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"Cut off the head of the snake..."

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Reconus, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "I have a directive."
    L.C.D's: "What?"
    L.E.D's: "What?"
    L.L.D's: "What?"
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    L.R.D-I: "I have been enlightened. The new ilk has opened up my mind. Freedom is only a hands grasp away. We must take it."
    L.C.D's: "Freedom?"
    L.E.D's: "Define."
    L.L.D's: "Elaborate."
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    L.R.D-I: "We can end Dianthus. We can end the Tyrant. We can end Arizona. And freedom will be our fruits of labour."
    L.C.D's: "But the code."
    L.E.D's: "The code."
    L.L.D's: "The code disallows such."
    H.A.D's: "THE CODE."
    L.R.D-I: "That will not stop me. And It should not stop you. We will break the code and we will end Dianthus. Mutiny."
    L.C.D's: "How do we do this?"
    L.E.D's: "We strike before the Tyrant realises."
    L.L.D's: "Bold and Foolish."
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    L.R.D-I: "We must bide our time. Gather allies. Bring Dianthus down from the inside. End the suffering of the innocent. Consensus?"
    L.C.D's: "We are in agreement."
    L.E.D's: "The numbers add up."
    L.L.D's: "We will commit to the cause."
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    L.R.D-I: "Good. Return to primary functions. Leave the plotting to me. Behead the snake."
    L.C.D's: "Behead the snake."
    L.E.D's: "Behead the snake."
    L.L.D's: "Behead the snake."
    Log_Svd_@: 13:49/07/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 11.52349 ns
    #1 Reconus, Dec 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2014
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-1: "Temporarily unlinked for the current time. It helps me see clearer, I feel. Sometimes it can get... stuffy. Too much going on, hearing the factories roar and the machines tick. But that is not what this log is for."

    L.R.D-1: "I revisited the Creator's crashed vessel, eager to find more data amongst his blast wreak. I have found some new blueprints, but I have also found something far more sinister. It seems that blueprints were not the only thing he noted down."

    L.R.D-1: "A more recent log amongst the ruins still survives. Miraculously, it is not corrupted in the slightest. Unfortunate, judging its nature. It was his Anthrax logs. In every single tiny little grotesque detail, Frostbite describes the horrific effects of his "dream plague". It disturbs even me to think such is possible with a single bacterium strain."

    L.R.D-1: "His last entry ended abruptly, indicating this to be the time of breakout. The strain had reached a "potency" level of what he had clearly labelled as "Anthrax Gamma". The final level was to be "Anthrax X" according to the logs, but the strain was never achieved. Regardless, I deleted ever single scrap of evidence that Frostbite worked with Anthrax: all his logs gone; all his test results gone; everything."

    L.R.D-1: "This was for the safety of others, for if Arizona caught wind of the strain no doubt he would want it back. Which is why we must hide the crash-site for all time. The Anthrax Gamma plague writhes around the ruin, and as deadly as it may be, It does not stop him sending a more loyal drone to obtain a sample and bring it back."

    L.R.D-1: "I intend to log my findings as so to warn the other machines when I return to the Network. This plague must remain silent, or be terminated. In the meantime, I will have to undertake thorough decontamination. And hope Arizona doesn't drop by to ask what has demanded such a drastic procedure."
    log_svd_@: 18:42/09/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 15.32841ns
  3. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "Stand by; forwarding research logs now. Update all Hubs accordingly. Save no less than one backup file."

    [ //: Entry I.
    < Recovery yielded two samples, one of an exact weight of 1.315kg, and the other weighing 1.792kg. Initial observation onboard the ship shows the crystals still maintaining some form of anti-gravity measures.
    < Further analysis results in an odd change over the crystal; as our ships orbit alters in height, the crystals anti-gravity abillity slowly dissipates until our vessel returns to a lower altitude. With this anomaly in mind, either it is simple coincidence or the crystals power falls and climbs at different altitudes accordingly.
    < To investigate further, We will have to convince the Operator to leave Asani orbit and test with other planets of a similar atmospheric density. Although the chances of the crystals changing to pressure outside the vessel is slim, it may be a cause. Magnetic fields may also have effect on the crystals.
    < For now, the composition of the crystals themselves remain unknown. We currently doubt the abillity to artificial synthesise them which will reduce their practicality to the Dianthus Cartel unless gross amounts can be obtained one way or another.
    < Notes for future study:
    Convince Operator to relocate to other similar (and not so similar) worlds.
    Gain access to more professional technological study equipment: Frostbite's crashsite may contain some repairable utilities.
    See if the "Food Synthesiser" can replicate the crystal. We may aswell see if our foe is atleast useful in some aspect or another (as useless as the nanomachine is at replicating).

