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Aegis Ebonwing's Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aegis Ebonwing, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Character Name: Aegis Ebonwing, a.k.a. Aegis
    Character Race: Avian

    Apparent Age: Early 20s
    Actual Age: 23 Years

    Character Description:

    ".. honestly.. there is a lot to me that folks do not know about.. that they do not take the time to learn of beyond first appearances.. and part of me is thankful for that. I do not think I would like to hash out what has happened in my life.. simply help guide others through there own and make the best of it." ~ Aegis

    Standing tall at around six feet, five inches in height, Aegis is a head taller than most in the 'verse.. shrouded in thick cloth robes that are normally a shade lighter than that of the dark ebon plumes that covered his body, along with a rather long, worn and weathered crimson scarf that is wrapped with seemingly loving care around his neck. He possess a slender, lithe physique.. toned to perfection through his travels around the 'verse and his desire to tackle tasks with a 'hands on' approach.. and moves with a fluid grace that brims with purpose.

    At first glance, one might suspect him to be a rather roguish individual.. a mixture of signals that both soothe and worry those whom approach; his long, unclipped feathers and slightly longer talons would leave many an Avian to believe him to be a little more uncivilized than most, but they are none the less well groomed and free of any debris. The ebon feathered Avian's golden eyes were also an oxymoron.. holding a feral cunning and devious intelligence behind their glistening surfaces.. and yet they seemed to view the world with much more wisdom than one his age should ever have.

    Never the less, Aegis at first glance is intimidating.. but is handsome and when approached is remarkably amiable. He treats each soul he meets as an individual and holds no bias towards them, and even considers them a friend until proven otherwise. He holds honor, integrity and respect in high regards, and those individuals that lack such traits are often quick to anger him.. causing him to go into an uncharacteristic fit of wild and angry hissing.

    Notable Skills:

    "I usually consider myself a jack of all trades, and master of none." ~ Aegis

    True to his word, Aegis knows a little about everything out there in the 'verse.. but hardly has taken the time to specialize in anything.

    While he is more learned in mechanical facets such as gadgetry and tinkering, he does not really push to learn anything more than what he needs to get by. He has a passion for music and can play the Guitar, but no where near the skill level that a real musician could manage. He also knows how to mend some wounds, but once talk turns to Surgery he can no longer contribute.. so what is Aegis good at?

    Empathy. He knows how to read the tones of others and discern their feelings, and through doing so he often helps others through their problems.. both by being a sounding board and a shoulder to lean on. He never hesitates to 'lend a wing' to people in need, and is quick to rise up to defend those whom he cares for.

    Survival. Aegis has lost before.. he has lost so much in his life. From constantly having to start back at square one, he knows what he needs to do in order to live a comfortable life in the 'verse.. from foraging to hunting, and what skills he needs in order to traverse hostile terrain. Skilled with bows and crossbows, Aegis also has an affinity for rifles, though frowns upon using them, as they are incredibly loud and have a firm kick back that leaves his muscles aching the next day.

    Protection. He would sooner throw himself in the way of harm to protect a friend than see them get injured. In his mind, Aegis has lived a long life.. and there is little left out there for him to experience. The friends he had made so long ago are now no longer living, and his heart has been shattered and ground into a fine powder from numerous losses.. that it has long since scattered to the winds- a mere fleeting thought as high as the Aether itself. He often feels numb when it comes to love, for he fears more what would happen to the femme that seeks to court him than what would become of himself.. though the body has needs, and often times his abstinence results in far more frustration than he would care to let on.


    "I like to think that I walk the line.. got more sense than some folk." ~ Aegis

    Aegis is an Avian, though he is not embroiled in the on-going conflict that is the Flightless versus the Grounded. He has no quarrels with constantly chiding his kin about having their beliefs be the 'be all, end all' when it comes to how they treat others, especially in a 'verse where there is far more enemies than friends.. and the Frontier especially so.

    Never the less, Aegis is a Follower of Kluex and has not been exiled. He follows the commandments to a fine point- skirting around the exiling of the Grounded, thinking that those whom were exiled from their homes and sent to the Frontier have already suffered enough punishment as is. You cannot exile what has already been. While he believes that the Flightless in this period of time have lost sight (and perhaps some common sense) of what is most important.. there are inner musings in his mind that trouble him; sacrifices, throwing folks off towers, the tomb guardians.. he feels something is amiss, and he does not like it.

