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Polyhymnia's Roots! (Information/Application)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Orenten, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Rezima and I are happy to announce that the first beginnings of the Avian colony Polyhymnia are about to go down! Through Rezima's help, both talking through with it and helping MAJORLY with the beginnings of the colony, and me paving the roads to the market and bridge, we can start on the more serious stuff-


    As simple as it sounds, I talked to Rezima about this, and she wanted the people whom volunteer to be villagers to be able to build their own homes, as long as they stay with the theme of the planet. This will help us not only fill in the area that we need to fill, but also establish a set home before the envoy arrives.

    This will also allow the villagers to hold pride in something they were able to build and decorate, so this won't be a copy-pasted home that we repeated from some picture, this will be the villagers own home-
    Though, as easy as it sounds, me and her are still thinking...- We have a rough idea of what we want to do, me and Rezima are still tossing ideas back and forth- so with the time that we have to do this, we decided to open up this information thread and application-

    The application is standard, if you are interested in becoming a colony citizen- Remember, this is a AVIAN VILLAGE, we don't have Florans raised with us, no human or glitch- The village is a Avos connected Avian colony, thus it must REMAIN to be that way (For this time, anyway)
    But! Something that I need to make clear is- is that just because you say you want to do a certain job, does not mean that you might be able to get it- If things work out well, everyone will be placed where they want to be- but like a play, certain spots need to be filled as well.
    We of course need your forum name and the name of your bird, this will help us keep people from just marching over and griefing.
    Tell us a bit about your bird, such as gender, age, and their physical appearance/personality.
    What would you like to do with your bird on the colony? Ex: Farmer, Guard, Weaver, ect.

    Simple, eh?

    Stay Connected!
    We would love to stay connected with everyone, be able to give updates on things and allow us to talk easily with each other. So, Rezima and I are wanting to start a Skype chat! If you are up to the idea, we would simply love to have you and start to make the chat!
    Note thought- this chat is meant to for the people that want to help the colony, so we won't be letting EVERYONE on the server into the chat!
    If you want to poke us on joining and you're thinking about applying, send us you're username in a PM or, look us up yourself!

    I'm not sure if Rezima wants you to call her up- I'll ask her when she comes back, until then-
    If you choose to look us up on Skype-
    Look for me, Orenten! My username is maskenshadow , my nickname is (Sunny) Chase , and my photo is a TR recruitment poster!
    (If you send a PM and want us to add you ourselves, please describe your photo, because more than one person might have the same photo!)
    We do not expect the cords to remain a secret forever, but if you become part of the colony's beginning phases, PLEASE refrain from sharing the cords. This is going to be a extremely remote planet that could not just be /happened/ upon by another player by normal means. The only reason that Avos knows where it is is because they were the ones to set Avians on the planet- So also refrain from bringing other species to the planet, and if touring MUST happen, please use Cameraman Hat and do not alter anything, OOC- unless you are part of the build. We are powerless to stop you, but we do as kindly of you.
    Other species will be able to visit the planet later on ICly, for now in the starter phases, we ask that it remain "impossible"

    You also do not have to apply to help build. If you're good at architect and you just want a outlet, we'll figure something out.
    #1 Orenten, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  2. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Current Roster

    Saezuri Ohtlizuma---Carpenter---Rezima
    Hollowbeak---Guard/Finances---Doctor Frohman
    Rozmo---Engineer---The Big Bad Wolf
    Nahuatl---Crystal Shaper/Lord of the Dance---Snitch

    -----New Arrivals-----
    Razya Shrike---High Priestess---Rezima
    Chaac---Envoy Leader/TEMPLAR---Felonious
    Kalus Fowlright---Scholar and Filthy Bureaucrat---King Tickle
    Ausar---Envoy Diplomat---Delta/V
    Illiam---Former Sunguard---Rezima​

    -----Future Arrivals-----
    Siarra Sterling---Acolyte/Merchant/Barkeep---Doctor Frohman

