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Medic's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by dukeminiman, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 20
    This journal entry's being written a little while after the fact, but I should be able to remember most of it. The little plan that I've been working on with Marx has finally started to get going. We're going to build a colony! Ok well colony might be a bit of a stretch. Right now it's looking more like a shanty town, but that's fine, shanty towns are a lot cheaper and with the way my budget's been lately that might be for the best. Marx managed to find a starship that had crashed onto an ocean planet, and we've decided to convert the ship into a house to save on materials. Everything's going pretty smoothly so far, Marx hired Boris to fix the ship's generator so we have power now, and Zig helped drain out some of the sea water that had leaked into the ship. As for me, I "disposed" of some the more....... rancid furniture that had been slowly breaking down due to the salt in the air (everything except for that bear, but I managed to put a couple of rounds into it so it can't scare me anymore). With everyone working on repairing the ship, I decided to go out and find someone to install some security doors so we could have some privacy when people move in. I didn't manage to find anyone, but I did manage to find Yaakova and finally buy some medical supplies off of her. Apparently she has a large amount of surplus USCM medic kits (who knows how she got her hands on them) so I decided to buy twenty kits. Now I just need sort through the bags to see what they have in them, after I get them shipped to Resolute of course. I ended the day by talking to Shachi, the owner of the bar (cafe? I honestly don't know what it is) on Katune. She's a pleasant person to talk to. She and I aren't so different, we both want this little era of peace in Antares to continue (although with the way things have been changing, who knows how long it'll last) and we've both had some encounters with slavers (mine ended on a happier note though). She's really interested in the various cultures around the sector, but unlike the rest of her species, she wants to preserve the various different cultures instead of replace them with the more "superior" hylotl culture (which I can't seem to find any record of, if it's so superior then why doesn't anybody write or talk about it?). The only problem for her is that she doesn't have a starship, so she's stuck on Katune. I told her that she ought to ask for ride's on the radio if she wants to travel (I also made sure to warn her about how slavers occasionally take advantage of that system though, Lord knows I could've used the same advice) and I even offered her a ride myself, but she declined because she didn't want to leave her restaurant unattended. I told her about some of the colonies and then decided to call it a day. Looks like I need to write another to do list, well whatever. Till next time.-Reed

    To Do List:
    1) Get The medkits shipped to Resolute
    2) Find an engineer to install a security door

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  2. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 21
    Not much to put in this entry. I checked on the colony again with Marx, apparently he got someone named Harbinger to install a building for free. It was pretty nice, but for some reason he left some tanks there (the vehicle kind, not the storage kind) which is kind of strange. I also responded to a distress call today. A glitch named Ida was stranded on a desert planet, apparently she's a princess but her parents kicked her out when she started to glitch (a glitched glitch if you will). I spent the rest of the day showing her around the sector, she's pretty nice, if a little naive at times. To be honest, I kind of feel responsible for her. I'm the first person she met in the sector (which is definitely a better welcome than I got) and she's so new to most of the things that go on, not just in Antares, but in space in general. She'd never left her village before today and she took almost all of it in stride, it was pretty amazing. I might ask some of my contacts in Gryphon's Peak to see if they can find a place for her to stay and work. Well I'm tired so that's where I'm ending this entry. Till next time. -Reed

    To Do:
    1) Get The medkits shipped to Resolute
    2) See if there are any job openings in the Peak