    [A.02/R.09/C.13] -- Unknown Sector of Space


    "Aether knows that fate loves throwing obstacles in my path, and it seemed today was no exception. Upon exiting FTL my ship's console started to flash warnings of incoming fire headed straight towards my vessel- bandits of course.. perhaps Reavers even with how ferocious their attack was. Again it seems my life was saved by the random destination FTL, but as always something seemed to happen that derailed my plans entirely; a lucky shot took out my navigation systems when FTL fired, and it took my ship out of the known boundaries in my Sector of the galaxy.. and now here i am, floating in unknown but seemingly hospitable space."

    "Damage reports are conclusive; I was lucky to have made it out alive- but at the cost of losing all of my cargo and gear.. yet again. Back to basics and my old yet trusty matter manipulator! I tire of this thing.. though it has saved my hide more than a few times. At this point it just feels like I am going through the motions again.. cutting down trees and mining out rock in order to make the tools that are necessary for my survival."

    "I wonder what Aditi would think of this.. wonder how the chicks are taking my absence.. I am sure they are all worried sick at my lack of communications, but at this point with my navigation console shot to heck there is no way to pin point where in the Galaxy I have landed myself. Good thing though it was not farther out into the Fringe.. at this point I would be easy pickings for any unsavory types."

    "A good soul named Clem helped me fix the FTL engine at least.. strange man.. wears full body covering and has an odd accent- perhaps he is a Novakid? Seems to be the going theme of Greenwood Falls.. at this rate I figured I'd accept the job offer of being the man whom runs the hotel, going to have to make some credits or something in order to get these repairs finished- and may as well do it by being constructive and helping others.. besides! Planets in this side of the 'verse seem a whole lot different than what I am used to."

    "It is like I have warped into another reality entirely.. then again.. maybe I could have died after all and this is a new chance at life? Who knows..! .. but I am not going to give up so easily.. 'verse knows that I am stubborn."
    #1 Aegis Ebonwing, Feb 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
  2. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.10/C.13] -- Unknown Sector of Space


    "Everywhere I look, I think I see the faces of people whom I was close to. I miss being in my Sector of the 'verse.. but at the same time I feel as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Here, no one knows who I am or what I have done.. they do not know that I fought against an Empire, took bullets for my friends.. or to what extent I have gone to help others feel safe."

    "Here.. I am a simple drifter with naught more to my name than 'that Avian with the red scarf', and it seems you can tack on '.. that also plays guitar' to that now. What folks do not realize is that when I play these songs.. there is so much history attached to them. People whom I loved, people who I have lost.. they all have a significant meaning- but it seems no one on this end of the 'verse will ever realize the depth and complexity of it all."

    "At some points, it frustrates me.. but to invite others into my life is something I am not comfortable doing. To begin to make a name for myself here will mean that eventually I may grow attached.. and if I am to ever return to my little sector of the 'verse to see my friends again.. well.. how else can I put this? It feels like I am betraying folks in both places, no matter what I do..! It is frustrating, yes.. but at the same time can I really even prevent such a thing from happening?"

    "The souls in this part of the 'verse are odd at times.. like that one Hylotl lass named Lum. I refer to her as Cap'n because that is what her attire reminds me of- and she was quick to compare Kero Kero Cafe to that of a ship, with her at the helm. She really does love her restaurant.. but at the same time I wonder if she is overworked. Who in their right mind would hold a fireworks celebration on their own behalf? Sure it was to celebrate.. but at the same time it was her birthday today! One should be able to sit back and enjoy such an occasion, not orchestrate it! She is sefless.. perhaps too much so.. will have to see if I can break her of that, as it is not healthy to constantly give away and yet keep nothing for yourself- then again who am I to speak of such things?"

    "Never the less.. I am learning a new song to play for her. She spoke of a beautiful score named 'Sanctuary of Zi'tah' being one of her favorites, and I hope it does her justice as a Birthday Gift."

    ".. this bitter chill though.. how I have missed it! It brings my mind back to days of being snowed in with Eizi on an Arctic World. How I miss that fiery soul..! She has left me touched, and I doubt I will ever find someone like that again.. no matter how many lifetimes I live and no matter how far I go in the 'verse."

