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Rule Revisions are Live!

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Kazyyk, Jan 28, 2015.

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  1. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Hello, everyone.

    I hope you've been having a fine day thus far. As many of you probably know, a large stable update is being released today.
    We were going to wait until the update hit Steam to release the new Rule revisions we've been working on for this update.
    These revisions take into account a year's worth of Antares history. Be proud! A new year, a new update, a new Antares, and new rules.
    Just click on "Rules" in the navigation bar to view them.

    Things are looking up for Antares.
    It would be nothing without you.
    Help nurture it into something great.

    EDIT: You can also discuss the revisions here.

    #1 Kazyyk, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Hurray for metaphores! (I don't know why or how is that relevant but HWATEVER)

    Also, thanks for keeping the server up for so long Kaz! It's been great, even with the major/minor bump's we've had along the way!
  3. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Staves and rocket launchers aren't allowed?

    Not sure how I feel about that, That's an entire class of weapons removed.
  4. Alek

    Alek Guy Who No One Knows

    Feb 5, 2014
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    I don't need your rules narc! :cool:
    I'll take a look at them ASAP.
  5. Donovennn

    Donovennn New Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Normally I would say that a lot of these rules restrict development and remove some deep and interesting themes from the RP, and would ask that the rules are made to be less restrictive as soon as possible.


    In all likelihood the update will bring a massive influx of inexperienced players, who have no idea what to do, and will disrupt RP without firm guidance and instruction. So I won't be bothered for now, but I certainly hope things become less restrictive once the new wave of people gets some RP experience under their collective belt.
  6. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    (( Moved this to the new rules discussion as well. ))
    Banning of rocket launchers seems like its a bit much. What's the basis for such a decision?

    "5) Work It Out Beforehand
    Whenever possible, decide how a fight will go down before it actually happens. Since fights have to be roleplayed out, things can get a little confusing without an impartial deciding system, such as dice. Since both parties are innately biased when trying to roleplay a fight on the fly, a mediator should be present. If a Staff member is unavailable, then the fight should be postponed until a Staff member can oversee it. "

    Many players don't enjoy planning out events prior to their rp, preferring instead to allow things to flow naturally. This restricts their ability to do so, as it requires them to grab a moderator before proceeding with any combat rp that doesn't already have its end determined.

    "4) Overused Backgrounds
    The following backstory elements aren't permitted: young orphan, sole survivor of genocide, attacked by [race], escaped on ship at young age, and prodigial child. "​

    While I'm all for diversity in character backstory, these restrictions just seem arbitrary. There have been destructions of two homeworlds of major races within the last few decades in the lore. This /WOULD/ leave many young orphans, who, with nowhere else to go. Could end up on a frontier. The attacked by [race] concerns me as well, especially when we have Florans abound. Who are known for attacking all organic races and either killing or running them off from their homes.

    "4) Thieving is PvP
    PvP Rules apply to thieving. You must either make your intent known, or get permission beforehand. Robbery, armed or otherwise, has it's own rule. You can attempt to rob someone without their prior knowledge, but harming their character falls under standard PvP rules."​

    This seems to open a can of worms. Say you do in fact rob someone without their prior knowledge (( As I believe you should be able to )) and they attempt to 'be a hero.' How do PvP rules apply there? Are you free to gun them down in self defense? Must you then seek OOC permission before punishing their character for their poor decision?

    These are really just my initial concerns/questions and I thank whoever takes the time to brush them over.​
    #6 Kaiser Franz, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
  7. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    8) Beaming
    "Beaming, for the purposes of preventing abuse, is not an acceptable method of retreat."

    Smaller issue here, maybe, but I found this awfully vague. There's numerous ways you could use this to escape conflict, and some make more sense than others in hypothetical situations. Does this mean beaming is 100% locked when you're in conflict?

    "PvP Rules apply to thieving. You must either make your intent known, or get permission beforehand."

    "You can attempt to rob someone without their prior knowledge, but harming their character falls under standard PvP rules."

    I don't understand this. So a character can't pull thieving without permission, but he can try to mug(rob) someone for whatever strikes his mind? It seems like a weak rule to me. Some more specifics would help.
  8. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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