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An Unidentified Audio Log (mistakenly sent to the StarNet)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tallen, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    (Very brief static)
    Recording? Wha- oh darn it. Alright. Focus.
    (Deep breath)
    Hello, captain's log number one. My name is Glauen Moons... now that I think about it, does being the sole owner of a second-hand spaceship count as being its captain? Does it even work that way? Also, is this even a private log? I mean, I messed with some buttons, a counter appeared and it clearly shows my voice waves in the monitor... Oh my feathers this would be incredibly embarassing if I were sending a hailing message to nearby ships.
    Well nobody hailed me back, and nobody asked what I am squawking about, and neither are there Stargazers zooming in on my position as far as I can tell, so I'm guessing this is private? I should have listened to my sister some more before I left. I mean she taught me the basics of starfaring, but I basically just got on this ship, hit some random coordinates and pressed "go". I don't know how to check my current location, I don't know how much fuel I have left, I'm not even certain how to send a distress signal. Actually, that was my original goal a while back. I should get back at it when I am done with this.
    (Silence. Again.)
    Actually to be frank now that I think about it this was all probably a really bad idea. Really, really bad. I am running low on food, should any parts of the ship break I have no idea how to fix them, and I'm not even sure what kind of fuel I'm even supposed to use here. I can see a planet down below, but how do I know if I can access its surface? Even if I can, am I even able to eat the food there? What if its filled with aggressive creatures? Or Floran? This was all very rushed. And stupid. And bad. ...did you just call the situation stupid and bad? Glauen, work on your lexicon a little bit.
    (Silence. And a deep sigh.)
    No. I couldn't stay in Avos anymore. No longer. What happened to Niquan, what my brother did, what the priests made him do... I, I don't know. All I know about Avos, the Avians, and Kluex... It's falling apart. I might be going mad. Am I going mad? Maybe I should go back. Tell the Stargazers I made a mistake, and beg for forgiveness to the Clipped Council... (nervous laugh) Yeah right. I'm not mad enough to know it is a stupid idea. Actually, I'm certain one of the ways to know you have not lost your mind is your ability to second-guess your own consciousness. So, I guess asking myself if I'm mad means I'm actually sane?
    I need some antidepressants.
    (Sounds of a clicking beak.)
    Well, I think that's enough messing around. I should do more logs like this. I hear when an Avian Warrior returns from a particularly stressful mission he is sent to talk to a priest in order to sort his mind out. Just voicing his own opinions and insecurities is enough to clear his mind. I think I'm feeling better already. Now, to save this and find that distress signal.
    (Sounds of rummaging of controls.)
    "Send"? What do you mean? I thought this wa-
    (Brief static.)
    (Replay audio log? Y/N)
    #1 Tallen, Dec 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2014
  2. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    *an audio log of white-noise is transmitted to the ship. While the message itself has nothing of use, it has no encryption, and coordinates of the location it was sent from are clearly visible: X: 1005, Y: 1957 Alpha Iota 3347 II A*

    ((OOC notes/spoilers: It's a signal sent by a bored member of the Blackfang's Horde in Port Last's ruins who recieved the audio log and pressed random buttons with the hopes of luring someone to the colony.
    Hit me up if you want to RP out the avian checking the planet out, as it is crawling with the members of the Horde, whom capture and enslave non-Florans to sell them over StarNet for meat.
    Character death, injury etc. are entirely up to the victim, eg you.))
  3. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    (( Oh boy. ))
  4. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    *listens to the entire record, saving it as an audio file afterwards*

  5. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    *Log deleted. Only those who made sure to download may review it now*
