The Bringers of the Reborn Antares (BOTRA) is a terrorist group that aims to carry out their god's order to purify Antares by forcefully converting people through methods of violence and chaos, or torture and enslave them if they do not comply. They operate discretely, and they never meet directly in public. They only refer to one another by their agent numbers, and any messages they leave for the public take on forms of puzzles. I am looking for mostly mostly chaotic evil characters, and they will be required to use supplied equipment unless permission is granted to use their own equipment. Recruitment will be handled ICly, of course.
euhg the idea of terrorists would be a lot better if the reasoning were more ... reasonable destroying people's livelihoods because you don't like them being in antares
Isn't like... 90% (at least) of characters chaotic, and of those, at least half chaotic evil already? Ninja edit: I forgot. They aren't chaotic neutral/evil. Most are chaotic stupid, seeing how they act.