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  3. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 22
    I'm once again writing an entry the day after it takes place, so yeah (I've really got to get better about that). Well anyway, not much to report. I met Zig down on Katune, apparently I'd just missed one of his workout sessions (thank goodness, the last one really tired me out). He was pretty thirsty so we went down to the cafe to grab some water. We both caught up with each other for a while before an apex that Zig thought looked pretty familiar walked in. He said he had some information on the AFF, and since I'm enlisting with the Federation I figured that I should probably hear what he had to say. He wouldn't talk about it on Katune, so we all went to Kero Kero to talk about it in private. Long story short, Solour's tried to kill the guy a couple of times to cover up a mugging that he committed a while back. He's been so persistent that the apex even had to change his name just to escape the various thugs that were sent after him. To be honest I don't know what to make of it all. All of this happened before Solour tried to set up the AFF, which would be a peacekeeping group, so maybe he's turning over a new leaf. He wouldn't be the first former criminal in Antares, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'll look into this some more, who knows, maybe it's all a ruse. Well in any event, that's about all I've got to write down for now, so till next time. -Reed
  4. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 23
    Ugh, I feel awful right now. I've got a headache bad enough to floor a floran, and I might have ruined one of the bathroom stalls on Katune. It all started with a ad on the radio. A guy was attempting to sell a energy drink that was supposed to give you a lot of energy, like coffee, if coffee could get you to run a hundred laps around a colony. We met up on Katune in the freezer of the cafe (which is apparently off limits). The colony security burst in after I'd taken a sample of the stuff and arrested the man, Marx (who had come in to see what was going on), and myself for trespassing. After some questioning Marx and were let go, which was pretty good because I'd the earlier effects had worn off only to be replaced with my current symptoms: dehydration, headache, stomach ache (aka really bad diarrhea). Note to self: Do NOT take Razor on an empty stomach. It gets ugly. Supposedly if I had taken the stuff after I'd eaten, it wouldn't have ended so badly. Speaking of Razor, I could really go for another dose. Hmmm maybe I should've gotten the man's contact information. I think I'm going to try sleeping off this headache, till next time. -Reed

    To Do:
    1) Find the Razor salesman
    2) Buy Razor
    3) Use Razor
    4)Get the medpacks shipped to Resolute

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  5. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 24
    Today was interesting, I beamed down onto Katune (seriously what happened to the other colonies?) right into the aftermath of a stabbing. Long story short, a floran stabbed a human on the beach. I would've helped out, but there was already another doctor in the clinic. You know as awful as this sounds, I wish there were more injuries in Antares. I haven't been able to help anyone lately and if this keeps up I'm going to get out of practice. I suppose I did technically help someone with a medical problem today though. I tried to convince a man that smoking is bad for his health. Unsurprisingly I wasn't successful. Now that I think about it, I may have accidentally gotten him to think that I'm a drug dealer....... Nah that'd be ridiculous. Speaking of dea- err, salesmen. I could really go for some Razor right now....... Till next time journal. -Reed

    To Do:
    1) Find the Razor salesman
    2) Buy Razor
    3) Use Razor
    4)Get the medpacks shipped to Resolute

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 25
    Well who would've thought that I'd live long enough to write 25 entries? Especially with the day that I've had today. I once again started my day on Katune, where I was greeted by the sight of two of the guards beating the heck out each other. I tired betting on the winner with a nearby Apex but apparently he wanted no part in. Which is a shame because I could really use the extra cash. Later on I went to Kero Kero, where I was greeted by Zig, who's looking for Marx for some reason. I'll have to mention it to him. Anyway after a weird encounter with an avian in a sombrero, I met a novakid named Emmett, who has some family troubles. He's searching for his adopted brother Bartholemew who snapped after their father died. We even met him on the way out of the cafe, he's a bit..... how do I put this. Psychotic. He pulled a gun on us and ranted for a while before beaming away. We both decided that it might be safer to talk on Katune so we took his ship over there. After discussing his problems for a while I had the bright idea of giving him a set of gas grenades to subdue his brother if he ever found him again. He wanted to test them out and like an idiot, I let him. There was a 1 in 3 chance that it was the tear gas grenade and of course I got a lungful of tear gas. After some time in the clinic with an oxygen tank I was feeling great. Right up until Hector the Razor salesman walked in that is. I may have made a bad decision today. I was weak, I chose Razor over Em. And Em, well, he's a good friend. Maybe a better one than I deserve. Not only did he forgive me, but he even paid for a package of Razor for me..... and he's not very approving of my Razor habit. Speaking of that stuff, I think it might be addictive. Well anyway I'm sure it'll all work out. Almost forgot, saw Bork and Violetta at the clinic as well, I'll need to figure out a way to help out the two of them. ........It's gonna be a tough time in Antares for the next few days. -Reed, a man with a problem

