss and it ssshame. Also remember feathersss catch fire eassy asss floran. Carry all fire you want. It jussst ssshame. Me kind of feel sssorry for Avian."
    #17 Yotan, May 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2015
  18. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Vague threats and name calling. I have not called Florans savage, though Herx might have. I have called Stab-Dancer a threat. And I think that it is fine that anyone chooses to fight it. Floran, Avian, otherwise. Stab-Dancer ITSELF is a menace. Florans are so interested in proving they aren't savages, and then they follow the likes of this? If you are truly interested in proving that Floran and other races can cooperate, you would not adhere to the supremacy and intolerance that your Chieftan chooses to follow.

    If you choose that Stab-Dancer is right, and that Florans are superior and have the inherent right to march over us in conquest, then you are a threat to us, and we are only defending our own nests.

    -Alo Sunstriker
  19. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    They failed? How disappointing. What became of the one calling himself Hakachi?
  20. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *audio to translate from Fernpetal*

    Me not making vague threatsss or any threatsss what ssso ever. All races think they sssuperior. Me not sssaying me not sssavage, but me not sssaying me monssster either. Me will not say floran race not sssavage. Many are, asss isss sssome in other races. Me think that mossst floran jusst want to be treated equal. Me not going to ssspeak for Ssstab, floran can ssspeak for floran own ssself.

    Me not trying to prove anything, me ssshould not need too. Ssshould avian prove ssself to floran? Me not think ssso. That not ssseem fair.

    Know what me not threat but if caussse me in tribe, and think tribe threat then ssso be it. Me not care what you sssay any more. If make happy Let floran kill floran, Avian kill Avian, gltich kill glitch, novakid kill novakid, hylotl kill hylotl, human kill human, and apex kill apex.

    Then would all of Antare Frontier be good? Me not think ssso.