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"Deprivation of the Ego, Saturation of the Soul." - A public guide to finding one's inner-peace.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Solour, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    To be in-peace, within one's self, is to achieve the highest award.
    To keep yourself collected, throughout the worst of times, is a high-honor in one's own self.
    Deprivation of the Ego, Saturation of the Soul.
    To keep inner-peace, and the emotions stable, are simple steps.
    I; Hydris of the Ceadeus Disphot, shall share the ways to keep oneself at peace.
    Deprivation of the Ego, Saturation of the Soul.

    1. Meditation, A common practice. There are many ways. Whether it be from the past, or one's own. It is a great way to bring oneself back together. I shall tell you, of my personal favorite.
    My personal favorite. Zazen. Long story short, it means "Insight into nature of Existence." It is to suspend your judgmental thinking. It is to let words, ideas, images, thought pass by, without becoming involved. It is to let one's own intelligence, swirl around, invigorating you, for what is to come later in life.
    To begin, it is advised to visit sacred places. Temples and monasteries; best suited. Before sitting to meditate, One must perform a bow, to their seat, which is followed with a second bow, to the fellow practitioners. The beginning period, is announced by ringing a bell three times. Ending the session, is followed with ringing the bell twice. If one is to endure internal peace, One may alternate with periods of Kinhin. (Walking meditation.)

    One's posture, must be precise. Precision is everything. I cannot stress this enough. To have imperfect posture is to not meditate at all. What is the point; if one is not willing to show perfection? Let us begin discussing the posture. To begin, is to sit. The legs and hands shall be folded, with an erect, yet settled spine. The hands are to be folded into a simple Mudra (A simple gesture.) over the stomach. More often, in my personal tastes, Is to breathe from the hara. (The center of gravity, of the stomach.) The eyelids are half-lowered, the eyes being neither fully open nor shut. One must not become distracted by, nor turning away from, external Stimuli. Vigilance is key. The legs should be folded in one of the standard sitting styles. Full-lotus. Half-lotus. Kneeling posture, with the assistance of the Zafu. If one would like to practice, upon a chair, go ahead! It is not uncommon!
    The initial stages of training in Zazen usually emphasizes concentration, by focusing on the breath at the hara, often aided by counting. The practice is continued in this way, until there is initial experience of Samadhi, (One-pointedness.) of mind. Having developed awareness, One may now focus their consciousness, as an object of meditation, It is too shortcut the intellectual process, leading to direct realization of a reality beyond thought.
    If one is to master the art of Zazen, they shall not have a need, for any specific object of meditation; rather one remains as much as possible, in the present moment, aware of and observing what passes through their minds and around them. As a teacher of mine once quoted; "Sitting fixedly, thinking of not thinking. How do you think of not thinking. Non-thinking. This is the art of Zazen."

    Excerpt: "Deprivation of the Ego; Saturation of the Soul." Part 1: Meditation.


  2. Altair

    Altair New Member

    Feb 5, 2015
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    This helped a lot with resolving my grief issues. Thank you so much.

    - [email protected]
    [Jack Harbinger]
  3. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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  4. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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