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Alright, we're in the future, let's create a futuristic faction.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Wombat, Mar 6, 2015.


What Faction Premise Do You Like?

  1. People Banding Together for Survival

    9 vote(s)
  2. Miniknog Escapees

    8 vote(s)
  3. Scientists and Researchers

    6 vote(s)

    4 vote(s)
  1. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    Alright, I know I'm not the only one that shares this gripe, plenty of things in Antares are stuck in the past, for goodness sake most people are using weapons that could be considered out of date today by some! So lets fix this, and the best way to fix things is to do it yourself, or bitch about it on your blog. Since I don't have a blog, I have to help change things myself, so I'll be trying to find others that would like to join a 'Futuristic' faction that I'll be running.

    What is it?

    Well, I haven't exactly worked that out yet. Partially because I'm dumb, partially because everyone has already done it on the server! The ideas I have in my head at the moment are: A group of people banding together for survival and protection, a group of researchers and scientists, and finally would be a group of Apex that have managed to escape Miniknog controlled space. I'll er, put up a poll or something. Anyways! It'd serve it's purpose of giving us something to do! We'll be hosting weekly events, while not exactly large events they'd serve a purpose of keeping us from getting bored. I'm open for discussion in the comments below.

    The Style
    Because normal futuristic is quite boring, I've decided that the style of the entire faction will more or less be based off of Alien: Isolation's art style. Why? Because I have a love for it and cheesy Sci-Fi things like it. For those of you who have /no/ idea what I'm talking about, here you go.
    Anywho! Thanks for reading, and I'll be happy to discuss more and answer any questions!
  2. TwoFiveTwo

    TwoFiveTwo New Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    You would be right on the part with "Everyone has done it" and for the reasons "Survival, keeping peace" Ect ect.
  3. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I agree with this idea. I don't know why people keep making retro factions. There's a jillion Soviet Union-look-a-like factions running around with russian characters in them, for example. Now I don't mind people doing that but after a while and seeing at least 3 factions like these kinda make you wonder if there's any creativity implied at all.

    People should start making more futuristic factions like Virgil says. We need more factions like Cerberus from Mass Effect, the Gallente Federation from EVE online, Plutarch Mining Corporation from X Rebirth, or even the Corporate Alliance from Star Wars!

    I also believe we should begin to consolidate factions or at least focus in a select few rather than to spread ourselves thin only because we want to do our own thing. I think it'd be better if we just stuck to a few factions. How many people are in each faction? About 4-5 in a popular one and 1-3 in other ones.

    On another note, just because it's futuristic it doesn't meant its automatically OP. Yes there will be stronger armor, but there's equally effective weaponry to penetrate said armor. It doesn't have to be giant death laser but, y'know, get creative. I mean Kevlar? Steel? We've got better things than that already, like friggin light liquid armor that hardens on impact and is so many times better than kevlar and steel plates put together. It's even STAB proof, AND reusable.
    Crazy I know, right?

    So yeah, we should probably start making and using things that people would use 400 years on the future. Stuff like this should be common on the frontier.

    And also, rather than to imagine being space cowboys or a place full of mercs and such, shouldn't it be more of a place for resource exploration and exploitation along with potential colonization?

    This was my poorly written rant.
    +1 support to Virgil's idea.

    (source to liquid armor)
  4. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Then make it :\
  5. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    It's being made, we're just trying to work out all of the details behind it, I don't want to make something that no one will like.
  6. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Also willing to help with stuff. Have experience with factioning.
  7. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    There are many job opportunities available for scientists. Maybe you should look?
  8. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I looked, didnt see any in genetics aside from Helix Industries, whom I havent heard from in a few weeks.
  9. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    In before someone makes a rip of Hyperion from Borderlands.

    Anyways, on a more serious note; there are far too many engineers and researchers out there right now, it is like everyone I come across is some breed of engineer, researcher or weapon designer.. if you want to talk about walking off the beaten path, why not do the Miniknog refugees choice? Apex are the least played of any race and they are also some of the most stereotyped out there.. and it is a shame because they have a lot of potential for more thanks to their lore.

