<THANK YOU FOR USING PUBLIC ACCESS TERMINAL #3313> <SERIAL NUMBER OF UNIT: 474501> <CURRENT YEAR DATE OF SHIP EST: 1/1/2366>>LOGGING IN >USERNAME: tommygram >PASSWORD: ************** >WELCOME USER: Sgt. T. Lukingram >ACCESSING PERSONAL DATABASE REGISTERED UNDER LOGGED USER >OPENING FILE: JOURNAL ENTRY #118 it's the 26th anniversary of the U.S.S. Celestial Endeavour today, happy new year yaaay i've been on this damn ship for 34 years now, basically raised in it since voyage from system Sol, blessed be to earth and all it's mighty glory(so we're told to say), we have yet to contact back to Central Command about our current situation economically and our lack of finding potential deep space inhabitable systems for almost two years, and we've had no reason to call back, really, we have a self sustaining mega ship that gets the occasional shipment from the U.S.N. as it does those colonists on the ship who are actually capable are routinely drafted into the U.S.C.M. security forces who are stationed on the vessel for general populace crowd control and policing, you know, that sorta stuff sometimes the Lieutenant Major tells me about the new batch of croots who just graduated on-board high school and are looking to join up, and so I'm tasked with the whole shebang of training the little kids to being 'well oiled machines in the inner mechanisms of humanity' as the LT Major puts it god sometimes it gets on my nerve how we've come all this way and we've had little to no contact with ANY alien life, I mean, we're like a new-York sized sitting duck in space, but nope, nothing, it's just sad I /really/ want to talk to aliens, I want to know what they have to say to us and why they've held back for so long to come and say hello to our faces or maybe there aren't aliens? who knows, we're just a big ship of aliens ourselves, now, out to find a new colonizeable planet >CLOSING FILE >SAVING >LOGGING OUT USER: tommygram disclaimer: I know the year is 2415 in game, this is just a dated file
<THANK YOU FOR USING PUBLIC ACCESS TERMINAL #3313> <SERIAL NUMBER OF UNIT: 474501> <CURRENT YEAR DATE OF SHIP EST: 4/19/2366>>LOGGING IN >USERNAME: tommygram >PASSWORD: ************** >WELCOME USER: Sgt. T. Lukingram >ACCESSING PERSONAL DATABASE REGISTERED UNDER LOGGED USER >OPENING FILE: JOURNAL ENTRY #134 We recently got a shipment that came in from the Paragon, a whole butt-load of food stocks and electronics that had come directly from Earth as a gift for our hard work and continual success out here in deep space. They're also interested in our ability to keep such a huge population under control with such little security forces... we honestly aren't telling them the whole story what with the drugs we slip into the ship's water supply. I'm glad we don't tell them. There would be a whole lot more violence without it. We've only had several confirmed reports of random acts violence because some folks had withdrawal backlash from the water we distribute throughout the ship. The most recent reported, which involved the man's family, the guy had brutally mutilated them with a grade-3 electric metal cutter and was on the floor babbling; covered in blood. Detectives said that the person was stocking up on unlabeled alcohol laden liquor and water supplies from some sort of underground network on the vessel. We have made multiple distillery busts in the past and so far we've yet to find the core root of the issue. We've screened all hydroponic workers and we did affirm that they were all within tolerable levels of the pharmaceutical we distribute secretly. Of course, we tell them that it's just routine clinical checkups and they are none the wiser. I beg to differ, though, maybe they know? Maybe they're gaining an immunity to the drug? The hydroponic workers are the only ones with that sort of access to the hydro-bays that contain all of the vegetables capable of being distilled into ethanol. We're doing further investigation into that, and we intend to place security forces more into that area. >CLOSING FILE >SAVING >LOGGING OUT USER: tommygram