    "There are just some souls that are so unique.. so beautiful.. that they can never be replaced."
  3. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.11/C.13] -- Unknown Sector of Space


    "Certainly an interesting day today.. with a rather interesting twist; it seems I have picked up a fellow Avian and saved them from a strange fate. Her name is Acacia- though she seriously reminds me of a certain Moonclaw.. they both share the same color of plumage, but perhaps her misfortune is not entirely self inflicted. Where my friend has a tendency to get into trouble through poor choices, it seems the poor choices of others has driven Acacia into my arms."

    "She is most certainly younger than I, and a little naive about the 'verse that surrounds her.. but she has told me her story, and I can do nothing but feel compassion for her. She has had a tough life since the start, and no one there to take care of her and teach her how to survive in the 'verse. She resorted to stealing shiny baubles to try and make a better life for herself, but was exiled from Avos because of it."

    "It seems many of the Avian here hail from our kin's homeworld. I feel like a stray feather, having been raised on a colony world- even if Avos Faithful.. but I digress. I agreed with her that it is strange for an alien like a Novakid to seek a mate outside of their own race, but at the same time? I would be dishonest if I had told her that I had not dabbled outside of my own kin.. especially when Eizi had left such a mark on me. I simply told her that love transcends the races, though of course she chided me for such.. perhaps one day she will learn, but for now? Her leg is injured, and she is currently staying with me."

    "I met with Glauen and his prospective mate today as well, Alo was her name. They are both good souls, and it seems Glauen and I share a similar past.. though he had fared a bit worse than I did. As for Alo she seems to have her heart in the right place- I find it hard to speak to her because she reminds me so much of my own lost mate.. but in the end perhaps she is nothing like Coorah.. just my mind playing tricks on me and making similarities where none should be."

    "Played the song I learned for Lum today as well, and she smiled! I am happy to have made her evening a little better- considering that a couple of Humans were up to no good, or causing a ruckus; something about one kidnapping the other, and the one whom was abducted was calling for blood. Seems like the slave trade here is full tilt.. will have to watch my step in these parts. The last thing I need is to be taken away and sold off like a beast. I feel sorry for the Cap'n, having to put up with that in her own Cafe.. but she has Glauen and her own rather large chef knife- what is that thing used for anyways? Dissecting large fish? I swear the blade was as long as her forearm.. if not a bit more..!"

    "Speaking with Acacia this evening reminded me of my chicks.. of the life that I may never be able to enjoy again.. will I ever be able to go home? Will I be able to hold my chicks again? Or will they be both motherless and fatherless now..? I cannot bear the thought.. I must keep moving forward.. I need to find a way back!"

    ".. but how long will it take? I have yet to even see a scientist out there.. and worse yet; what if I cannot discern where I am in the 'verse now..?"
  4. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.12/C.13] -- Unknown Sector of Space


    "I feel like a fool.. what have I done..? Not even an entire month in this sector of the Galaxy and I have managed to capture the heart of a femme.. and I do not even know if I am ready to accept my fate, or if I want her to know how much of a damaged good I am. She knows nothing of my history.. of my apparent curse.. and yet I can already feel as if she would chide me over such, saying that it was the past and that I should not base the future upon it.."

    "And yet.. the past is what has kept me alive! I carry this crimson scarf for a reason.. it is more than just fashion- it reminds me of the winding path of my life, and the blood that has been spilled each step of the way.. the blood of so many lost friends, lovers and even my own from the times that I threw myself in harms way to protect those whom I cared for. It is a constant reminder that my life is no longer my own.. for so many have sacrificed themselves to ensure that I live to this day."

    "I can still see their faces.. feel their warmth.. hear their voices.. as vivid as the day I had first laid eyes upon them. There was no better souls out there I would have paired myself with in this 'verse, and yet Kluex himself snuffs their flame long before their time should have ever came around.. one particular soul that I loved dearly even died within my arms.. I could see the life slowly fade from her eyes.."

    "I spent a year courting my last mate, and had done so much more to prove myself to her.. but all for naught, for in the end she ended up disappearing like all the rest- leaving me alone in this 'verse with our two chicks, Apari and Viluna. All I ever wanted in my life was stability.. and each time I think I have found it, it is wrenched away from my grasp- sometimes violently."

    "Why do I linger here? I should leave while I have the chance.. as I can already feel the bonds of others starting to form with me. They think me a friend, a worthwhile person whom is trustworthy.. they know nothing of who I am or what I am capable of, but they are willing to trust a wayward soul whom fiddles with a guitar. Would it not be a betrayal to gain their friendship.. and leave after such? It is as if I am granting them an unspoken promise.. that I will always be there for them.. but at this point it feels like with either life I stick to? That I will ultimately betray the life I had, or the life I could have had."