    However that does bring up the problem of 'well you escaped the Miniknog, and now that you're here, would the Miniknog even bother?'.. because it appears that many government/military based factions was driven out of the Frontier.

    This could open up the potential for some cloak and dagger roleplay however, where a lone Miniknog Agent does track the refugees down.. and perhaps tries to sabotage them every chance they get.
  10. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I want to see more factions that could be considered as Evil. there's not nearly enough conflict in the server. It's just random attacks and the occasional good RP arc. I'd like to see Miniknog commandos drop down and take all the escaped Apex back into custody, I'd like to see Flightless Avians beam down and capture and try to sacrifice known Grounded, I'd like to see more bandit factions, more random violence factions, bounty hunters, just more conflict.
  11. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    The only real problem with that is people are not really mature when it comes to conflict.

    You have Group A who wants to win, and Group B that wants to win.. and the general goal they think that leads to winning is shooting all of the other team and killing them dead.

    If there is a villainous story arc it is going to take someone with some real bullet proof nerves to head it.. and there is going to have to be a system in place to prevent power playing and god modding so it doesn't become ludicrous. A simple d20 roll off with three hits allowed and maximum extent of injuries agreed to before hand would suffice, but so many people are turned off to such because they don't like leaving things to chance.
  12. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I get that. I understand that both groups will want to win. I'd really love to see a Lawful Evil type of faction that uses lawyers and shit to buy out all the colonies and set up a super-faction that requires espionage to take down...

    aside from my personal wants, even if the evil faction in question was a shoot-to-win faction, it'd still be valid. Especially if their characters had actual development behind them. Since both factions' characters want to live, that is perfect. shootouts put into perspective the consequences of tryhard edgelords.
    #12 Ziggy, Mar 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  13. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I agree a future faction is needed.
    While I dont disagree, and I may be guilty of this, I think a small reason could be that to survive in the Frontier, one needs to have a certain amount of skills in certain places. For example, a painter isnt going to live as long as an ex-merc, or something. Not condoning it, just explaining.

    On the topic of Evil factions:
    Yes, we need a few more Evil factions. However, every evil faction I see goes like this:
    1. Build up reputation with a few small attacks
    2. Gain a few more members
    3. Terrorize a city
    4. Gain a near unlimited amount of members due to everyone making alts just so they can run around and cause chaos everywhere they go, effectively destroying that colony
    5. Never use that player again, rendering any and all revenge against him/her null and void

    Combat, in a sense, if not dice, comes down to the skill of the player. It takes a certain kind of player to willingly lose, or to ignore it when OOCly you know all too well theers someone sneaking up on you. Ya know? With good players, comes good RP.

    On the tiny topic of armor:
    Yeah, it got more advanced. Yeah, weapons are better now. Deal with it. Its almost the same ratio as today. It'd be like people today using muskets and swords, instead of high powered AR's and ceramic plates.

  14. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    What Cole and Aegis said.
    Most players aren't mature enough or simply are not very well versed in RP enough that they can handle conflict roleplay and combat roleplay in a responsible and appropiate manner. There's always the i-must-win-i'm-the-hero-i'm-the-protagonist-of-the-story syndrome which affects many roleplayers, who may not even realize they're affected by it. And people also need to realize that combat isn't the only form of conflict that helps character development. What about a deadly disease which is airborne or something and spreads like crazy? People would have to help develop a cure, and that would drive all those unemployed engineers and scientists together and start a good story arc if done properly. BUT REMEMBER NOT TO DEVELOP A CURE IN 2 GODDAMN DAYS THAT'S JUST STUPID. AND A LOT OF PEOPLE DO IT. "OH HEY LOOK I DEVELOPED CURE AND I HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE IT, BUT I SAY SO SO IT MUST BE TRUE" then a lot of people don't even care for it and go along with it. Which ruins it.

