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Strong's finances and log.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Hour, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. Hour

    Hour Dogu

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Strong's beige plastic, green mono-monitor bearing PDA.​

    //FlopLock Solutions Inc//
    //"Your Security is our Security"//
    //FlopLock Solutions Termilink protocol (TM)//
    >\ Welcome, MR.STRONK
    >\ **************

    If it's not Strong reading this, you're going to regret touching this PDA. If it is Strong, hey! Congratulations you still remember the password, scheduled password reset set for [1/30/2415].

    What I've got at the moment.
    12,000, 23 coins, 11 bullion bars.
    My flatline, what I've made from a few months of escort and contractor work, lost most when Larrus shot me, least the bitch didn't know where I kept my stash, just the bulk. Wish I could remember each client to list, wish my last log book hadn't taken a bullet, or four.
    -2327/New shuttle
    Finally fixed up the ol' USCM dropper, more expensive than anticipated, whatever, everything's functional barring some heating and fridge things.

    The outriders job, turn some levers.
    Need more of these painkillers, otherwise the headaches get to be a pain, that's a whole cratesworth, going to hide at the spot in what's left of NC.
    Lose alot of ammo and supplies evacuating Port Last. Go straight to jail and skip your turn.
    Also lost the contents of the safe to some robbers, awesome, two more left -they might not even be around anymore. E: One's good, other seems to been melted, great.
    Business, Avian, brown feathers.
    Business, what I got after the Outriders job call it a severance package, they didn't want to tell me why I was being paid it.
    Fixing up the engine, least I didn't have to get a new fusion coil.
    USCM or USAF goons, I didn't expect to escape from them unscathed that PPC took a large chunk out of the ship. Surprised it didn't kill me was alot to patch that hole heat is gone completely, fridge is barely operational, get someone to look at it.
    Had to fix the para-monitor, two optics got blown out, that will teach me to be careless, gonna refurbish the helm when I get the time.
    Pills, good doctor on Port Last, helped with the injuries I got from the cyborg, foot looks good, in one piece anyway.
    Restocked on food.
    Business, Apex, white fur, aviators?
    Scavving was more profitable then I figured, got my Solari pics back, what a nice butt.
    Had to replace the windows, that was a rough landing.
    Helm is in complete working order, don't have to look like Doctor doom anymore, even added some durasteel grating so the para optics are alot safer.
    Lost a bet, that hylotl looked alot tougher then he was.
    And it's back, never let it be said Apex don't know how to throw a punch, the scrappy bastards.
    Fuel, more grenades.
    More food, a few more pills, different brand, making me sleepy- going to hit NC to get the rest of my stock, can't be passing out.
    Glitch pirates weren't that smart, who fires a RPG in a closed ship? Solari got fucked up.
    Solari's surgery, deja-vu eh? Least I didn't have to deal with Cass, thank Odin.
    +2000/4 bars
    Scavving with Ximena was more profitable then I figured it would be.

    Refitted the sunbeam's sights, -2% is just not something I can afford. Also got some free solarium rods.
    Business, Floran, green, black eye things. Apparently I owe Eddie.
    Business, hylotl, retired some redhead before he screwed someone else over later in life.
    Helmet got a bit dinged up, surprised how well it withstood that talonfire grenade, everything in working order.
    Radical finally pays, that was a weeks worth of waiting, avoid doing business with this "professional" again.
    Ship repairs after accessing that USCM cache.
    Oracle job.
    The last of the outriders job, cut ties completely.

    How I'm doing now.
    21,265, 15 coins (where did those go?) 15 bullion bars.
    Pretty good considering.

    Current ammunition stockpile.

    29 T-cells, that's ten shots each.
    26 Smoke grenades
    31 Flash grenades
    13 HE grenades
    17 WP-32 ember grenades
    11 HP-17 gas grenades
    56 .44 FMJ
    23 .44 HP
    11 .44 AP
    15 .44 rubber
    67 5.56 rounds, (Where did I get these?)
    12 .357 FMJ
    4 HE RPG (Or these.)
    9 Molotov cocktails.
    5 10ga slug
    2lb of Thermite
    3 Hockey breaching charges

    A good amount of worthless armor, weapons, and other 'stuff' that needs to be sold.

    Nominal, more fruit than the fanciest bar on the moon.

    Day one of log, 1/4/2415.
    Eddie is out of prison, Sunushan Bada armor specs need to be detailed, talked to Pandora about the soap opera, (aka her marriage) don't know why. It felt like watching Hariot just too depressing, Arc always has bad news for me, told him there were more fish in the sea and more things to be then depressed and angry. Said he could least be glad it wasn't for the hundredth time he's bled and now I've got a pain in the head. Yes those rhymes were intentional, going to down these with some whiskey and drift off to Clockwork Orange, never thought it was a good movie, good background noise though.

    Day two of log, 1/5/2415
    I've had the fantastic fortune of working with some really smart people recently, they're almost smarter then mushrooms, really, it's pretty impressive. Alright in all seriousness I've been working with unprofessional twatblasts who couldn't figure their way out of a paper bag, but I suppose that doesn't apply to everyone. Solour, Joshua,know what they're doing, Arc-- a little. That guy heats faster then tissue on magma, seriously he's prone to sell me down the river some day to save his own hide. He'd better when he does make sure there's one of those James-Bondesque slow death traps and I'm fastened the fuck in. Otherwise not much happening, a good deal of melodrama with Riika accusing Mattulip and Kazushi of murder, luckily Kaz has been a bit unstable recently so that was easily explained. (Even if he was revealing real plans, there's no evidence to try them on) if either ends up getting more then a year, or death, then they'll be getting out sooner rather then later. Anyway, gonna watch some batman, scrawl out some positions I got from this hylotl hardcore mag, write some kinknotes and pass the shit out, wonder if I still have the cache of my old USCM weapons on Marathon, guess I'll check tomorrow.

    Day three of log, 1/13/2415
    Had to land the ship on NC, luckily the damage wasn't too bad, found my cache and loaded the touchdown up, a good amount of old USCM rifles, pistols, some old grenades, mainly just old M41A's, JTF and USCM models, a M26A1, a few M9 PDWs, and a few detachable grenade launchers. Should come in handy if my redline goes bust, speaking of, did some major tune-ups while working on the ship. Replaced the barrel, upped the wattage, a little more powerful, even though I lose fire-rate because of it. Shouldn't matter I'm a good shot, repainted the armor old army power armor colors, looks nice and classic. Anyway, that's about it lost a good deal working on the ship but, scavved most of the materials from NC so not alot to worry about there. Haven't seen Solari in a spell, here's hoping she's not dead.

    //FlopLock Solutions Inc//
    //FlopLock Solutions Termilink protocol (TM)//
    >\ Y/N
    >\ Y
    //Logging out...//
    #1 Hour, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2015
  2. Hour

    Hour Dogu

    Dec 29, 2013
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    (( Edited, posting because I didn't have internet a whole week. ))