    To do:
    1) Find Marx and tell him about Bartholemew
    2) Help Bork
    3)Ship medpacks to Resolute

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  7. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 26
    Finally spent a day somewhere besides Katune today so that's good. Couldn't find anyone in any of my usual spots so I responded to a guy on the radio who waned to hang out. He's a pleasant if somewhat sarcastic avian named Gustwood (aka Gus, because you know, reasons). We went over to Kero Kero to grab some food, mostly because I didn't want to take Razor again on an empty stomach (may that never happen again). Alo was bar tending so we both got coffees (and to make it better Gus was paying since I gave him some fuel). Marx joined us and we caught up on recent events. Apparently he has a mute glitch servant who thinks Marx is a king or something. I took my daily dose of Razor in front of everyone, which received a surprisingly nonchalant response. I guess Marx trusts me more than Zig and Em. We also met a blue avian named Tyr, she seemed nice. At some point everyone ran out of things to talk about, so I decided to call it a night. Today was nice but I just realized that I've done nothing but hang out in bars lately....... I need to get out more. And on that note, till next time. -Reed

    ::Budget:: 688px
  8. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 27
    Pretty slow day today, no one anywhere. Gave me some time to think, and I'm getting worried about my Razor use. I might be addicted. Or it could just be some harmless cravings....... after all people crave things like chocolate and it's not like that kills anyone. With all the think time that I had today I came up with a plan, I'm going to put all of my Razor doses in my ship locker and set it to where it can't open for a few days. Hopefully, nothing will happen which will mean that Razor is harmless. ........ I just realized that I've condemned myself to go through withdrawal on the off chance that I am addicted. But I'll be fine, right? I mean surely I'd know if I was addicted..... Nah I'm fine. Never felt better....... Oh God what have I done. This is gonna be a long two days..... Hopefully I'll be in a condition where I'm still coherent enough to write later. Till next time........ -Reed

    To do:
    1) Find a locksmith
    2) Ask Zig if can break into my ship locker
    3) Look into buying explosives
    4) Find a hacker who can open the locker

    ::Budget:: 688 px
  9. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 28
    ((this entry would be an audio log as opposed to the usual typed entry))
    -a tired voice begins to speak upon opening the audio file- So I didn't last two days, last night was hell. The first thing I did today was find Zig and get him to open the locker. But then he..... he.... -the voice is almost sobbing now- he destroyed all of the Razor..... ALL OF IT! -the voice calms back down- He gave me a pep talk afterwards but I don't remember most of it, I still kind of am to be honest. My hands are shaking to much to type, hence the change in formats..... uhhh what to say next? After that I went to a new colony that sits in an old USCM bunker, they got a bar called the freezer, it's pretty nice. I tried getting drunk to numb the withdrawal pains but I couldn't even finish a bottle of whiskey -he chuckles- I don't have the will power to quit by myself, but I have enough to stop drinking before I get drunk..... ain't that ironic. -the voice draws a shaky breath before continuing- I passed out after that, the withdrawal symptoms are getting worse. I woke up in a daze in the colonies med-bay a few hours later -the voice gives another weak chuckle- I was so out of it that I forgot that I only have one eye..... it wasn't any fun learning that the second time..... After that I ripped the IV out and by some miracle I found the way out without any trouble. I passed Solour as I left, apparently he disbanded the AFF and recommends that we merge into the ranks of the USCM colony. I'll probably enlist when this all blows over. -there is a long pause before the voice continues again- Well that settles it, I don't have anything else to say so I suppose that means I have to talk about what my next few days are going to be like. I'm going to lock myself in my ship. I'm not coming out until I'm either dead or I'm through the withdrawal period. I'm going to destroy my radio so I won't be tempted to leave....
    or order more razor..... I'll keep the log going though, on the off chance that I do actually die from this I want people to know what happened....... I want people to know if I go out with a whisper or a bang. -the voice gains an ominous tone- It's gonna be a long couple of days.......
    -the audio log ends and clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 652 px
  10. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 29
    -Once again the entry is an audio entry-