    "It is times like these that I try to see the silver lining, but alas my vision fails me. For all the sage advice I can give, I feel rather lost at this point.. perhaps I should seek advice from those I have grown close to?"
    #4 Aegis Ebonwing, Feb 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2015
  5. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.19/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "Well.. things have escalated rather quickly here, and I find my days rather filled with tasks that must be completed, or things that need to be tended to. One of them being a particular Hen whom I thought I would never see again; Aditi Moonbeak. For Aether's sake!! That stubborn woman nearly blew herself to the Aether itself attempting to track me down! I do not even know how to feel about that! Should I feel touched or should I feel concerned that she literally stalked me to the ends of the 'verse? Regardless of how I feel about it, she is going to be staying onboard my ship for a long while- her own is nothing but scrap now, and not to mention she broke her leg in the process."

    ".. what is with me and folks whom have broken legs..?"

    "I have not laid eyes upon Acacia for these past couple days, nor have I sent her a message.. I am sure she is stress molting right now wondering where I am at- the feeling is mutual, but for me it is with everyone else I know; if those were Followers of Kliuex from the Fleet? They were daft as hell! Oh it burns me up something fierce to have seen such a poor display! .. but then again there is nothing in Kluex's commandments regarding honor or loyalty.. let alone not backstabbing your own kin apparently."

    "Flightless is what the Grounded call them.. idiots is what I refer to the 'Followers' as. Their first mistake was taking the new security system update to the KeroKero's turret as a sign of aggression. I likened the act to that of a Bank placing guards at their entrance, whom are told to turn away any strange looking folk. Perhaps if they read a little deeper they would realize the turret gives a verbal warning and ample timing for the person to leave.. but nope! The Moon Guard was ordered to run in with an Avian Blaster.. which in itself was modified beyond recognition. Traditional Avian Blasters do not have underside mounted grenade launchers. Blasphemy."

    "I digress.. the poor sod whom ran up with his weapon in hand blew himself sky high with a near point-blank shot to the turret, which disabled the turret at the cost of his life. A completely unprovoked attack! I keep telling Lum that we should alert the near-by colonies, but sometimes I wonder if that would be the best course of action.. as it would draw yet more possibly unwanted attention to KeroKero."

    "In the end.. what truly set me on edge was not how they labeled me as Grounded simply because of the clothing I wore- but the fact that they attempted to twist the blame onto us for the death of their Moon Guard. They knew about the turret, that was why they sent them in.. the death could have been prevented and questions could have still been asked on favorable terms! They have only dug themselves into a mire of trouble.."
  6. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.23/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "Thanks to the efforts of Eztli and her friend.. I have managed to acquire a data drive with star maps of the known area and core 'verse compressed into it. After leaving the drive to decompile over the past few days.. the news is not good. As if trying to fathom how to acquire enough refined Solarium to fuel the Starship to make a jump back to my home sector was bad enough, it seems that.. from what I have been able to recover of the nav console's hard drive, on top of the data I have been given.. that we have been slingshot far further than we can hope to get back- unless we had metric tons of refined Solarium.. but that is a rarity we simply cannot afford."

    "My home.. my friends.. my chicks.. they will have to live their lives without me. At least they will presume me dead in time.. and my will shall go into effect. That means my chicks will be set for most of their life- at the very least until they become old enough to take flight amongst the stars.. much like I had."

    "It.. tears me apart.. but at the same time I cannot let it get to me- though it feels like I am fleeing from an inevitable tidal wave that will crush me in time. My chicks.. Viluna and Apari.. they knew I loved them dearly.. and they will probably be regaled with stories about their father, whom had made such a mark on their 'verse.. but it does not make the pain any less bearable. I will never be able to watch them grow, watch them learn.. and see what they become.. to be a part of their lives.."

    "In a sense, it almost feels as if I have replaced them with yet more chicks whom need to be shepherded.. souls like Jebe or Aruana.. fragile and naive whilst taking their first few steps into the stars. Jebe in particular can be an utter handful, and there are times she gnaws upon my nerves.. but her energetic behavior is contagious. Aruana herself? She lives a very stressful life, and has apparently long pursued the desire to cure her affliction. An immunodeficiency is tough to handle, and for her to have lived her life without being able to experience the 'verse around her? I hold much respect for her.."

