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M.O.O.C.S. Public Service Announcement

Discussion in 'Archives' started by JunoStriker, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. JunoStriker

    JunoStriker New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    This is an audio recording posted on the Starnet Forums:

    Female voice with a very formal Southern drawl. Translators will identify the language spoken as the Novakid.
    Male voice, jovial and loud. Translators will identify the language spoken as English. Probably human.


    "Sir, it's recordin' now."

    "Ah, very good! So, I should...."
    "Yessir, please relay yer message."
    "Of course!" He clears his throat. "Hello, citizens of Antares! It is I, -" BLEEEEEEP. "- here to talk to you about-"
    "Sir, ah thought ya wanted ta remain anonymous."
    "What? Oh, yes! Do that censoring thing later on, would you? Anywho! I am the founder of the Military Organization Of Criminal Sanctions, or M.O.O.C.S., for short! And today, I'd like to address a POTENTIAL problem that we have stumbled across."

    "For those of you that do not know, M.O.O.C.S. is a mercenary company that uses prisoners on death row to do their work. Mercenaries who CHOOSE to partake in jobs will be rewarded with points that will work towards their 'promotion', which is, basically, their freedom. Of course, you can hire them as nannies, or maids, or guards, or even perhaps caterers! We can't guarantee that their skillsets are the best in that regard, but-"
    "Sir, yer runnin' off-course again."
    "Oh, yes, forgive me! Where was I?"
    "Merc murder, sir."
    "That's right! Now, our mercs are outfitted with weapons and tools to get whatever job they need done, and for self-defense! Unfortunately, they normally come off as VERY suspicious to many, and we have had some rather gung-ho citizens brandishing weapons and threatening arrest. Please, if you see a merc minding his own business, do not attack or arrest them on the grounds of being suspicious. Sometimes they are simply on reconnaissance duty, sometimes they're on break. I assure you, if you aren't on our list, they mean you no harm, although they can come off as very grumpy or rude."

    "For the most part, the mercs are not under our direct control, but are instead under their employer's orders. This means if our mercenaries break any rules in a colony, it is probably because their employer told them to, NOT US. So don't sue us. Bounties are the exception, as we believe in letting our criminals give back to the community by hunting OTHER criminals! Even then, they are explicitly told to follow the rules of the colony they are on. So if they broke rules trying to secure a bounty, please let us know, and we will terminate them for their negligence, if you haven't done so already."

    BLEEEEP. "-am I misssing something?"
    "Sir, try not ta use mah name as well."
    "Oh, yes, sorry! How silly of me. Just get-" BLEEEEP. "-to do the censor thing again."
    "Of course, sir. Ah suppose ah'll censor his name as well, sir?"
    "See, this is why you're my secretary, -" BLEEEEP.
    A heavy sigh can be heard, then a click as the recording ends.

    #1 JunoStriker, Mar 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2015
  2. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I have one question: how do you keep the mercs in-line? Can't they just attempt to flee? Or use the weapons give to them in self-defense to instead attack their employer and take their ship?

  3. JunoStriker

    JunoStriker New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    A text reply is sent back.
    All information can be found on the M.O.O.C.S. forums. But to answer your question, all mercenaries are implanted with a bomb in their skull, and a detonator will be given to their employers, as well as an optional dead-man-switch. These bombs will be removed once they are 'promoted'. If you have any further questions, a thread has been opened on our forums for discussions on details.

    - M.O.O.C.S. Forum Administrator

  4. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Do you guys do catering?

  5. JunoStriker

    JunoStriker New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    All questions should be directed to the M.O.O.C.S. forums. But to answer your question, you are renting the mercs to do as you please. If you choose to use them to cater food, that is fine, but we cannot vouch for their proficiency in that regard. Also, all we provide are the mercs and their equipment. You will have to find things like tables, chairs, cutlery, ingredients, cooking utensils and canopies on your own.

    - M.O.O.C.S. Forum Administrator