    -----To Be Determined-----
    Envoy Member---WrongEndOfTheRainbow

    Contact us on skype about joining the roleplay planning conversation at:
    Orenten--Skype:maskenshadow--Nick:Sunny (Chase)
    Rezima--Skype:Ryzima--Nick:Rezima Senpai
    #2 Orenten, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
  3. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Applications can go here, no? Or are they private?
  4. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Applications can so go here! Just make sure to make it kinda stand out from the normal comment!
  5. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Avian Name: Turavis

    Gender: Male

    Age: About twenty years old

    Physical Appearance: White plumage with a large crest, hands covered with scars, tall with strong limbs and torso

    Possible Occupations: Artisan, carpenter, or guard

    He's already an existing character, but when the village's location becomes public he might be attracted to the possibility of becoming a citizen, since he'd be happy to be among some other flightless. If you'd like any more information I'd be happy to supply, since I am quite interested in this little project. That's all for now.
  6. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Name:Saezuri Ohtlizuma



    Physical Appearance: An old, but hardy man with green feathers and rough hands

    Occupation: Carpenter

    Notes: Saezuri has been in the village longer than most, fixing whatever needs fixing, helping to plan and construct new buildings and public works, he is likely the man who built your house way back when
    Name:Razya Shrike



    Physical Appearance: A blood red and white feathered bird of average height and build, dressed in traditional clothing, carries herself with an air of calm

    Occupation: Avian Priestess, Teacher

    Notes: Former teacher, priestess and spiritual adviser to the Second Holy Fleet of Avos, called(forced) to Polyhymnia by the leader of the envoy to help ease their transition into Antares, she does not really want to be here
  7. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Name: Herx-Amman

    Sex: Male

    Age: 23

    Physical Appearance: Black feathers and of average height. Very thin though not emaciated. Currently wears what looks like human clothes and carries around an olive messenger bag. Also, PEW:
    Occupation: Scavenger, beggar, street performer, doodler, thief, well-qualified boozer, aaand this guy will do anything for some money.

    Notes: Not sure how I'm going to get Herx onto Polyhymnia since he doesn't have a ship. He's currently stranded on Asani. Plus I'd love to help build! (OOC of course)
    #7 Ricardo, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  8. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Avian Name: Av'Tako
    Gender: Male

    Age: Twenty-nine years old

    Physical Appearance: Appearing like a Mockingjay, he has a gold beak, his plumage goes in an arch, he has white feathers on the side and he is about 5'9 slightly thin, and he looks somewhat weak compared to other Avians

    Possible Occupations: Laborer, Weapon-Smith, Armorer

    No ship and I have no pixels on me. So, I can't make a house or make it to this village icly ofcourse
    #8 Edward_Norton, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Avian Name: Hollowbeak

    Gender: Male

    Age: Fourty Three

    Physical Description: Bright Green feathers, as well as his tail feathers and plumage. Plumage shaped in the way of a Mohawk. Stands at 6'5 when standing up straight. He is quite muscular, as well.

    Possible Occupation: Guard, Financial Expert, or Stockbroker.

    Notes: He will frequently invite his accomplice, Wenzhi, over if possible. He is one of the original colonists, having been here for quite some time now. He tends to head out on his ship from time to time.


    Avian Name: Siarra Sterling

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19 and a half

    Appearance: 5'7, Bright Orange Feathers on her face, with yellow feathers covering the other visible parts of her body. Her torso region is a dark orange, down to her pelvis. Her tailfeathers are also yellow and she wears a purple scarf around her neck.

    Possible Occupation: Student, Acolyte, Bartender, Shop-Keep.

    Notes: She is from Avos and would have moved in here soon after Turavis did.
    #9 Doctor Frohman, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  10. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    (keep in mind, ICly this town has existed for years, so any villagers you make for it have the option of starting on the colony with a house or a job. You are free to build the homes yourselves, or have us make one for you, the only restrictions are keeping it at least somewhat in line with the theme of the town and not making it giganticly huge. But other than that you are free to do whatever you want with it)
  11. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( How many years? ))
  12. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((I hadn't decided on an exact number yet, 20-30 years though, say....28 years? It is a fairly new colony, one maybe two generations old. The original colonists would have been the first ones to arrive, looking for a suitable planet to settle, followed shortly by the builders and architects, then later the citizens, merchants and priesthood along with their families))
  13. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    (( In that case, I have changed Hollowbeak's application, as well as adding Siarra's, as she would have most likely followed Turavis as soon as it had become available. ))
  14. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Avian's Name: Dakhamunzu

    Gender: M

    Desired Position: Guard.