    "Then there are some Flightless whom I have taken to.. Krystal for one. She appears to desire building a temple so that Flightless may flock to it and worship Kluex. She seems to be level headed enough, but I had only known the hen for perhaps a half hour before taking my leave. Acotl on the other hand looks to be a strong willed soul, some small talk brought out that we shared a mutual friend; Eztli.. and through her we managed to forge a relatively loose friendship. I can tell he looks poorly upon the Grounded, but at the same time perhaps we share a similar ideal; friends are hard to come by out here in the Frontier.. and around every corner there is an enemy.. we should not make more by treating the Grounded like common beasts."

    "I am sure Glauen will not like that I have kept from him my faith.. after leaving it all rather ambiguous.. but perhaps he knows already? The reason I never tell folks whether I am one or the other.. is simply because it should not have to matter. I am an Avian, and I am a friendly soul that only wishes to help others and ensure that they do not suffer through what tragedies I had to endure.. it is a petty thing to damn someone from the start simply for a belief."

    "Sometimes I wonder how humanity learned to tolerate such a wide variety of religions in their time.. my kin can most certainly learn something from them."
  7. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [[ OOC Note: Character Profile Added on First Post ]]

    [A.02/R.24/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "Kluex come down and pluck me now.. I knew there was a reason I did not tell my beliefs to anyone..! No sooner had I walked in to Kero Kero Shokudou last evening would trouble start to happen. Glauen went towards the Kitchen and left Alo alone next to Jebe and myself while I was simply minding the door.. and she went into such a fit!.. but I cannot hold it against her, right? I mean the Hen was drunk. She was not in her usual state of mind.. as if even that is as unbiased as her drunken stupor. Regardless it seems someone had told her I was a follower of Kluex, and I could only imagine it was either Acotl or Krystal.. the only two Avian whom I ever told."

    "This.. hostility.. Glauen and Lum had both told me of the soul that practically shunned Glauen when he revealed his belief to them, after all they had been through.. and now I feel that history is repeating itself. I am glad the only one whom has the ability to tell me to leave is Lum- but at this rate with how Alo made a spectacle in public, it may be better for me to just go.. especially if Glauen is going to be a hypocrite and do what was done unto him by another soul. Poor Lum has enough on her plate as is, and I refuse to have the sins of others placed upon my head."

    "Chances are I will probably retire to my own home near-by, on that snow ball of a planet.. I was thinking of going towards Resolute, but it appears that Reed, the Doctor whom tended to Aditi's wounds, is going through some tough times there. A Doctor has a noble profession, and if something is up that bothers him into thinking he is not a part of it anymore? Then I want no part of it."

    "Besides.. I appear to have two more souls landing in my hands. A certain Human femme Captain named Jamie Scarlet and an Avian femme Engineer by the name of Skybringer. They both work for a shipping company based back in.. Sol I believe? According to Jamie, a recent attack had all but destroyed the Company, and they are now on their own. I could not help but feel sympathy for them.. for it reminds me of what happened during the Draconis and Aggleos Killing Fields incidents.. and I did something that I may regret; I am letting them stay with me in my home for the time being."

    "I will have to find a way to expand the landing pad to be suitable for their ship, and will also have to manage a way to carve out living quarters for three more souls. Seems like my home is becoming a safe haven all over again.. and out here I do not know if I can trust people as I did back in my own home sector."

    "What a poor time for this to happen.. if I leave Kero Kero Shokudou because of Alo and Glauen's hostile behavior, I will have no job to pay for the construction I need completed for the Captain and her Crew. Perhaps there are some other places open.. some of them I have not traveled to out of uncertainty. If New Vegas is anything like Vegas from Old Earth lore, I am not going to fit in well.. but perhaps they have something available for me to do. I could also try to find this mysterious Wayland.. or touch up with Greenwood Falls again.. but no one ever speaks of them on the comms. For all I know they could be inactive or closed off."

    "Aether help me.. this is going to be a rough month ahead."
  8. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.02/R.27/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "Things came to a head between Glauen and I after he called me a liar in front of the customers at Kero Kero Shokudou. I understand he is upset with me, and I understand now that it was over my stating that I was neither Flightless nor Grounded.. but at the same time I do not know if I can ever apologize to him for something that.. in the end.. I have to flex between in order to help others."

