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Important Issues the Community Should Acknowledge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aiko Ikari, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    No, a moderator was looking through logs to see if the report was accurate.
  2. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Then what's so wrong about making an appeal alongside this?
  3. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    You agreed to stop using the name, and then used it anyway. If you wished to contest it, you did not continue to after your agreement. Nor did you fight it after your probationary day had ended. Your opinion DOES matter, but you chose not to voice it until AFTER reprimand had been delivered.

    Appeals are not us asking for you to apologize. They are an opportunity to point out our mistakes and overturn clerical error.
    Please. Stop jumping to conclusions. You are muddling this topic with conspiracy theories. We received complaints. Before any disciplinary actions, investigatory actions or warnings were given.
  4. MothOWar

    MothOWar New Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    So someone submitted a fake report of Aiko Yori logging in?
  5. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    ...No. They didn't. The report was legitimate.
  6. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    You are wrong. I immediately contested the agreement within minutes of the agreement being made. Read the skype log I had posted.

    Throughout this servers history, an 'appeal' has always been considered an apology to the staff. Though that is not its proper definition, the 'culture' of this community has made it so.

    I will not apologize.

    If you are merely looking to work out your errors and apologize yourselves for making rash decisions and jumping the gun, then do so here.
    If that is what you are looking for, my OP should be an appeal enough. It is, through proper definition, an appeal.
  7. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I don't see the big issue with the name.

    I'm the original Petaldancer.
    There's some new guy also going by Petaldancer.

    Sure it's a different person, but it's also the same name, and obviously NOT a resurrection
    And I have no issues, staff seems to have no issues.

    The issue I see is someone got pissy about a name, and the "higher ups" demanded a name not be used, even if it was a different character.

    While I certainly question that decision, it seems that it was complied with, aside from one instance of apparently wandering ooc.

    In regards to the refusal to make an appeal, many say "what's the big deal"
    the big deal is making an appeal is seen as an "admission of guilt"

    Just my 2 pixels on the matter at hand.
  8. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    In the end Aiko, you were punished after being given more then a fair chance to not only cease doing what you were doing, but being told exclusively what would happened if you continued.

    Regardless if you roleplayed the character today, it was in extremely poor taste for you to use that character to idle with in the server unless this confrontation was the intended outcome. You have shown an unwillingness
    to work with the server rules as well as actively communicate with the staff in the official channels to resolve something you feel is an issue.

    You are being treated the same way any other member of the community gets treated if they break a rule. You are being held to the same standard every other member of the community is being held to when it comes to being respectful. You are not above the process. You are not entitled because you donated money to the server or have been here for a long time.

    If a mistake was made, it falls on everyone involved to work to fix it. That includes you. I am more then willing to talk to you, as I have been for awhile. The appeal section if there if you want to attempt to unbanned early.

    People that actively trash talk the staff, our rules, and our community for the sake of making drama are not welcome though. If you do not like what is here in the community, work to help improve it. If this was your attempt to improve anything here, it isn't working.

    I think the most ironic part of all of this, is you are doing almost exactly the same thing a player you worked heavily to remove from our community did when you were a member of staff.

    There is that too. You were a member of staff here.

    As of right now you are actively working to dig yourself a hole here which is honestly very disappointing. If you want to continue here, change the name, don't bring the character here. Alternatively, open a conversation with staff about using the name again. If you have no interest in working with is, you thankfully have other communities at your disposal that do not have the same issues that we are having with you today.
  9. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I was in the presence of Aiko Yori, and they had made their presence all too clear, and though I'm doubtful it deserved a ban, it was still worthy of a warning, and possibly a shorter tempban.
  10. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Whether that is what the players have made appeals or not does not change the fact that that is not what an appeal is. If it is, then it is more than one thing. A guilty plea is admitting guilt. An Appeal is contesting a previous decision.
  11. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    An appeal is not an admission of guilt, it's just something you do after you have received some sort of punishment that you feel was unfair.

    If you disagree with the punishment the appeals forum exists for you make that appeal. While I sympathise with you not believing you should have been banned and I don't empathise with your refusal to make an appeal.
  12. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    The way I see it, apparently you were told to not use the name as you had used it in the past; and it either received complaints or was at high risk / going to receive complaints. You complied, and from that point on connecting to the server with that character, was at your own risk. The staff doesn't need to make an exception for the use of the character after it was clearly told to you that it was not okay to use said character, because you only used it OOCly or for some other reason. Even more so as Starbound is an incredibly easy game to make a new character in, and has multiple editing tools to change the names and appearances of the characters you do have.

    The ban appeal forum is there for a reason, and using it should be your first way of getting a second opinion. Complaints were received, and you seem to have been banned to prevent you from connecting again with the character in question and garnering more complaints. Which is a perfectly acceptable use of the ban system in my eyes. At no time were you locked out of the appeal forum, and it was put in place specifically to allow people to explain their side of the story. Instead of trying to wage a public staff lynching, it would have been much more productive, and in my opinion, mature, to go to the appeals first.

