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Nox's Memoir

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by The Big Bad Wolf, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    *An old note book taken from a glitch village Nox once stayed in*

    The Return of Nox
    Page 1-2:[Sept 2014]

    The Wolves.. we began to crumble. Business became slow, our minds began to wander and we lost focus. The Wolves I once knew gradually became puppies once again. Criminals, killers, thief's.. all of them, without the smell of blood on their blades they've become soft. Useless.

    On my final day as leader of the pack I was challenged by Mars. A formidable foe, it was a riveting battle. None the less being proficient in close quarters did me no good in the end when Mars put distance between us.

    As he shot is final arrow I spun my sword downwards in attempts to have it shield me from injury. This was no ordinary arrow, as the arrow released from Mars bow I could see a light on the end of the arrow head begin to flash. Before I knew it the arrow would make contact with the dull side of my sword and explode on impact.

    My large sword cracked as it protected me from the initial explosion, though the impact alone launched me off the edge of my tower.
    It was about a 150 ft drop before I'd hit the connecting roof of the remaining keep.

    As I fell from my tower to my presumable death time would stop.. A million questions unanswered would flow through me, along with many from my time in the USCM to my reign as leader of the wolves. The memories both good and bad I would let go of as they would flash before me.

    Half way down I would spread my arms as I openly accept my fate. My eyes would close as karma would inevitably take my last breath.

    My body quickly began to reach ground level, but oddly as it did I could feel my clothing become wet and cold. A shooting pain shot through my ribs as I made contact..

    I could barely move, as I laid there on my back I would opened my eyes I could only see white around me and the blue sky above. It was snow. The keep endured many months of consistent blizzards and heavy snow fall, and before we inhabited the den I assume keep endured many years of it.

    None the less this deep soft snow bank saved my life.. or what was left of it. It compressed around me as I landed creating a crater.

    With my wrist pad still functional I was able to beam up to my ship and set my destination to a quiet glitch village I once traveled to.

    Upon my arrival I was taken in by a glitch maid who provided me room and board. She set me up on a hay stack bed up in the attic of her home. When she learned of my injuries she contacted the village wizard and had him come by to check me out.

    I cant say I witnessed any miracles or magic that one would expect from someone titled the wizard, but he did a fine job patching me up. It was a lil over a month before I began to feel normal again.

    I plan to stay low key for a long while. With The Armored Wolves behind me I think I'm going to do a bit of traveling. Maybe eventually find a nice cabin out in the middle of no where, continue to hone my skills with my sword art, maybe grow a few plants.. I dunno.

    Graxion. . I tried to carry on where you left off. I can't go on any longer. I must let the past die..

    Solitude is the path I've chosen. A wolf I am forever and always, but I'll walk this path alone.

    A lone wolf.