    -the voice that comes on this time is barely a croak- Still not feeling great........ really dehydrated...... I've had a lot of time to think today -the voice sighs- I don't hate Zig for what he did...... I don't think I would've had the strength to quit by myself. I think I'm gonna go sleep for a couple of hours..... Or days.....
    -the log clicks off-
  11. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 30
    -as the audio log begins a very hoarse voice begins to speak- It's been three days since my last entry. Three days of hell. Since my last entry I've been shaking uncontrollably, nauseous, and I blacked out for about a day or so. -the voice pauses for a second and a shaky sigh could be heard- the shakes stopped about an hour ago, and I think I might finally be through the worst of it. I think.....I-I think it might be time for me to go back out into Antares. I still feel like shit don't get me wrong, but I think I'm through the worst of it. -the voice begins to sound hopeful- If this is the worst of it, then I can get through this. Sure it might have almost killed me nearly four times, but this poor bastard's silly here -the voice chuckles a bit before it turns into a hacking cough and a the sound of a chair tipping over can be heard- ...........Ow. And on that note I'll sign off, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-
  12. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 31
    -a somewhat shaky voice comes on as the audio log begins-
    Yesterday didn't work out........ I collapsed a couple of times........and when I woke up, he was there. H-.......H-......Hector -the voice stammers out- I-I couldn't let myself be tempted into a relapse, I panicked. Luckily Marx was there to take care of the situation..... I feel useless, I used to be able to solve my own problems. -the voice takes in a tired sounding sigh- I decided that I should wait another day before going back into Antares. So tomorrow I'll try again. My symptoms have been getting better, and I think that as long as I avoid him, I should be fine. -the tape is silent for a few moment before the voice continues- I pulled a gun on him...... he was asking about Zig after I mentioned that Zig had destroyed my Razors. And...... and I just snapped..... -the voice gives a somewhat somber chuckle- I can't function enough to even run away from him to save myself, but the second a friend of mine is threatened I snap and do whatever it takes, huh I guess everyone has a few redeeming qualities. -the voice pauses once again as the speaker thinks for a moment- I also got some advice from an avian named Smokestack, he seemed like a good guy. Well I'm tired so it's time to once again say goodnight journal, till next time.
    -the audio log clicks off-
  13. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 32
    -the voice that comes on as the audio log begins sounds more confident than usual-
    Today went pretty well. I didn't see him today, so I didn't have anymore emotional breakdowns! I did collapse like five or six times in the middle of conversations, but hey progress is progress right? I spent a lot of time catching up with Bork, apparently he's now wanted by the Dionea tribe. I'll have his back, after all you got protect your circles.... after all without your friends what are you? -the voice pauses for a few seconds as it ponders its own question- After I'd fallen asleep in the middle of a word about three times or so Bork decided that I should get some rest so I took his advice and called it a night. So here I am, calling it a night. -the voice yawns a bit- Well to tell you the truth I don't feel very tired, I don't even notice when I fall alse- -the noise of a chair falling over and the thump of something hitting the ground can be heard. After a few minutes of receiving no audio input, the audio log automatically clicks off-

    To do:
    1) figure out a way to fix this sleep issue
    2) look into buying some weaponry
    3) work on Bork's problem
    4) Get a job
    5) Get a place to stay