    "I know being dishonest is frowned upon, and part of me considers this a white lie of sorts.. something within acceptable boundaries.. but I also know it does not make it right. Glauen thinks me to be ignorant and above the rules, but in the end there is something that can be said about 'necessary evil'.. and I believe, of all people.. Reed seems to understand. With Resolute Security baying for his blood over a scam he orchestrated in order to get funds for the hospital, we seem to have the same thing on our minds; helping others through any means necessary."

    "I will admit though.. doing a scam involving selling yourself into Slavery? That is far more ballsy than anything I would ever do.. one accident or slip up and he would have been helping no one but some crazed individual seeking to use him in unfathomable ways."

    "Speaking of unfathomable ways.. what is with femmes and proclaiming love in such a short time..? It is as if the heart moves as fast as the speed of light these days. Captain Scarlet boldly told me that she loved me a couple evenings ago while we were soaking in a tub.. after knowing her for all of a few days. All I could do was tell her to be careful, and that.. hurts.. having to walk on the side of caution.. but with my history? Folks that get close tend to disappear.. sometimes for good. The last thing I desire is to have yet another person whom I care for bleed out in my arms or fade into the black."

    "Perhaps I am old fashioned.. or perhaps I have lived long enough with a wildfire romance and burnt myself out.. or mayhap I am just stubborn and clinging to my old life in hopes that this is but a dream.. but with Aditi here? I know it is not- or perhaps I have simply just gone insane. Almost happened once before.."

    "Never the less, I care for Jamie as a friend, and would do anything to help her. Just like I helped Calla acquire a room at Kero Kero Shokudou, and recently helped a certain Avian that had been injured along with Captain Solour. Heck I seem to have even taken yet another Avian under my wing.. poor femme passed out on the steps at the Cafe."

    "Which brings me around to the next thing that has me thumping my head against a wall; Skarti. I do not understand how Glauen exactly befriended this individual.. but I almost made good on my promise to Lum today to shoot the tailfeathers off the 'Priest'. Mayhap it is souls like him whom give the Flightless a bad name- and if I was shallower in mind would probably exile myself and become Grounded solely because of him.. but none the less this person is just.. toxic. He constantly mocks my kindness to others and even went so far as to make a verbal jab at the good Doctor Reed."

    "Threatened him twice, the first to shut up and the second to leave.. but Skarti being ignorant as ever would simply brush it off. He feels that I will not make due on my threats, but after I speak with Lum later, and pull some witnesses in to confirm.. hopefully the turret will have a new Flightless to look for and shoot.. or Staff will be allowed to use force to remove unruly customers."

    ".. but in the end.. I wonder how Glauen and Alo would feel about Skarti's behavior, especially to the Grounded hen he just sat there and mocked as I helped her get back on their feet.. at this point it just hurts thinking about it; why would he keep such a disrespectful person close after doing such harm to him? And yet damn me over one falsehood? It just.. I am going to need a drink after this.."
  9. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.03/R.02/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "What a tangled web we weave.. I had heard of that saying long ago from my mother, but I did not know what it meant until much later- and now the extent of it is fully realized. Glauen is up to something, and though I do not know what exactly he is doing, it is troubling when glanced from the surface"

    "He seems to have pieced together that I was Flightless when a hen named Krystal had told him that I was helping with her endeavor to build a temple. From there it sparked the conflict between my former friend and I, but it seems that perhaps there is more to the story than I first realized; Krystal stated that Glauen had said that he himself was also Flightless."

    "Mayhap it was hearsay, so it was brushed aside by my mind.. but a day or so later at Gryphon's Peak, I saw Glauen himself clad in full Flightless Armor standing in the Inn..! Had to rub my face a few times to make sure it was simply not the hangover that was making my mind fuzzy.. but it was unmistakable."

    "With his renewed friendship with Skarti, the Flightless Priest.. I am starting to wonder just what is going on with the man.. and how Alo is taking it- and speaking of the hen, I am curious as to where she has been. It does not make sense within my mind that Alo would be with Glauen if he was Flightless- because she holds such animosity towards them.. more zealous and unreasonable than the Flightless that had attacked Kero Kero Shokudou.. but certainly she would have found out by this point since they live under the same roof?"

