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Aurelius' Macrobiological Index

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by DeltaV, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    ((This is available on Aurelius' person in electronic form, as well as saved to his ship's hard drive.))

    I have begun the process of attempting some basic classification of the various species on Anteres' major planets, with the goal of establishing a definitive summary of interesting plants and animals for my superiors.



    Pink Featherthorn (Name given to me by an untrustworthy-looking Avian upon request.)
    Avis rosea
    This bird is somewhat common on Asani, and is largely indifferent to the persons inhabiting the planet. Seeming to be particularly stupid, the two I had the chance to examine spent quite some time attempting to navigate simple structural elements. It is likely that they ignore passers-by simply because they do not realize them to be alive. The mere fact that they live as a species is likely just because of the removal of natural predators due to the planet's colonization.

    Curve-Beaked Fledgling
    Avis hamatis
    Slightly smaller than the Pink Featherthorn but no more intelligent, this bird's hooked beak allows for the easy grabbing of certain food sources and is entirely impractical for everything else. One must wonder if some event has occurred to cause this planet's birds to behave so unintelligently.

    Green Featherthorn
    Avis galbinus
    A more aggressive and nocturnal species, very similar in appearance to the Pink Featherthorn (other than the color, of course). I have taken the liberty of assigning it a different species name, however, as this one is much more skilled at navigating its environment. When provoked, it is able to secrete and launch a glob of greenish acidic goo at the attacker.

    Large-Beaked Flywing
    Avis saxum
    Another aggressive bird species, this one is perhaps the most intelligent I have seen as of yet. Its primary method of attacking is to grab small boulders and drop them from height onto stationary prey. The creature's wings are rather interesting; I shall further examine them should I manage to acquire a specemin.

    Green Gaslauncher
    Avis peutrinum
    Another unique "bird" of prey, as while it just barely fulfills the necessary requirements to be considered a bird, this creature more closely resembles a large insect. Mostly amorphous, the majority of its internal organs are devoted to manufacturing toxic and disgusting gas which it uses to immobilize and kill prey.

    Fin-Headed Sauropa
    Lacerta acinaces
    The first large land creature I have managed to lay eyes upon, it is a very peculiar type of animal. Most closely resembling a large lizard, it possesses a huge fin on its head which is used for absolutely nothing. While aggressive, the creature seems to prefer to create and spit strange rocky chunks as a method of attack. My guess would be that it is a good way to ward off birds, though I would love to see how the icy chunks are created.

    Purple Insectas
    Insecta purpura
    A more docile creature, this one seems to prefer nibbling on various insects and grasses, and in itself is more of a large bug than a mammal or lizard. Its tail, while appearing a decent weapon, seems to instead be used to ward off flies and more aggressive birds.


    Asani Junglewood
    Arborus frondoso
    A particularly leafy tree, it is rather hardy and hosts an array of methods for gathering the rains which are so common on the planet. Its wood is rough and textured, and the tree itself can grow to a sizeable height regardless of circumstances in which it is planted. It does not bear fruit, and so means of reproduction are unknown.

    Green Treeweed
    Plantae lentas
    While appearing to be a variety of small weeds, this planet is actually a single bush which grows well in most any soil. With thin root systems, it mostly relies on capturing rainwater as it comes, and its leaves resemble those of certain trees (Hence the name).


    Avis sextus
    Curious but rather ordinary nonetheless, this aggressive bird has six eyes and sprays toxic gas at its targets to great effect.

    Lacerta bulbus
    An aggressive creature with a bulbed back which it uses to disguise itself in foliage. Unlike the more unique creatures I have seen, it fights through simple biting.

    Wayward Sharkfin
    Mammalia tiburon
    A very strange and docile bipedal animal, it almost appears some what self-aware and lives in small packs, donning strange pink leaves as a sort of 'clothing'. I believe myself to have found something very curious in these creatures, and have taken a specimen to study.

    Pisces patella
    A mostly unremarkable fish, its only real defining characteristics are its large, luminous eyes which resemble dinner plates.


    Wayward Oak
    Arborus waywardi
    The only thing which is interesting about this simple oak tree is how convergent evolution has made it so similar to varieties found on Earth.

    Wayward Bush
    Plantae planus
    A simple, if spiky, bush.

    Hump-backed Disguiser
    Lacerta camouflaga
    An aggressive animal which seems to have evolved to disguise itself, as from the front its head might resemble a sort of flower. Specimen taken.

    Updated regularly.
    #1 DeltaV, Dec 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2014
  2. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    [Personal journal, attached to index document]

    I have come to believe that some event has killed off the majority of non-microscopic land creatures on Asani, as I have been unable to find any despite thorough searches.
  3. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    [Personal journal]

    I have finally found several species of large land creature on Asani, though I am sure that plenty more lie undiscovered. I am increasingly finding that normal classifications of insect or mammal or bird or lizard do not apply to these animals, as they seem to blend the lines quite a bit. I believe that I have conducted enough biological research on this planet for now, and I believe I will move on next to the planet of "Wayward". Further visits to Asani will be for more classified reasons, I believe.