//LOGGING ON\\ //INSERT PASSWORD\\ //*******\\ //ACCESS GRANTED. WELCOME BACK, xXKARKARXx\\ Greetings. I'm actively seeking work in the frontier, my skills mostly range in culinary. I'm a hylotl that specializes mostly in hylotl cuisine, but I've been delving into the depths of human cuisine as well, and I'm learning quite a bit. I am getting low on funds and a job would be appreciated, where I can also share my skills at. Best of wishes. //SIGNING OUT...\\
"Proper fuckin' right. Look at this fucker, tryin to get an actual fuckin job and actually contribute to society and fuckin shit. Bitch . . . Fuck me, I will fuckin help you out Fish Fuck. Message me private like sometime and I'll toss ya some startup cash to help ya out. Jesus, Mary, and fuckin Joeseph knows we need more proper fuckin' people round this sector, less shorty mercs and shit." -D.Ives