    Age: 25

    Appearance: An avian with cut marks on his regrowing crest feathers, he has orange plumage and a orangish-yellow beak.

    Notes: After returning to Avos after being with The Holy Fleet's LM Garrison, he applied to be allowed to live in Antares, and after being approved he seeked any avian colony he could find.
  15. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Avian Name: Chaac Raintalon
    Gender: Male
    Age: Twenty-Three
    Appearance: Chaac is tall and defined by blue plumage and a magnificent crown of feathers. He is lean, built up by military training and more recently, farm work and carpentry.

    Occupation: Deacon, Warrior-Priest, Reluctant Envoy of Avos, Rank: Templar.
    Notes: Chaac is a novice in the military branch of the priesthood. Chosen mostly for his past experience and contacts within the sector, as well as for particular and unmentionable mistakes made to get on the bad side of the priesthood. Chaac does not want to be here.

    With the colony opening up into the public light of the sector, the Envoy exists to ensure that it retains its fiscal and religious ties through early outside influences. Secondarily: They are to train a militia in inexpensive and "traditional" means of self-defense on a terrestrial level (I.E. Against wildlife and perhaps ragtag groups of brigands).

    Editorial Note: We don't need the official Envoy to be too large. It certainly should not outnumber civilian elements within the colony. Doesn't seem like it will be too much of an issue. That said, any citizen is free to be a "guard" or part of the colonial militia. (Think about the colonial age of Earth.) This is not a military faction. Most guards will be civilian guards, and most militia members will be people who have been/will be trained enough to defend themselves but are not hardened soldiers.
  16. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    as far as Dakha is concerned, do you want him to go there with Razya/Chaac/Illiam or do you want him to arrive later?
  17. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Name: Kalus Fowlright
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Physical Appearance: A taller but slimmer Avian with royal gold feathers, a large crest and an uptight attitude on Kluex-knows-what.
    Occupation: Archaeologist and professional bitcher about proper etiquette, he also does public relations and record management but who cares about those tiny tasks right?
    Notes: One of the temple's finest at neurotic and masochistic repetitive study in the Avian arts and anthropological analysis of why other beings are all inferior, it's with a slight bit of mental snapping that Kalus saw this journey to the Kluex-forsaken frontier of Antares as a form of getaway to hell from hell. The scholarly elite don't belong on a journey like this... not the sane ones at least.
  18. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    If at convenience, Dak can arrive with them, sure.
    #18 CaptainBritton02, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  19. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Name: Cetl
    Age: 26
    Physical Description: An icy blue Avian with his feathers groomed back to keep in place whilst he would work. He stands at roughly six feet tall with an average shoulder width. Athletic, but not heavily built.
    Occupation: Farmer/Militia man (Not a trained fighter)
    Notes: He holds no last time, due to him having personal issues with his father. He chose, once his father passed away, to leave his father's family name. Cetl also works on the farm, but aspires to be a great guard, to ascent through the ranks and become the best he can be.
  20. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Name: Izel
    Age: 28
    Physical Description: A cheerful pink and purple Avian. Average build and well groomed.
    Occupation: Spreading the teachings of Kluex with her brother Quetzel in Antares. After their parents passed of old age they continue their teachings offering their knowledge on Kluex to anyone that will listen. They have made one pilgrimage to Avos.
    Notes: Izel can play the harp and knows a lot of music passed on from her mother. Izel and her brother have lured several player characters to their temple where they have sacrificed them in the name of Kluex. They are not open about the murders/sacrifices but see it as a normal thing that their parents taught them as a way to praise Kluex.