    "More troubling however was how he handed Eztli a token with a rabbit symbol upon it. She knew well of what it meant, and had said that Glauen told her to direct any Grounded towards Kero Kero Shokudou- I assume to help them.. but now I am not so sure.. perhaps it is my own frustration at the man for putting me on the spot, but now it appears that he himself had practiced yet the same lie that I had used on him."

    "I say this because Alirei, the lil raven I have taken under my wing.. the same chick whom Skarti simply mocked along with myself and Doctor Reed when she collapsed on the stairs..? She told me that Glauen had stated to her that she was Grounded."

    "He tells some he is Flightless, others he is Grounded.. has been handing out branded tokens to the Grounded.. yet wears Flightless garb. He shunned me for something that he himself practices on those whom he helps.. I am not worried about his hypocritical behavior, rather where his loyalties lay. At this point it is questionable, and I plan to speak with Lum regarding these developments later.. she needs to know.. and Aether help us if Alo is not aware of what is going on."

    "I told myself that I would not get so embroiled in the conflict of my kin.. but it seems I have been dragged into the mix unwittingly- if only for the sake of those whom I care for."

    "Other than that mental turmoil.. my days are long and tiresome.. Kero Kero Shokudou is often light in traffic these days, and it feels like if I go to Gryphon's Peak that some folks stare daggers at me for no reason other than that I exist for their displeasure.. wonder how Jamie is faring these days..? Have not laid eyes upon the Captain in a long while it feels.. but I am sure she is fine.. besides.. have my hands full with that lil raven- seems as though she does not know much about the 'verse despite us being the same age."

    "That is so strange.. how two souls are the same age can be so vastly different- almost polar opposites..! The 'verse never ceases to amaze.."
  10. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    [A.03/R.09/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier


    "My tenth log entry, and the last I will ever be writing down the things that trouble me. It is far too depressing to look back upon the pages and see echoes of the problems that have haunted you, as it causes you to spend more time looking back at the past rather than gazing towards the future."

    "With that said, Glauen and I had a talk after Alirei told him of my concerns. Apparently Eztli had left out a key point about the pendant in that- when worn normally- it represents a Hylotl bust of sorts.. it is not the blatant token of a marked criminal or Grounded that I thought it was. I also learned why Krystal had said that Glauen was Flightless- because he had indeed told her he was."

    "This means that Glauen had done much the same to Krystal as I have done to him. He said that he had went back to her some time later to correct his error, and it must have fallen between the time he had lied to her and the time he reconciled.. funny how the web we weave can get so tangled at times.. it was as if everything fell perfectly into place in that one moment that lead to so much worry.."

    "So I decided to apologize to him after learning of that, for assuming something without asking and for telling him I did not involve myself in the conflict when I consider myself Flightless.. which the latter still does not feel like it is even a lie to start with.. and despite telling him that I would tell no lie, and that from now on if anyone asked I would simply tell them that I was a friend? He chided me yet again by saying I was letting loose nothing but more lies! What high talk coming from someone who did the exact same thing to another person!"

    "I have had it up to here with that dander head..! He would forgive Skarti for scarring him and yet a single perceived falsehood is enough to damn me this far in his eyes? At this point I don't know what is more disturbing; the fact that he acts like I am not there or the fact that Alo actually gave me a nod as she passed by! Usually she has done nothing but scowl at me or try to thump me when she is drunk.. this.. is a rather strange change of pace."

    "There is a point where one must consider what has stepped beyond the boundaries of reason. and Glauen has pressed too far in that regard, numerous times. If he thinks that one lie to him is enough to brand me a silver tongue, that is his choice.. but I would have expected this treatment if I had done something such as punch him or a friend for no reason what so ever.. not for a perceived slight."

    "Thankfully Lum has provided the perfect distraction to get my mind off Glauen.. and hopefully give me a purpose to set my sights on; Kero's new resort branch..! She wishes me to manage the place! It took a day or two of talking with friends before I could make the choice to take it under my wing, and in the end my request to have Calla transferred over to help me make the resort a reality was granted.. so I have high hopes that this will be something great in the making!"

    "This is an exciting new chapter about to unfold.. I can feel it.. and I hope that I can make Lum proud whilst also providing everyone with a place to relax and let their worries melt away..! So far plans for the resort include a party area for rental, apartments for rent as well as per night, a massage parlor, hot tub area and even a place to host musical acts, art and games! Aether knows there is not much fun out here in the Frontier.. but hopefully we can put a little life back into the sector."
  11. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [A.03/R.12/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier
