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Test yourself

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Chance Handri, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    You could win fifty thousand pixels!

    Do you think your brave enough to make it through our hazardous cave?
    If you believe so, come join us at our incredible obstacle course, and see if you can brave what others could not.
    Any participants will be taken gladly, and anyone is welcome to drop by.
    I wish you the best of the luck when navigating the twists and turns of the cave, and I hope you can prevail!

    The cave is not always open. Lack of bodily harm can not be assured and the cave is not responsible for any injuries. The cave has been proven mildly dangerous to some peoples. -Chit
    #1 Chance Handri, Apr 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  2. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Coordinates would be nice. Just saying. I shall give it a shot, solely for the fun of it. I can't see myself needing a million pixels, but I'll worry about that if I actually succeed.
  3. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    We proudly present... Our first episode.

    *The shot opens on a rather odd looking figure, dressed in some kind of metal/cloth outfit, with a visor showing two pixelated eyes. An electronic voice emits from a small speaker on the side of his helmet. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm here to proudly open the first episode of "The Cave." We would like to welcome today's guest star, one Markus Nalo, and our host, Chit Dixie. Now, without further ado, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." The screen fades to black, and then you can hear a mans voice sputtering in the dark. "Aw shit.... I should've brought a godamn flashlight." This is followed by a thump, and some swearing from the male voice. Suddenly, in the background, a slightly haunting action tune begins to play. "Huh..?" the male voice sounds slightly confused. The lights flash on and the location is revealed. A young human man, wearing kevlar armor, a metal mask, and wielding a large hammer is standing in the middle of a stone cave, shaped roughly like an arena. There is an outcropping, in which the figure that introduced the video lounges in a chair. "What is this...?" The human looks around, and then a figure drops down from way he came. He looks very similar to the shows announcer, and is clutching two curved blades. "Oh. I see how it is." The humans voice is tainted with agitation, and the newcomer chuckles, the voice sounding tinny and electronic. The figure standing on the outcropping suddenly shouts "Lets the games begin!" and Chit, the creature in the arena with Markus the human, dashed forward slashing with his blades. Markus tried to block the oncoming attack, but Chit had already dived under and taking a clean swipe at his chest, puncturing the armor. Markus, enraged, raised his hammer and slammed it into the ground, yelling. Chit scampered to the side, then lunged in taking another swipe at him, and once again damaging his chest. Then, the announcer yelled over the commotion the word "Dark", and the stadium went black. The cameras then switch to a kind of night vision setting, allowing the viewer to see whats happening. Markus had raised his hammer, and swung it around, bashing Chit in the head. Smoke billowed from his helmet, and he stumbled backwards. While Chit was stunned, Markus had raised his hammer again, and brought it down heavily on Chit's helmet. Chits synthesized yelp of pain echoed though the room, and the lights came on once again, only now flashing creating somewhat of a strobe effect. Chit dove forward, and Marcus aimed another swing but Chit had already sprawled flat onto the ground, and cut over his knees. Getting up, Marcus screamed in rage and aimed his hammer one last time, bringing it down onto Chits head, but he had already moved and leaped forward, to the sound of ripping kevlar. Markus fell onto his back, as the announcer muttered a few garbled words, and Chit advanced toward him, holding his blades, and as he raised one sword the lights in the arena turned off. Suddenly, the shot went back to the cheery announcer, sitting on a chair in front of what looked like curtains. He then spoke "Well, this time round' it looks like our challenger failed, but could you be the next winner? The prize for the shows first succeeding contestant wins fifty thousand pixels. Yes, you heard me correctly, fifty thousand. Maybe you could be our next challenger. Until next time!" And the screen blinks out*

    #3 Chance Handri, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  4. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >>Quite exciting. I do certainly of course hope that that man was not harmed for real however.
    >>I am excited for the next episode.
  5. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    (( speaking from the announcer's perspective, because I played his role))

    Erm..... nope! not at all! Just a minor injury that cut off his leg...
  6. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    We would give people cords, but we are afraid that they would mess up all of the work we have done on the place, including the absolute MONSTROSITY that was wiring.
  7. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >>How absolutely and dreadfully unsafe sounding. I certainly hope that you have fixed all safety issues.
    >>While 50,000 pixels sounds nice, I do not think it is worth the loss of a limb.
  8. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Loss of a limb? With all due respect, isn't it obviously scripted? Of course no real harm was delt to our patron.
    Do excuse Chat. He tends to take the shows immersive aspect too seriously.

    #8 Chance Handri, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2015
  9. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    "He is right! We ensure our customers' safety!"

