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Discussion in 'Archives' started by Optimism, Apr 10, 2015.


Has time changed you?

  1. Time has changed me.

    9 vote(s)
  2. The more time changed me, the more I stayed the same.

    4 vote(s)
  1. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    After thinking on what I desired to know more of in this sector, I thought of making a short response question on how time has affected the population of Antares.

    What's one distinct characteristic that's changed about you since you first approached this sector, and how does it define who you are now, as opposed to who you were? If nothing has changed, what is something new you've learned or observed?

  2. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Time here has taught me the value of keeping your head down, but to plant your talons firmly. A reason I believe I survived my arrival here near a year ago was my care to stay out of conflicts I knew to be traps. Too many have died young to violence or heroism.

    However, I've also learned to be bolder where my friendships and beliefs are concerned, and to not give ground willfully to attackers of those I care for or those who would see me silenced just for my words. I think these are valuable lessons to have learned over the course of a year, having arrived as a stubborn, brash Flightless who hadn't even outgrown his last teenage year.

    I have also learned to be cautious about asking the advice of priests upon relationships, unless you enjoy the idea of being advised to be married before twenty and raising multiple chicks before twenty-one.

  3. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Time in Antares has caused me a lot of pain, grief, and loss. But it's also brought me to experience and learn far more than I might have learned anywhere else. The value of taking someone's word at face value. The risks and rewards of doing what you consider the 'right' thing. The value of companionship, both on a professional and personal level.

    I've learned to consider the viewpoints of others and take their feelings into consideration when planning my own actions. It's important to understand the relationship between people and how their behaviors and attitudes change when in the presence of their peers. Reading deeper meanings behind peoples' words is an incredibly undervalued skill, especially when you covet information well above any currency.

    I've also learned many skills in my time within the Frontier. First and foremost, how to cook things other than bugs and cave snails. Admittedly, the first few weeks were rough here without a home. Thankfully my previous practice with archery made acquiring food to cook much easier. Alongside cooking, I've also learned how to fire weapons properly. It took a lot of practice- I even built a firing range for my friends. These days I'm trying to learn to fight hand-to-hand. The bruises on my face and ribs say it's going well.

    In conclusion, as my time in Antares ticks along, I've noticed that I'm still the same man as when I entered the sector. Just matured. I have new problems, responsibilities, and new friends. New experiences may influence the way I handle situations, but I'll always be Ziggy Downsilk.
  5. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    I got shot.
    A lot.
  6. Deadkool-aid

    Deadkool-aid New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    I am Servebot, I will assist.
    *Uploaded via on-board console
  7. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    - Raideck
  8. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I have learned that I will be attacked by being what I am and not acknowledged by my accomplishments and faults by those who wish to feel superior about themselves.

    #8 Tallen, Apr 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2015
  9. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I was once alone, piloting my fighter to get away from my enemies. Those were long years of isolation and paranoia and upon reaching Antares and its peoples, they changed me. I arrived in Antares at the age of 27 and am now 35 after travelling between sectors. I have more friends than I can deal with, and maybe living a life of violence isn't all that great if it means losing everyone I care about. I went from a Co-Captain of the Grey Hand to a Private of the USAF, and I'm okay with that. Life's just another ship and I'm gonna leave it on cruise control.

  10. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    It has taught me that destiny is false.
    Predictions are false.
    Your future is crafted by yourself. Not by your 'fate'.
    I had once thought I'd be forever used as a weapon of murder.
    I have a choice. It is a hard choice, but a choice, nonetheless.

  11. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    "When I first set foot in Antares, I was clueless on what I was to do. I could've returned to banditry, I could've grouped up with my own kind, or I coukd've settled down and perhaps find a beautiful woman. I unintentionally took the second option. Over the radio, I heard about a few people hunting my kind, and naturally, an arrogant me decided it was his duty to deal with these hunters. A group of us got together, we found a planet to settle on, and that's where it all fell apart. In our group, there was a beautiful woman, I liked her quite a bit - but so did the self-proclaimed leader of the group. It was obvious by the way he hid her from danger - just as bad as her father. I'm skipping a lot of details, but that place was burnt down, and I took her with me. She decided to leave to see her father, but she hasn't returned. I decided to build a ranch from scratch, and- well, it didn't succeed.

    My time spent here has changed me a lot. I've simply stopped caring for any of those. Those who are able to leave are lucky, but the ones washed ashore in this damned frontier have to suck it up and push forward, and that is what I have to do. I can't let memories and change hold me back. You could say I've given up, and I agree. I have. The people I've met, they've all faded away."

