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To all who are interested

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Oblivions99, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Oblivions99

    Oblivions99 New Member

    May 19, 2014
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    I had thought up of an idea when I had seen the staves/mages now in starbound: where do these mages get trained? where would their staves be made? this lead me to the conclusion to make a mages academy, and the name of it would be (to those who play MTG no creative points here) the Tolarian Academy.

    I was just curious if there were any others interested in creating such a academy.

    I had other ideas in terms of what would be talk. I would prob have 5 master mages (deans) of each sort of school. Thinking pyro,cryo,necro,bio,and telekinesis/telepathy. The rest/students would be not technically part of the academy but would still be able to partake in its studies.

    If u guys have any ideas drop a reply down below
  2. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Did you even read the rules...?
  3. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    The list of disallowed items seems to be empty. I also thought staves were still not allowed.
  4. Ripley

    Ripley New Member

    May 30, 2014
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  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The problem with such a... academy?... would be just that; the magi part. We all know that these staves are simply advanced technological artefacts. We do not know how one interfaces with them as of yet - whether that be through simple neural impulses or other methods - which adds the debate of whether one will need to be trained to use a staff or if they can use it as easy as any other weapon. And then we move to the staff itself; how will they be portrayed here? Do the wielders believe them to be arcane tools, or do they see them as technology? If the former, then chances are they have forgotten how they work and thus how to create them which leads to them being revered and ultimately irreplaceable.

    I also find the concept of these certain schools would need a bit of tweaking. I am guessing that "Necro" is death, and "Bio" is life, yet how does one intend to represent these two? Life staves would be of Floran design If I am correct, but necro... I cannot think what It could be. Also, psionic powers would have to be revised over - we have very little technology that allows the focusing of the mind into a physical force, with or without staves.

    Although I feel this would be an interesting thing to have installed (not as its own colony, however - maybe on another colony or in a colony's system at the least) but many points need to be tweaked and improved to make it a viable endeavour to go forward with. Otherwise, Its nothing short of a disappointment... Or laughing stock, depending on how the community sees it.