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So what do you think?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Raideck, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    So half of you probably know me and half of that probably hate me or something. Anyways, I was wondering what you think about the server and the community at this point. If you're a veteran then what do you think of where the server is going?

    Now how I feel about the server ,from when I first joined, I feel afraid actually. It's been scary, not necessarily bad but not great either.
  2. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Personally, I think that with the departure of the few really poisonous community members, things have been getting better. I usually don't voice my opinion on things outside of my little circle, so I figured I might as well give my two cents here.

    My only concern now is quality, and this could be considered a minor personal gripe. To further elaborate on this, grammar and realism. Grammar is just something that makes your posts look a little nicer and yourself a bit more educated, but I don't demand everyone uses perfect grammar all of the time either, it is a minor gripe as I've stated. As for realism, I enjoy realism to a degree, personally I lean towards more hardcore than casual. This IS Starbound though, and science fiction, so I'm not expecting space-life simulator out of it. When I see asspull, people shrugging off injuries, and/or an utter lack of knowledge in their field when a person tries to play a certain profession, that is what bugs me. I know this has been dug into previously, the discussion of casual vs hardcore and where Antares sits, this is merely my stance on it. I won't force my style of role play on others, nor do I encourage segregation of the community.

    However! This is much better than having a numberless band of society's undesirables running around nuking places and strategically exterminating characters they don't like, thank GOD that's over. Without any of that toxicity plaguing us, I feel like we've got room to breathe and expand.

    PS - no I don't want a hugbox, I just don't want people being fucking assholes to each other.
  3. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    Certain blatant homosexual plant.
    grammer of nothing
    Bitching and moaning OOCly in game, its a game suck it up.
    I don't know, proper grammar?
    Everything else is fine.

    we have potential.
    let's reach that potential.
    and act on it.

    On a sidenote: [​IMG]
  4. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    My stance has always been to try to improve overall player and RP quality more subtly - setting up good examples and bringing up problems ICly if posible or OOCly if it is altogether too grating. I especially think folks should give newer RPers an easier time early on for them to adjust (god damnit my first day in Antares was horrendous). Lead by example whenever possible.
  5. hoshiwara.t

    hoshiwara.t New Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    As a reviewer and a role player for some time in Antares, I am confident to say that Antares is doing well. Maybe much better than before? I enjoy role playing every time I log in, and to have such a fun experience with my character encountering different characters.

    There were issues that @Solour has pointed out that is very evident in the server. One of them are players reacting in a way (OOCly) that makes other player's role play experience worse, and that kind of issue continue to happen today. However, it is impossible to have a perfect role play experience in which many of role players like ourselves know, because everybody's perspectives on situations and how they role play is different and it is our responsibility as role players (and as humans too?) to understand them and try to resolve those situations with as little argumentation as possible, instead of being biased against everything and somewhat forcing other players to play by another person's rules, which is as we all know as power gaming. So instead of thinking that of an issue, it is more of a reoccurring situation that can be easily resolved by making reasonable agreements.

    Players such as @CouchPotato360 prefer more of hardcore, vanilla role play with no custom races, I presume? As I also prefer that kind of role play style, I would also enjoy a few things such as having mech wars (Like Gundam in space) and the ability to use Psionics (now that Starbound have introduced such things). However, there are other players that would disagree with me, which I can understand because operating Gundams requires lots of pixels and experience to maintain them (additionally how and where they found that material and what company funds those Gundams, etc.), and Psionics are magical spells in which realistic science does not support. These kind of perspectives needs to be considered for the community as a whole so we can polish out what seems right and wrong, and that is very difficult to do because although we have thousands of white listed members, there are members like ourselves that play often or occasionally, and we need to consider for both player groups. Please remember that Antares has always been, and always will have a realistic setting that is in between the fine lines of realism and creativity (Which some players dislike because they view this issue that Antares should be both black and white, no beating around the bushes).

    I will also speak on behalf of all the Reviewers to the community, that we are constantly changing the application process and figuring out what is the most efficient way to test the new role players that will start to come role playing Antares. If we look at the application process that we have now, it used to be a 3-strike style where if you get denied 3 times when you apply for the server, you must contact a Global Moderator to deal with that applicant. Now, if you get denied once, you cannot re-apply for a month. This kind of treatment to the applicants may be considered harsh, but it at the moment we are trying to for now, favour quality over quantity. I am certain that most active role players in Antares today wish to have a comfortable experience with new role players, am I correct?

    There are also still few OOCly mistrust between the staff and some of the very experienced role players in this server that has moved to other servers. I cannot say for the staff because I am not a staff member myself, but some of us know very well that those ex-Antares role players still linger among our forums because they are attached to Antares even though they dislike it because how they are treated.

    There are many plans for Antares. The Global Moderators and Administrators are always open for new ideas about the lore, how the community should operate, etc. There are many, many ideas and potential plans that I will unable to say because the baseline of them are not really established, and I will say some of them are shocking and quite revolutionary. There are already a discussion in the forums right now about social forums, and the staff has asked the community's opinion on the matter. These are the first steps into reaching a better community, and I am certain if these steps continue, we will most likely reach the pinnacle of a very fantastic Starbound role play community where everybody can have a good time. Truly!

    - hoshiwara.t
  6. MothOWar

    MothOWar New Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I agree. The community could use less members who enjoy roleplaying sexualized children being brutally raped to death by Zerg-analogues.
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    As someone who has been on the server right from the beginning I think the server is currently in a pretty good place.
  8. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    what an odd example.
    I do so agree, however.
    It's a frontier. Make a name for yourself. The space of opportunity. Not quite for how many lesbian moments you can have. remember kids, the terminators know what youre doing.
    Now, im not saying abstinence is cool.
    but c'mon folk. let's control our hormones.
  9. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    If this sort of thing got reported, it would actually be handled. I've seen three references to this in the last two days, and I don't even know what "this" is. If you guys are seeing this sort of stuff, take a screenshot and report it.
  10. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I like it here. Once you find the people who share your style it's a really enjoyable experience. Realism, as usual, is one thing I really would like to see more of, but at this point it's not too bad.
  11. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Actually it's because it's fun to watch.

    Like a bad train wreck.
  12. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    I've been here since April, and at this point I've seen many errors and mistakes and such, so I believe I have an opinion on the matter despite not actually /playing/ here anymore. There are many issues with the staff, infact, such as the fact that you have one of the moderators whom I won't name, being petty and a general egocentric jerk, which isn't really helpful. I'm sure he knows who he is, but then you also have the administrator who BARELY knows what the hell is going on half the time, no offense to you, either. The player-base is full of people who give me headaches, from egocentric jerks to people with characters so snow-flakey we may as well dub them as the cast of Frozen. The staff is not connected to the player-base very well anymore, or they'd probably know a little bit more about it.

    Not sure where else I'm going with this so let me just point out; I see the server failing in the future, and just as Aiko put so elegantly, it's rather hilarious. If it doesn't fail, it's going to be a haven for stupidity and disgrace. Just as a further notice, this is PROBABLY going to get removed because criticism is apparently bad. Please notice that I'm trying to be helpful with this post, despite my mannerisms. Good luck, champs.

    Edit: Don't censor this post, or you're just proving my point further. If you cannot accept criticism of your staff and server, then you probably should not be in the position you are in.
  13. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    If you have a problem with the staff, please file a report. There's even a one-click conversation starting tool for contacting the staff. Nothing will get done if you complain without actually providing usable details. This goes for any other problems, too. We are not everywhere at once and we cannot see everything at once, and things will slip by us unless they're reported.
  14. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Assuming you'd like to be banned, of course.
  15. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    B-but my whitelist, it might get deleted ;^((((((
  16. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I'm not sure where this idea that complaining about the staff will be ground for an immediate ban came from. It is certainly not the case, and it is only counterproductive to actually preventing any cases of staff abuse. If you have a problem, come to us. We are here to prevent problems and provide a fun environment, but we need the player's help to do that as well. Your whitelist and/or account will never be removed or banned because you have an issue with staff conduct.
  17. Xeni

    Xeni New Member

    Dec 9, 2014
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    For reporting a concerning issue? What a peculiar thing to say.

    This. We may be Staff members, but when it boils down to it, we are still other human beings looking for interaction in this community. If you have an issue with one of us, like anybody we would like to hear it so that we can resolve it in a civil manner.
  18. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Bullshit. I do not trust a certain petty one who's /shitlist/ he claims I am on, which makes me certain I'm not safe if I make any criticism. At this point, I also don't give a rat's ass about the server or its stupid politics. I just like pointing out the issues.

    No. You apparently have no clue, then.
  19. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Oh, no. Nonono. Of course not.

    They'll just find a different reason.
  20. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Actually while we're at it, I think this is a nice place for a last post. I have no interest in being on a server with petty moderators, other moderators who don't know the half of politics, with a host who has no goddamn clue what's going on half-the time, with an admin who is nothing but a lap-dog, nor on a server with players who out of the server, role-play about zerg rape of twelve-year old girls (cough, you know who you are, you disgusting fucking freaks). Good riddance.
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