    The staff are not here to oppress the community, or cackle maniacally while they hold the server in an iron grip. They're here to mediate and prevent problems from arising / getting worse. In this case, preventing you from joining the server but leaving you a route to explain your side of the story was, at the time, the best way to prevent the problem from getting worse by having you continue to log into the character and get more complaints lodged. An appeal is not an apology or an admission of guilt, regardless of what server culture has made it. It is common for a staff team of a community to have a way for everyone to communicate their side of the story, and many turn to an appeal section in the case of a ban. Many make their appeals public, but the Antares staff even go so far as to keep it completely between the appealer and the staff.

    All of this could have been avoided if you had made use of the appeals section to ask why you got banned, or try to justify not complying with a staff member's order not to use the character. There was absolutely no need for this thread, and it doesn't seem to have accomplished as much as simply making an appeal would have.
  13. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Well, that specific situation wouldn't really be a problem at all because it's another person who unintentionally did it. That's how names become generic; other people do it, not the same person over and over.
  14. hoshiwara.t

    hoshiwara.t New Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    I was witness in Aiko Yori logging in. She did advertise herself to offer signatures via radio, claiming she was a pop star or some famous person. Then came to Katsune and did what Aiko said in the radio. The problem from there was that some role players questioned themselves: "Didn't Aiko die?" or somewhere among those lines. Most of us role players know that being resurrected is red flag in Antares. So, now I know that it is an Aiko that uses the same name, but different character.

    What I am confused now if this ban is appropriate or not, I do not know for certain because I was not in the area around where Aiko was roleplaying but was in the same planet, but using same name is not coincidence.

    What I am concerned now is that there seems to be lots of sentiment between experienced role players and the staff, and that the staff is not doing their job correctly. Of course, because normal players have no power, the staff can do whatever they wish, right? If that is the case, then those experienced players can play on a different server. I think some of us know very well what that server is.

    I personally think that ban is unnecessary but really, why use four same names starting with Aiko when you can just make a new name, fresh start, without all this drama?

    - hoshiwara.t
  15. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    As for the name, I have my reasons. My reasons won't and don't matter to any of y'all, cause its dumb and trivial. So let's ignore why I'm sticking with the name Aiko Yori.

    I am stubborn, and proud. A bit egotistical, surely plenty a people here know. I pain in the ass, all the way through.

    I try to keep friendly and flexible, but I can't accept this. It's ... just plain disappointing to see. Like, really disappointing.

    I've made the same points over and over in retort to the exact same points made by others, so now I'll summarize.

    1. The name does not matter, cause something as silly as a name had does.
    2. I am not attacking or trying to call staff evil.
    3. I disagree with the punishment.
    4. I have appealed. This thread is an appeal. I won't appeal in private.
    5. I still had not done anything wrong.
    6. If I am being treated the same way other members are, that's even more disappointing. But to be honest, I feel I'm being given more reign to rant than any other would be. I've seen it. People are silenced quickly when they speak up.
    7. I want the staff to accept that this entire situation is ridiculous, and 100% on their shoulders. That could have been the real end of it.
    Honestly I don't know what else to say. I could write up page after page against everything being said here but its exhausting.
    If this is how things are around here now... yeesh.

    I've put too much time and hope into this community to give up on it, but sometimes it's better to cut your loses huh.
    Not a single part of me expects the staff to publicly admit to their error anymore.

    I'm a drama queen.
    It's been fun, Antares.
    Enjoy yourselves, community.

    You can delete my forum account. After all, I have been rather disobedient beneath you.
  16. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    I remember an instance way back when King Tickle had the name 'Muscle Fist McAsspound' for a while. According to him a staff member had him change it. So there is some stinginess about names.

    Compromise is hard.

    Franz said something like that, too.
  17. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    If anyone has concerns, feel free to ask/bring them up here, or in any means of private messaging. I'm available via steam, skype, or forum pm by request.
  18. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    It received enough complaints to be acted on, and according to the people who witnessed it, was OOCly confusing, and I daresay it in a 2d sidescroller pixel game, unimmersive.
    You have, multiple times, implied the staff does not have goodwill towards the community, and is only instead trying to create a fantasy land through oppression and censorship.
    There is an appeal forum put in place both for goodwill and to prevent those who are being investigated from being ridiculed and shamed by the rest of the community. Use it.
    An appeal is best made without attacking the people who will be reviewing your appeal.
    Then appeal it properly, rather then trying to raise up a shitstorm in the entire community over it. If you've done nothing wrong, then there's no reason for the staff to keep you banned, and your appeal will be processed quickly.
    The staff harbor only good will for the community; if a rant is ended quickly, it is likely because the staff talked to the ranter and worked with them to solve the problems that lead to the rant. A bit more friendliness and willingness to cooperate would go a long way here.
    I feel you have not provided adequate reason to say that it is a hundred percent the staff's fault. You seemed to have done plenty to make it into such a large problem.

    At this point, it seems as though you're trying to slander the staff. I'm all for free speech, but this was completely uncalled for. The staff seem to have been willing to work with you, but you continued to escalate it. It's not a staff member's job to appease a single person or a single group of people; it's to mediate problems and solve them. They offered plenty of ways to solve this problem. As I said before, a little cooperation would go a long way here.
  19. MothOWar

    MothOWar New Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    This does not make sense. Aiko was reported then told not to play Aiko Yori anymore. But then Aiko Yori logs in with an invisibility helmet and is reported... but how can anyone see her to report her? Someone is lying here.
  20. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Some modifications have invisi-sight and long range interaction/sight
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