    - Photon Quanta
  12. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    How unjust.

  13. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Indeed. To be minding my business by the pier of Katune only to be stopped by a fellow avian for him to squawk at how much of a disgrace I am, and essentially admitting I am guilty of nothing but being a Grounded for it. Very unjust. Glad we agree on it.

  14. Chance Handri

    Chance Handri The DarkDork

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Time here has changed me. Immensely. I've seen incredible things, even wonderful things out here, but a lot of horror here too. I saw more corpses then I had previously seen in my life within the first week, and that changes people. I think that I'm a bit more jaded. I dropped religion, and optimism is at an all time low. The upside is that I've been hardened. This new world has taught me how to survive, fight, and look out for myself. Skills I wasn't too keen on before I came here. I know what -I hope- it takes to live here, and I think living here has grown it in me. I came here as a bit of a silly and naive person... And I still am. You can't do shit about that. But, I am definitely not the same one. Whether this is good or bad, thats debatable.

    -Marx Handri
    #14 Chance Handri, Apr 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2015
  15. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    A disgrace, perhaps, but the cause behind the effects of that conversation lay elsewhere. Ease some of the prideful swelling out of your cheeks, open your eyes and ears, and listen, that you might understand. Otherwise I cannot help one who insists indifference, but then claims injustice.

    Consider acts and reasons for how they are, rather than how you wish to see them, and you may yet learn some excellence my dear kin.

    #15 Optimism, Apr 11, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  16. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    "How they are. How I wish to see them." I am merely pointing out exactly what happened. I was hounded in the pier of Katune and when asked why I was told it was based entirely on my beliefs. We used to be on amicable terms; I even assisted you, kept you from shooting or being shot by a Floran. Provided advice. Then out of the blue you accost me and insult me repeatedly. You know nothing of who I am, but you made baseless assumptions of what I am and what I do, whilst posing yourself as superior.

    I ask you the same, flitting around and calling to the entire sector how pathetic I am in an unprovoked attack, admitting right there that my only crime was to be a Grounded, while puffing out your chest at your own imagined superiority. I'm pointing out exactly what your fault was, and your only reply is deflecting the accusations by saying 'you must open your eyes and ears and listen, so you might understand'. Indeed, when was the last time one was brought up to a trial and told 'we will not tell you what crimes you are being held up for. You must figure them out yourself'? Tell me objectively where my fault lies in or stop pestering me.

  17. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    You never asked me why I accosted you. As I recall, you hardly spoke a word, and assumed the entirety of my lecture was done for your identity. Regardless, I was angry at the time.

    If you assume that it was based solely on your identity, I'd have cursed all the companions you share your roost with as well. But no, I used angry words with you for what I knew the truth of your identity was going to do to a friend of ours. You, who also called him a good friend, and yet saw it in yourself later to tell him what was best for him, and what would give him peace of mind. I pray, next time you decide to walk among the faithful, tell the friends you make the truth about yourself, and spare them pain.

  18. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I asked you right there the reason for your hounding and your reply was "you are Grounded". That is why I didn't bother talking to you; why should I bother with some little Flightless Zealot who is squawking at me for no real reason? Also, do not dare to say you know what transpired between myself, Herx and Skarti. Ask Herx yourself - I never approached him, nor did I make attempt to befriend him. I told him again and again not to bother with me but Skarti intervened every time. He couldn't conceive being friends with a Grounded, and that is why I told him to simply leave me be.

    And you come and assume, naturally, that it is all the fault of the Grounded, without ever trying to attain the full story behind the circumstances.

    - Glauen.
  19. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    You really are lost to us, aren't you?

    I will ask him. Were that you had just told him the truth from the beginning however, this might have all been avoided. Am I false to say that?

    Refusing to communicate didn't aid me in my discovery of the truth. I concede not all was as I thought, but the root of the problem is the same. There is no lack of fault that lies with you, though not all with you. Still, whatever the reasons, my friend was hurt, and you are right in one regard. You both should have stayed away.

  20. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I told him again and again the truth. Skarti intervened again and again. Half the problems I have had with Flightless as of late have been because of it. I finally got the truth past, now. It is for the best.

    Because I asked you the reason for your hounding and your response was "you are Grounded"! Would you bother listening to a Grounded who is squawking at you constantly claiming you are all that is wrong with the Flightless based solely on what you are? Ask him away. Clear it up. I am sorry I hurt him, but in the long run it is for the best.
