Interesting concept. I'm not going to come down on you with a crazy critique, but if you're looking to make improvements the next time you take on a project like this, here are a few of my notes. -Study some shot composition. Even though you were going for a super flat, low detail look, I think a couple of studies in composition could help you. A lot of your shots become somewhat boring, because you realistically only have a total of two tools to display anything, which is either a front orthographic, and a top view. Even though you aren't using it, and stylistically flat seems to be the choice, I think you might want to look into studying some basic perspective. It'll help with composition. -Study colour and light. Once again, seemingly irrelevant to what you are trying to accomplish, with lots of flat, dull tones. But lots of flat dull tones make it a flat dull video, which doesn't support the concept behind it. You can still make it appear dull and bland with colour. My point is that you should try to avoid so many gray tones, and play with the way things are coloured. Adding texture as well might help you pull away from that digital flash look. -I understand the purpose of the main character looking similar to most of the other characters. But it is always important to make a distinction between the protagonist, and background characters. Even if in a subtle way. Slightly changed palettes, and small details are your friends. -If you want to make your tweens seem more organic, look up some animation techniques regarding fast in, fast out, slow in, and slow out. Also, take a look into getting a camera into flash. It looks like you are simply scaling and tweening everything, giving everything that shifty look. -Last one, I promise. Audio mixing. Dialogue > music. Not that I don't love listening to a nostalgic Text to speech that reminds me of Strawberry clock, but its a little tricky to understand even on its own. I'm not saying cut the music, but when mixing, give dialogue priority. Not much, but hopefully gives you something to think about. Nice work man. Four minutes of content isn't an easy feat.
Holy crap, this is actually really useful. Thanks for the tips. It's good to get a bit of critique on it. I'll definitely look into everything mentioned here as I only want it to further improve the series.
Hey no problem man. Nothing in depth, just a few nudges for you to go learn a few things on your own. The stuff I mentioned is still a lot in general, so pace yourself. No one masters any one skill all at once.
YEah, currently it is entirely self-taught, so every little tip helps. The second episode will probably remain the same as I am already almost finished with it. However, episode three will be done under these new techniques. Also, if you're ever interested in helping with art, I'm looking for people to help make the process go a bit quicker.
Not gonna lie, this was a pretty interesting thing to watch. Only real issue I had with it was that the music was kind of louder than the narrator, and that the tweening was a bit funkish. I would tune in for an encore
I plan on finishing and releasing the next episode sometime between tonight and sunday. SUbscribe if you wish, the channel will mostly be used for that from now on.
This is something hopefully fixed in the next episode. I can only guess, it seems better, but I've worked with the script and listened to it nearly thee hundred times in the process of making it. So I know where words are supposed to be in the track and my mind may be filling in any blanks.