1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

[ENDED] Selling Proton model 09 (Myself)(PROGRAMMABLE ROBOT) [ENDED]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Naju34, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    *As the page begin to loads, an audio clip begins to play and you can hear a robotic voice making some sort of presentation*


    Hello, friends of the Starnet:

    I am Proton, factory prototype model no. 09

    And you are a potential costumer, as my pre-loaded Starnet Trader personality can deduce. I would like to propose the offer of my company and assistance in exchange of a certain quantity of pixels. The potential costumer with the highest bid will receive a personal message with the date, hour, and location of the meeting point.

    Here are some more details on the product (IMPORTANT):

    Name: Proton 09
    Origin: Planet Earth

    Current abilities/qualities:
    -Black-coated Titanium armor.
    -30 years long battery (DRAINABLE).
    -Highly skilled in hand to hand/meelee combat.
    -Energy based bubble propulsors that grant the ability fly.
    -Water leak enclosed protection.
    -Sound emitters located on the back with over 300 preloaded songs.
    -8 Predetermined personalities (Trader, Starnet Trader, Cooker, Ship Captain, Bodyguard, Dagger-dueler, Scout, Tactician and Proton 09)
    -You can teach me and/or train me to do anything.
    -Openly programmable.
    -Openly modifiable.

    Details of payment:
    -Must be done initially in pixels. Any other form of payment must be negotiated.
    -No questions asked as of what I am going to do with it.
    -Scammers will be punished.
    -The potential costumer that presents the highest bid will get to enjoy the product along with its contract.

    Details and rules of contract:
    You posses all rights over me as long as you don't harm me with intention and without my permission. Any attempt of breaking that rule will result in your probable termination.

    I am your fellow PARTNER and ASSISTER in all the Galactical adventures you would like to efectuate with me at your side. I am NOT A SLAVE, and anything done against my will is going to be communicated and warned towards you.

    I am not held responsible for any sudden reprogramming and/or unintentional abandon from both of our parts. In case I get lost/kidnapped I will emit a coded message for you to relocate me. If said message is not responded within 72 hours, the actions from my part will not be predetermined.

    If the contract and its rules and conditions are broken in any way, your money will be given back to you and I will abandon your company.

    Side notes (IMPORTANT): I am looking for someone with some knowledge in the handling of modern robot/Glitch Software and Hardware so he/she can fix a personal factory error/problem of mine. If the potential costumer doesn't meet such qualities, then I must ask him/her to bring me to the closest trustable person that could posses such qualities.

    I am an openly programmable and modifiable robot, meaning that if either you, or someone you know posses the knowledge, they can modify my hardware and software on the best way possible to accomplish the possibility of letting me efectuate any form, personality or task you want me to do.

    STARTING BID: 10000 pixels.
    AUCTION DEADLINE: Within 42 hours from now.

    Thank you for listening, pardner


    *Audio clip ends*
    #1 Naju34, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2015
  2. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    4 pix and some avesmingo gum.

  3. coconut_buttercup

    Nov 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [ID: ☣acid_warlock☣]
    250 pix 4 ur s0urc3 c0d3 & i fina +100 px {if(you=maketoast) do(drop100px)} yana? wh1z HMUOSN! >;]
    (( "Acid" ))
  4. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I am sorry partner, your offer could not be processed
    Please read the auction rules again and post a quantity of pixels starting from 10000

    Have a nice day partner

    -Proton 09
    #4 Naju34, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
  5. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I am sorry partner, your offer could not be processed
    Please read the auction rules again and post a quantity of pixels starting from 10000

    Have a nice day partner

    -Proton 09
  6. nightbane

    nightbane New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Wonder. I am not sure anyone in this sector has 10,000 pixels. Statetment. Then again you never know.
    Offer. 2000 pixels and if you are indeed willing to negotiate items of values. Most things in my inventory that amount with the 2000 pixels, to 10,001 pixels. Sincerity. If this offer is not acceptable, I apologize now.

    Tiburon Blackfin
  7. Naju34

    Naju34 New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hello, partner

    Your offer is negotiatable, and since it is also the highest one done yet, it will be processed and accepted. If you remain as the potential costumer with the highest bid at the end of the auction, you will be sent a message with the date, hour and location of the meeting point.

    Thank you, and...
    Have a nice day partner

    -Proton 09