  10. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Sooooo...I tried the cave out myself. Pretty neat stuff. Spoiler alert: I lived and kept all my limbs and "essential" components . The episode should be up soon with the details. I did my best to make it entertaining. Hope they retain the fun!
  11. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Oh! that was you? good job! We had fun. That was the best run yet. Look foward to it, it's a blast.
  12. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    >Episode Two

    *The scene opens on Chit, or the announcer, sitting on a stool, the same backdrop as the last episode rests behind him. "Hey there, Antares. I'd like too introduce our second episode. Were proudly introducing a new guest star, Maz Noviak! We do hope you are entertained and we wish good luck to our challenger! Now, lets rock n' roll, shall we?" Curtains close, and the screen goes black. A male figure is walking down stairs in pitch black darkness, ad the night vision cameras reveal. He suddenly trips up a little and falls into the arena. Music once again starts in the darkness, and he looks around. Then, the lights flash on. Chit stands a little ways away, holding a large broadsword. "This like an arena or something?" The man pulls two knives from his hip. "Violence sells." Chit starts slowly advancing. Suddenly, he charges raising his sword, and the human ducks under it, cutting at his ankle. Chit swiveled around, taking another swipe, on that was dodged again, the backed up into a corner of the stadium. Chat's spastic and nearly incomprehensible voice is heard over the music, describing each and every detail to the viewer. Chat then reached up and pulled a lever, and a large portion of the floor shifted into the wall, leaving a gaping pit separating the two fighters. Chit charged at the pit, and hurled his sword across it aiming for the readied human on the other side. It sailed across the gap and right past Maz. He taunted the figure, and then the lights shut off again. A revving sounded in the dark arena, and when they were once again switched on, Chat held a large iron drill in one hand. The gap had closed, allowing the fighters at each other. "You going all Bioshock on me?" the human taunted, and Chat charged forward, again, lunging with his drill. The human took a good slice at the back of his armor. This repeated several times, with the lights flickering on and off in the process, until Chit backed Maz into a corner of the room. The lights shut off, and when they came back on, Chit was holding a much large weapon. A huge broadsword in his right hand. "Oh, Hello Cloud Strife." Maz spoke in a taunting tone, and Chit brought the sword down. Maz jumped out of the way, pulling a gun and fired it multiple times. Chit was knocked back, staggering, then as he tapped his helmet, the lights shut off for a final time. When they came back on, Chat was crouched on the announcers both, holding a rather large gun in his hand. Maz, looking around, as he was under the outcropping, took a few steps back. Chit immediately fired down at him, piercing his kevlar, and then while he was recovering threw his gun into the pit. Ma had run to the other side of the arena, and fired a couple more shots at Chit. He pulled his drill from his belt, and made a mad dash over to the other side of the arena, taking one of the shots in the shoulder. Maz drew his knives once more, and they engaged in melee combat. The drill on mettle sent sparks showering over the camera, and the, without warning Maz leaped over to the other side of the pit, drawing a grappling hook. Chit, leaping after him, made it halfway across the pit before Maz fired and hooked the grappling hook to his chest, jumped over him, and landed on the other side, making him fall into the darkness bellow. He yelled in triumph and the lights turned off. Only the sound of the drill, still drilling, was present. The night vision setting on the camera then turned on, showing chit, his drill lodged in the rock, slowly climbing back out. When the lights turned on again, he was right next to Maz, and jammed the drill into his armor. Before he could pierce the skin, Maz made a sweep across his face with the knife, and Chit fell to the floor, his monitors cracked and broken, billowing smoke. After a small moment, he got up, but made no more aggressive movements. "C-Congrajulations." Maz opened his mouth to reply, but before he could a shot rang out, and a plasma charge hit him straight in the back, and he yelped in pain. He fell to his hands and knees, yelling "Cheap shot!" and Chit raised on fist to punch him in the face. As his fist made contact with him, Maz , in desperation, slammed his knife into a hole in Chit's armor. Chits monitors flicker and died out and he fell to the ground, but the damage was done and both Maz and Chit stayed motionless, on the arena floor. The lights shut off curtains closed. The shot fades to Chat, sitting on a stool with the curtains behind him. "Well, I think we have a tie on our hands. Our poor host took a bit of a beating. Anyway, we better close up, so thanks for watching and stay tuned for the next episode!" He gives a cheery wave, and the screen blinks out*​
    #12 Chance Handri, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2015
  13. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    ((Friend, atleast get the names right.))
    #13 Carl, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2015
  14. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    A gameshow eh? And it pays well.... Sure, I'll give it a shot, if you'll have me.

    -Violeta 'Darkwill' Hemlok
  15. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Great! Come on in 9-10 hrs ((from when this message was sent)), When we open up our doors for a new challenger.
    #15 Carl, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2015
  16. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    it's 9 to 10 hours later... what do I do now?
  17. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Ah. We'll be ready in a bit... As soon as I wrangle my associate.
  18. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I'm here Chit! let's get started!

  19. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Can't wait to see the episode broadcasted where I kicked your asses! That's not to say I wasn't pretty injured after the fact. The Chief had to patch me up real good. Some of it without anestheics..... BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! How long does it usually take to send the winnings of your show? Also, when does it air? Gonna have the whole tribe watch it.

    -Violeta Hemlok
  20. Carl

    Carl New Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    We first have to cut the footage a bit... The camera almost broke because of your flares, so we have to do some editing too. And... the winnings... That may come soon enough.

    ((PS. Is the so called tribe Dionea?))