    So yeah, combat and shooting isn't the only form of conflict that develops a character. Think about your life, what about not being able to score with a chick and being lonely? That may lead your character to change for better or for worse and to roleplay those emotional and mental changes. How about rivalry with another PC which is based on who makes better technological gadgets (but please be careful with this one - Don't want powergamers or asspullers to make a gadget which is all-mighty and indestructible). Or, OOH!
    Maybe your character and a bunch of other ones have crashlanded on an uncharted world with dangerous mutated flora and fauna and survive until you repair the ship before the crazy animals eat you!

    See, there's tons of ideas besides just spawning an alt, beaming down and threatening to kill everyone for edgy or no reasons at all
  15. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    Alright, after reading through all of your comments, and considering them all, here is the idea I've gotten so far. Based off of the ideal of people banding together for survival, along with treading more into 'Evil' territory. Now before I hear tirades of comments about how Evil factions are always going to flop and be a detriment to others, hear me out.

    The faction is going to be heavily, and I do mean heavily, regulated. This faction isn't meant solely for the purpose of winning and deriving enjoyment from ruining others roleplay. This faction will be meant to further the story of it's members, and the people it affects. I will not allow members to create hordes and hordes of Alts and become The Outcasts V2, (Even though we didn't really do that) our actions will be planned, and consented for. Now, the question is why would they be doing this? Well lemme explain.

    The Frontier is finite. Even more finite is it's resources, if it wasn't we'd have massive cities everywhere. Now, what would this have to do with the group? Well, those who aren't allowed at colonies/don't like them are going to have trouble coming across food, and when they band together, they're going to try and take this food and other resources by force. This is where you enter the conundrum of what they're doing isn't exactly wrong, but the way they're going about it is infact wrong.

    So we have the reason, we have the general idea of the faction, what do you guys think? Thoughts? Changes? Give them to me below!

    Quick Edit: Combat isn't going to be the sole purpose of the faction, starvation, scavenging, and fabricating tech and tools is going to be another factor of it. This isn't going to be a play to win faction, it's meant to create story and entertainment, nothing more. Hell, why don't we make it a group of Apex refugees trying to survive?
    #15 Wombat, Mar 7, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
  16. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    If anyone ever wants a villian for an event, hit me up. More then willing to roll up a new character or take on a preassigned role for something.

    Also, Alioth says hello

    On the actual topic. I am not exactly sure why you want to make a futuristic group, but then base it on the future theme found in Aliens which is basicly the 80s in space. The issue is, that theme works for Aliens, because that is how the world is in that movie/game. There is a lot more available to players that renders a lot of that pretty null. It could work if you intend to be isolated. tetanus Fields did okay for awhile staying gritty and low tech and it was a great deal of fun. It takes a great deal of effort to preserve some types of settings though due to a player eventually coming and playing hero and handing out free future devices to everyone, or buying all the food in the world and passing it out so no one has hardship.

    I would go with the Apex personally. It allows you to, as a group, be wary and untrusting of outsiders. It allows you to remain remote. These will help to preserve whatever esthetic you decide on. You just need a good core group to get started.
  17. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Considering the frontier is a mass of uncharted plants stretching as far as anyone knows, many of which are uninhabited, the finite resources argument is flawed. It would be far easier to beam down to a uninhabited planet and kill wildlife for food then it would be to scout, assault, and rob a colony. This motivation comes across as being incredibly lazy. And does in fact not provide them
  18. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    Alright, reading through this, seems I was quite wrong in my earlier suggestion. It does seem that the Miniknog Escapees faction gives the best option when it comes to roleplay, and what can be done with it, helping others expand their story. Any others want to offer their thoughts on this?
  19. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I'm sorry. We may need a neutral motives faction, but I don't want a revert to... People that were here last year will know.
  20. Wombat

    Wombat Guest