    ::Budget:: 652 px
  14. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 33
    -the voice that comes on with the log sounds more steady than the previous logs-
    I'm feeling better every day, heck if you don't count the four or five times that I fell asleep at awkward times then I'm practically an image of good health. Now that the courtesy health report is out of the way I can get on with the somewhat interesting stuff. Met up with Bork and Zig over on Katune, you know I spend so much time over there I suppose I should look into getting an apartment. But I'm getting sidetracked, after falling asleep a few times and trying to get rid of my body odor, apparently I now look and smell like a hobo, I finally got to speak with the two of them in private. We discussed Bork's problem and a plan that I've been working on for a while. they also caught me up on some of the stuff that I missed during my little medical problem. Apparently there's a war brewing in the sector between the US and the rest of the factions, should be interesting. -a yawn can be heard- Well I'd better stop here before this log ends like the last one, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To do:
    1) work on sleep
    2) keep working on Bork's issue
    3) Get a job
    4) Get the coordinates of the wreck

    ::Budget:: 652 px
  15. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 34
    -the voice that comes on with the audio log sounds almost normal, with only the slightest traces of fatigue-
    Well good news, I only fell asleep once today! -the voice sounds pleased by this- It kind of happened at a bad time though, I was being mugged at the time. They only took 50 px though so I'm not really mad about it. Me and Zig talked for a while, and I think I'm going to move into the old wreck that Marx found. Later me and Zig confronted the muggers. What happened after that may have been the most chaotic moments of my life, and I've been in warzones. People were shot, I fell down the same set of stairs twice, stools were thrown, a glitch turned it's hand into a gun, and a man caught on fire. In the end though we all departed without anyone dying, so I think it ended pretty well all things considered. I got pretty tired after that so I headed to bed. -a yawn could be heard- Goodnight Journal, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To do:
    1) Furnish the wreck
    2) Get a job

    ::Budget:: 602 px
  16. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 35
    -the voice that comes on with the audio log sounds happier than any of the previous audio logs-
    Today was a good day. I'm just about done with my withdrawal period, and nothing bad happened today. I hung out in the Katune bar, where I met a marine named Revan. He's a pretty good guy, and we talked for a while about pretty much everything. I hope he doesn't die in the next couple of weeks, from what I've seen the marines in Antares are about to have some tough times ahead. -the voice gains a slightly ominous tone before resuming its previous happy tone- Anyway after that I met up with Bork, Zig, and Yaakova. We all talked for a while, and I gave everyone a tour of the wreck. That's about it, all in all a pretty quiet day. -the voice yawns- Till next time.
    -the voice clicks off-
    To do:
    1) Install a shower in the wreck
    2) Get a job

    ::Budget:: 602 px
  17. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 36
    the voice comes on as the audio log begins-
    Well I finally got to be a doctor for the first time in weeks. I gave a mute hylotl named Nal an examination, her condition is definitely fixable, but I just don't have the skill to reconnect vocal chords. I feel really bad about not being able to help her, but I did do a few things for her. I gave her my old headset that I got from Tory so that she can use the speaker to communicate with that, and I gave her some treatment for some head trauma. I need to ask around with a few of the other doctors to see if they can do the operation that she needs.... Anyway I also sold some painkillers to Jack so that he could give them to Gus, apparently the poor guy broke his leg while fighting some crazed glitch. You know what, it just occurred to me that he could have been lying to me..... he wasn't though. I met Gus later after he offered to help me install a shower in the wreck, and his leg is definitely broken. I
    might have made a mistake somewhere when I was calculating the dosage, because when he took some of the painkillers he looked loopier than me after my Razors wore off. Avians must be lighter than they look. Let's see now, what was he saying I should do for the shower?...... -the voice trails off- Oh! I remember now, -the sound of someone snapping their fingers can be heard- he said I should just set up a rain-catcher and connect to a shower-head. -the voice chuckles- It's definitely a better idea than piping saltwater from the ocean for the shower, saltwater and empty eye sockets do not mix. So yeah, that about sums up my day. It looks like I'll have a a bigger to do list today, well at least I finally earned some money. Till next time.
    -the audio log clicks off-

    To do:
    1)Get a job
    2) Figure out where and how to set up a rain catcher
    3) Find a throat surgeon for Nal