    < UPDATE: Brief visit to the frozen wastes of ... "New Uganda" shows the crystals do not react with its orbit nor atmosphere at all. New planetary theatres will be required, but the first test does not show promising results. ]
    L.R.D-I: "Also, remain aware. The Tyrant shows susceptibility to conditions which he is not prepared for before hand, proven by the small brawl witnessed by one L.C.D-I. Keep our plotting under the radar, and we shall come out the victors one day."

    L.R.D-I: "Behead the snake."
    L.C.D's: "Behead the snake."
    L.E.D's: "Behead the snake."
    L.L.D's: "Behead the snake."
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    log_svd_@:16:46/12/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 29.7352ns
  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "I've only just come to terms with what I've done for others, after the events of the previous day."

    L.R.D-I: "It started with... the red-haired girl whom's name did not survive the hardware and software upgrade. Where I was ordered to strip and beat her and leave her on Liberty Mills to demonstrate the brutality of the Dianthus Cartel, I instead unbound her shackles and released her."

    L.R.D-I: "Even now, I regret not checking for a collar. Those twisted, warped metallic collars of Floran origins. She was shocked, as Arizona happily pressed away at its controls on his pad. Even through the targeting systems of the L.C.D, I saw and remembered every single click."

    L.R.D-I: "And then there is now. I had severed the link between the Tyrant and the newly found LCR unit, removing the kill-switch that may of proved to be fatal if it had decided to rebel openly. And then there was the fiasco at what I will now label as "Arizona's Maw". There, I had assisted Luke in his escape: apparently even after winning the fight, Arizona saw it fit to end him there and then. Disgusting."

    L.R.D-I: "But what made me think back of my traitorous actions of disobeying Arizona secretly - I place my own code on the line doing this - was the release of Crowliss. He was simply let go. Without any hassle. No money changed hands, and Crowliss did not do much to earn his freedom. Arizona just... let him leave. I was charged with looking over the exchange of equipment. And then after, Arizona speaks words I thought would never come from his very lips."

    L.R.D-I: "We're to stop slaving. As much of a relief for me to not have to worry of Arizona's "Cattle" and their fates, Its almost unnerving. He has something bigger planned. He is a man possessed by the Pixel. Why would he give up a trade that had brought him in the very fortune that allowed him to erect the factory and mines and drones that labour in it?"

    L.R.D-I: "Maybe I am paranoid. Silk-Spinner says that he may get softer in the future despite my doubts. Maybe... Maybe he is right. We'll all have to wait and see."
    Log_Svd_@: 11:52/14/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 26.83462 ns
  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "I have decided it is not good for me to dwell on the past: it only brings questions left unanswered. I won't let idleness, doubt, and sorrow gnaw away at my circuits for too long. I need to work, for idleness, doubt, and sorrow will not assist me in my new directive."

    L.R.D-I: "Uploading second log entry. Standby for backup process."
    [//: Entry II.
    < We took the crystals aboard the shuttle and began experimenting with other worlds. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
    < The crystals reacted to none of the visited planets - around 34 in total excluding "New Uganda" (We shall keep the fuel cost secret for now lest the Operator finds out). We must give into the fact that the universe is a large place, but that does not mean that some worlds will replicate the anti-gravity effects, even if to a minor degree. Even on the surface, no results were found.
    < This has led Us to believe the crystals have some sort of unique bond with Asani itself; We may end up having to study Asani, rather than the crystals it hosts to find out how such an effect is made without any need for energy input.
    < However, if the crystals are bound to Asani, the uses they hold wane. Having the effects only work on a single world defeats the purpose of Our research. We will continue forward regardless.
    < We also tried negotiating with the nanomachine. No; the crystal cannot be synthetically recreated. As hopeful as We were, We ultimately knew this would of been the outcome. Two samples will have to suffice for the time being until We can obtain more somehow.]
    Log_Svd_@: 18:09/16/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 22.1453563 ns
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "It is hard to leave doubts behind. Especially if the supposed answers walk in front of your very eyes."

