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Lucian's Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by TheAngryMelon, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    The following entries are kept in Lucian's journal, safely tucked away in the bookcase that rests inside of his room in Chasm.


    What a wonderful, peculiar day!
    I finally took the metaphorical plunge and invited a few residents of Antares to Chasm. Nice enough fellows, they seemed a little taken aback by the physical location of my home. None the less, the four of them left in good spirits. I shall have to make an official post into Starnet, now that I'm on the map.
    More surprises! As I was in the middle of that sentence, I was visited by a rather curious Novakid. Told me his name was Ku, and seemed more than happy to ask me a small barrage of questions about my hole in the ground.
    Did seem a bit unnerved when he saw the Hall of the Dead, though. Understandable, probably thought I was going to ask him to stay there forever.

    It's a new feeling when people are wandering around your home. You get used to the silence...

    I shall have to restock my supplies in the coming future. I'm running awfully low on meat.

    Previous total: 2167
    Sales (Cafe): +105
    New total: 2272​
    #1 TheAngryMelon, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2015
  2. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Things are certainly going much better than I had originally hoped. Now that Chasm is on the map, I've gained a new frequent visitor. Shady sort of fellow; never takes his hood off and is far too vague for his own good. Something about getting his group of people together and waiting for their boss.
    It bothers me little, as long as they don't bring any of their business to my dear home. The last thing Chasm needs is a hole in a wall because somebody couldn't keep it in their holster. I do not wish to seek aid for repairs, lest people see what they shouldn't and ask questions that should remain unasked.

    In more fortunate news, I've discovered a new batch of structures along the lake's far shore. I have yet to explore further, but I will need to start cleaning and preparing these old buildings for public use. I doubt they will see much foot traffic, but I refuse to live in the knowledge that a fraction of my home is not in peak condition.
    Or, as close as possible to peak condition.

    I'm leaving Chasm's gate closed whilst I work. As much as I want to encourage visitors, I can't have people wandering around my home without my knowledge. Doors are locked, but I cannot trust a flimsy wooden frame to keep out the prying eyes of most of Antares' residents.

    Now, I must return to work. There's much more of Chasm that I have yet to see, I can feel it!

  3. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    More progress, and a few fascinating developments.

    To start off, my exploration of Chasm has proven to be as interesting as ever. The far structures have been cleaned and repaired, and I even managed to get the old skyrail line working.
    Well, less "working" and more "made sure one could use it without getting an unwanted bath". Still, I now have a faster method of traversing Chasm's lake, so that's a plus.
    My exploration has also rewarded me with yet another obstacle. Just off the shore, I'm faced with the entrance to a large stone structure. A rather peculiar light hangs just above the entrance, and the way inside has been firmly boarded up. There's a door, although the location of the key is a mystery. I shall have to see about picking the lock, but at a later date.

    Perhaps the most interesting change of all is where I'm writing from. I had the pleasure of meeting a rather interesting woman last night.
    Cordelia; the groundskeeper for a pleasant little colony known as Elysium, where I'm currently resting. She seemed quite fascinated with Chasm, and extended the opportunity to visit her own home to me. I was treated to a delightful dinner and some equally fascinating conversation. There is certainly much more to this woman than she lets on.
    Quite trusting. I do hope that doesn't end up getting her hurt in the future.

    She's one of the few people in the Frontier that I can actually call a friend.

  4. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    (( There's a small photo stapled to the bottom of this page ))



    Starting to wonder if Antares is worth it.
    In the past few weeks I've been mugged, kidnapped, gassed, manhandled and injured. To top it all off, somebody had the bright idea to vandalize my poor home.
    The ceiling of Chasm's tomb collapsed on me while I was exploring. I managed to escape fatal injury, but my arm was crushed beneath some of the rubble. Thanks to Gustwood, I was able to treat the wound and put my arm in a sling. I can manage, I suppose.
    Then, and this is my own fault, I had the bright idea to investigate a distress signal. Smokestack and another human accompanied me, but unsurprisingly I was swiftly kidnapped and gassed shortly after. Servebot claims he was damaged by malware, but I'm not taking any chances. Sounds just as believable as pleading insanity in court.

    Just as I beamed down today, I found that an unwanted visitor had scrawled "GET OUT" over the beampoint of Chasm. I don't know if this was a random hit, but the vagrants that did this should hope that I don't find them in the future.
    This is EXACTLY why I have a gate. I shudder to think of what they would have done if I had left the entrance wide open.
    At least the Hall of the Dead was untouched.

    No word from Cordelia, either. As much as I want to message her again, I don't want to seem desperate for her company.
    I understand some women might find that strange.

    Now I just need to find a mop and bucket...

  5. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    To think I was worried about a little graffiti.

    Eleven days ago I beamed down to my home, hoping to sample a crate of wine I've been saving for the past little bit. I was planning to compliment it with some fine cheeses and hopefully get a little more progress writing my book.

    Instead I found twenty tonnes of stone blocking the entrance.

    Chasm has, unfortunately, suffered a cave-in. I'm unsure of the damage further inside, but I dearly hope that what remains is salvageable. The Hall of the Dead is still standing, and I can still see my lanterns further inside the tunnel.
    If I can manage to find a method to remove the stone, I hope that I may return to Chasm once again.
    Until then however, I am homeless.

    I've been spending most of my time around Katune, which has thankfully seen a large drop in crime ever since it's governor assaulted somebody. I've met no shortage of interesting and peculiar folk, which only makes me long for home even more. It's hard to entertain company when you're doing it in someone else's bar.
    Ciel is a starchild that I run into frequently. Very energetic sort, even for one of his kind. Part of me wonders if his friendliness is going to get him killed.
    Seems to have an obsession with showing me his pet...
    I ran into an Apex who refrained from using her true name, and insisted that I call her something of my own choosing. "Violet" seems appropriate, so I'll be sticking with that for the time being. It's obvious that she's hiding quite a bit about herself, but everybody's entitled to their own secrets.
    Also the only person I've seen in decades that actually possessed bubblegum.

    The rest of my interactions are either lost in my memory or weren't notable enough to be worth writing about.

    Actually, that reminds me. I need to get in contact with Glauen.
    Gustwood passed away, and the funeral was far too busy for me to pay any proper respects. I hope I'll be allowed audience with the grave sometime soon.
    Goodness, I hope that table he left me is still intact. It'd be a shame to lose it, even if I was reluctant to accept it at first.

    This entry has gone on for long enough, I'm going to see if I can find anywhere other than Katune to visit.