    ::Budget:: 1,052 px
  18. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 37
    -the voice comes on as the audio log begins-
    Today was pretty uneventful, it was nice. I met up with Jack on Katune and we talked for a while about what's been going on recently. He wanted some advice on what to do, I won't go into details on the off chance that someone steals this log from me. I told what I'd do in his shoes, I hope it helped. I also showed him my ship, he seemed to be pretty impressed with it. I also had the chance to hang out with Zig for a while. You know as exciting as some days are in Antares, it's still nice to just have things slow down for a while. Oh and I also might look into getting the shrapnel removed from my eye, it can't be doing anything good in there. Till next time.
    -The log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1,052 px
  19. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 38
    -the log begins with a click-
    -a voice sighs and begins talking- I went back and read some of my earlier entries today....... -the voice grows quieter-
    I've changed........ I used to be so confident, and brash, and witty, and cavalier about everything.... Now -the voice sighs again- I dunno, I guess I'm a bit more timid. I mean don't get me wrong, I can still do what needs to be done, and I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who threatened any of my friends or any member of the Circle.....It's just that..... -the voice trails off and goes silent for a bit- I suppose that this all started when I got hooked on Razor, the drug itself wasn't that bad, neither was the withdrawal. I mean don't get me wrong, physically it was hell. But it wasn't nearly enough to mess me up this badly...... I suppose what it really did..... was show me my own mortality. Everyone out here in Antares, we think we're immortal sometimes...... -the voice lets out a sad chuckle- we're not, and I think some of us know that even if we don't realize it all the time. Even today I saw a announcement that a novakid named Eltaes Walker died, he was an alright guy, but he's not alone in his fate. There's now an obituary for people in Antares and the list grows all the time. And if we're not dying, then it's something else, Violeta's put herself into some sort of self exile, most of the marines are just now getting over some kind of injury, heck even my closer friends aren't immune to the pain this sector brings sometimes. Just yesterday I saw Zig, and someone had beaten the shit out of him. He was covered in bruises, he had a black eye, and his arm was in a sling. The worst part is that he won't even let me treat him! -the voice let's out a frustrated groan- Ughhh, it seems like every time someone that I care about or like get's injured they won't let me treat them. I mean.... I know I'm just a medic and not some kind of super doctor, but it helps me even if it doesn't help them. That way I know that I'm not just watching them get hurt while I sit on my ass...... But that's enough moping for one entry, let me go ahead and start describing my day. I met up with Zig, who looked even more beat up than he did yesterday. Apparently he got into some kind of fight with Max over on the Freezer. I also went over a little plan with him that I suppose I should share with you journal. I'm going to be making a career change. I'll be making a newspaper! -the voice has a tinge of pride in his voice- I figure the sector needs one, and I think I have the connections to get some pretty decent stories. Well, I've got some things to post on Starnet so till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    ps : ((this would be a text file)) I met a guy today who used to be missing an eye like me, but he got a new one somehow.... maybe I should look into that...

    To do:

    1) Install the raincatcher
    2) Find a surgeon for Nal
    3) Find some good stories for the newspaper

    ::Budget:: 1,052 px
  20. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 39
    -the log begins with the usual click-
    Today I got to do both of jobs so that was pretty nice. I did some minor back surgery on Jack today, apparently he fell off the balcony of the Katune bar..... I also stopped his heart on purpose, I restarted it of course. I also interviewed Stab-Dancer for the newspaper. When i got back to the bar, a large armored thing was in the center of a crowd. Apparently his name is Cairn, and to be honest he almost gave me a heart attack when I first saw him. Zig says he's ok though so he must be fine. I also stitched up a gash on a drunkard, and let me say that guy was tough. He didn't even flinch when I poured vodka on the wound or when I was stitching it. I actually ended up making money today so that's good. -the voice lets out a yawn- That's all for now, till next time.
    -the audio log ends-

    1) write articles for the paper
    2) install the raincatcher

    ::Budget:: 1147 px