ITT: "This conflicts with my super-serious, ultra-realistic and gritty RP values. Therefore it must die and the creator who made it must be shunned forever despite possibly being pretty decent in all other instances."
As tempting as it is to fuel the old conflict gap between those two perspectives, it'd be better to at least offer a snippet in the comment relative to the thread.
Better I waste my own time having fun opposed to repeatedly making terrible characters with blatant OOC agendas and wasting everyone else's time.
Make sure to stay on topic here, this is about Thewaltham's character, take new discussions to a PM or new thread if you must.
i like to think im a mixture of all three, mostly because i'm special. i am a passive role-player, at sometimes i make fun of shit role-play but usually it's some-what helpful, and for three i like to criticize at times. in my own defense of 3, i at least try to make it semi-helpful. although on the subject at hand ye your char was gettin' a tad inspired as i could tell but i thought it was just a joke for around the mother-base. just roll back the jensen and get on with the..whatever the fuck clara's last name is.