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The Journal of Scales

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Beta, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Beta

    Beta New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    The following would be present on Scales' computer, in Honeydew Prior.
    Entry 1
    I've thought to begin a log or journal to keep record of events since I've decided to take up this suicide of a mission on my own.
    I can't put my own name to paper, not even here. I am a deserter, a former combat medic of the USCM. I never liked it much, I signed up to help people, not kill them or force them into annexation.
    To fill myself in, or whoever reads this. I am Scales, or that's what I go by. I'm twenty-six and I'm a resident of Honeydew Prior, a farming colony I've used as cover to lay low for the time being. I've made visits to other colonies, but they were too busy for me, nothing was as quiet and calm as Prior.

    I've made a few friends and signed up for a peace organization here, or that's what they told me it was. The leader of it goes by Jared, he's quite mysterious, but I'm sure he means well. He runs the GSA. The peace corp. I mentioned. I also met a couple florans that I took to liking, one goes by Rahvune, the other named Jinx. The latter offered me a place to stay even. I was also perplexed, as both of them can speak perfect english. No hissing, no slurring, nothing.
    They seemed very nice.
    Much better than the others.


    Entry 2
    I've made visits to Avalon regularly in my spare time as of late, trying to meet some of the locals, my parents always said social interaction was a necessity. It's not that I don't like talking to people, people just don't seem to like talking to me, y'know? Bah, whatever. Anyway, I've tried getting social so maybe I can actually settle down and stop running. The USCM seems to have little presence in this area, which I'm very glad of. Unless the USAF is a branch of them. I honestly don't know the difference between those two, but I'm avoiding both. I also met an arms dealer, he goes by Omega, had an avian companion with him. I figure I'll need his services in the future.


    Entry 3
    I've lost contact with those friends I mentioned earlier in this journal, just haven't seem 'em around is all. It had been kind of stale recently, so I made the biggest mistake I have yet to make.
    I visited that colony again. Related to the mission that made me start this blasted journal.
    I'm not putting down the name, I honestly don't know it, nor do I care. All I know is it has to be eradicated, and I seem to be the only one who has to keep it that way.

    I'm assuming a new name for the time being. So long as this plan is underway, I don't want the residents of Prior to think bad of me.
    I'll grow to miss them if this ends badly.


    January 28, 2414
    I don't know why I'm writing this anymore, I lost my book of coordinates again. I'll probably end up accidentally deleting this off my computer, by accident or on purpose.
    I've decided I should start keeping the date. By Earth's former date at least. I've begun to miss Earth, I wasn't there when it was torn apart. I was exploring in another sector, and when I came back there was just nothing.
    Today would have been my brother's birthday. He had enlisted in the USCM with me, we even managed to get into the same squad. But he was on leave and at Earth when it happened. I assume he didn't make it.
    To change the subject:
    I wonder where Doc has been? I haven't seen him as of late, I really want to talk to him about what happened on Earth. He said he was there when it happened, but how he escaped is a mystery to me. He's been kinda shady ever since I met him, wears a hood over his labcoat. That's unheard of to me. But nonetheless, he seems like a good man, and I wish the best for him.
    I'm just going to need someone to back me up on this mission, and he seems perfect.

    #1 Beta, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
  2. GateKeeper

    GateKeeper New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    (( It sheds insight on your character's struggle and is quite nice 8/10))
  3. ((like it, but if I had to say one thing, entries are a bit short, gonna go with 7/10))
  4. Beta

    Beta New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    March 5th, 2141
    *A video log would begin playing, showing Beta on his ship, sitting at his computer*
    *He'd look into the camera, adjusting his hair and clapping his hands*
    "Good, this appears to be working."
    "I wanted to make a video log as my arm is still on the fritz and I haven't updated my Journal in ages."
    "I would have updated it sooner, but my ship was without power for a few weeks and I was stranded on a moon."
    "I'm still hunting my target, I already defeated one of them, but I doubt that will be good enough. The other one did some damage to me."
    *Beta would seemingly flinch at the mention of this person, cradling his left arm.*
    "But nonetheless, it'll be solved eventually. I hope to return to the Prior soon."
    *A sudden look of frustration encompasses his face*
    "Or at least I would if I could find my GODDAMNED COORDINATES BOOK."
    *Beta takes a moment to collect himself, murmering* "I'll just ask Starnet."
    *He'd stand from his chair, fumbling with the camera and picking it up*
    "I actually wanted to show whoever is watching this something I found on that moon."
    *The camera would show Beta's feet as he walks around his ship, going below deck he'd approach a bright-red storage container*
    "Here it is! I figure the new mayor of Prior will love this as an election gift."
    *Beta takes out a passcard, swiping it on the door of the container, the doors would open. Showing dozens and dozens of riot shields and night sticks stacked and stored in crates in the red shipping container.*
    *He'd look at the camera,* "Isn't it great? I'm sure the USCM won't mind me taking it. Nor the fact I kind of chickened out on an interview, but nonetheless, It'll serve Prior well.*
    "Right, Toodles!"
    *The video log ends*
  5. Beta

    Beta New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    March 5th, 2141, Entry #2
    Good news! I was speaking to John recently- oh yeah, I forgot to put who that is.
    John is some battle-made glitch who I've tried to challenge to a fight multiple times, something always interrupts us though. He used to help the Florans at Tallest Tree, but since has seemed to make his own order with the former residents there.I asked him if I could join, and after a small fight (That I barely won), he let me in! I'm officially a knight of the..uh, I forget the name of it. But I got a set of knight's armor, which I figure I'll dye red like the rest of my clothes to signify my medic status. I wonder, do knights even have medics? Either way, they have one now.
    I figure I'll stay with them, it's good to have something to do. Plus nobody has given me the coordinates of the Prior yet, so that's still a mystery to me.
    #5 Beta, Mar 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2014
  6. Beta

    Beta New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    *These logs have been moved to his quarters on Taranis, hidden in a tablet under his bed*

    April 6th, 2141

    Holy doody it's been a long time. Has it not?
    I've decided to go by Beta permanently, I think it suits me more, always loved the greeks n' shit.
    But news is news, The Taranis ball was today. Lavender couldn't make it, poor sod still thinks he's out to kill someone. I pity him sometimes, what with the blind loyalty and what not.
    Rewind a little bit, A couple months ago I helped out a glitch by the name of Pulsar, she needed help with a few others to hunt down someone of questionable background. I helped her out, but we parted ways. Turns out she arrived to the ball without an invitation, so I took her as my date guest!
    Only one thing, she was different. Had the same voice and was the same person..just a hylotl. It was odd, but I'm not one to question things.
    We had a very lovely evening, I even got a kiss in the end. But then something happened.
    It seemed Astora's date had stood him up. He got completely drunk off of his ass, and after an argument with John. John attacked him.
    After that.. I'm not really sure I want to say what happened after that. What's important is Astora is alive.
    Although I'm not sure I can look up to John any more after that.
    Astora is my true commander, after all.