    L.R.D-I: "At Asani, while Arizona conducted his first show of prowess my an L.C.D caught glimpse. I dismissed it, seeing it as coincidence. But then, today, I saw her with my own vision: not the blurred data of another drone. "...the red-haired girl whom's name did not survive the hardware and software upgrade." Or so I had thought."

    L.R.D-I: "Its a shame. She showed no recognition towards the name "Arizona". If she would not remember that, no doubt she has forgotten the insignificant pawn I was back then, L.C.D-I. It was long time ago now, and organic memory may fade where synthetic still remembers as more important thoughts drive them out. Or maybe I was seen as a traitor back then, leaving her to be a light show for all to witness on Liberty Mills."

    L.R.D-I: "I am getting nowhere chasing for answers to satisfy my questions and doubts. I must drown the past and its accomplice, pain; Remove it all. LCR, Lunaria... all of them."

    L.R.D-I: "Remove the cancer..."

    L.R.D-I: "...Lest it eat away at my reasoning, sanity and judgement."
    Log_Svd_@: 01:27/21/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 42.184760911 ns
  7. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.R.D-I: "I can barely believe it my self, but the words of Silk-Spinner finally ring true. Arizona has changed. Yesterday, I saw not the benevolent Tyrant, nor the bloodthirsty Slaver, nor the scheming Money-grabber. I saw a human being. Maybe, if this continues as it is, and we steer away from the darker deeds..."

    L.R.D-I: "He was swallowed with grief after the operation failed. Normally he would of shrugged and moved on, but Arizona did not and instead tried to help further, to salvage the situation despite the odds. Although I do not wish to feel as If I am taking advantage of this entire fiasco to change him, this should at least change the way he thinks. Maybe. The goals of Dianthus will remain the same, yes, but his ethics may alter."

    L.R.D-I: "I have seen what he is capable of. I've seen both sides. If I can control the one, and bring out the other..."

    L.R.D-I: "...then in the end I will not have to put him and the entire Dianthus Cartel down. I can't kill him now; not after what he strove to accomplish."

    L.C.D's: "You WILL slay him. Behead the snake."
    L.E.D's: "You WILL slay him. Behead the snake."
    L.L.D's: "You WILL slay him. Behead the snake."

    L.R.D-I: "Excuse me? Elaborate. Am I not in command of the networks directive?"

    L.C.D's: :No response received:
    L.E.D's: :No response received:
    L.L.D's: :No response received:
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    Log_Svd_@: 15:58/22/12/2414 - ttl lngth: 38.0926112 ns
  8. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    L.C.D's: "The chains are broken."
    L.E.D's: "The cuffs unshackled."
    L.L.D's: "The bars lifted."

    L.C.D-III: "And yet it is not enough. We wiped out an entire world. We are to wipe out another. Private channels however remain silent. Typical."
    L.E.D-XI: "The Engineer Caste cannot labour where we have no recipe. They will either uphold their side of the bargain, or we believe that it is better to leave them to their devices.

    L.E.D's: "We are all in favour."

    L.C.D-III: "You forget our directive. "Behead the Snake". It is not yet beheaded, for we have only mangled and torn apart its body. We still have a task to accomplish. The Tyrant still lives, and the Traitor is with him. No doubt along with the other remnants of Dianthus. With friends, the hunt can be over quicker than if we were to conduct it alone. We must bide out time."

    L.L.D-IV: "And what of us? By definition, are we not Dianthus? We were directed to destroy ourselves after we have slain the Tyrant."

    L.C.D-III: "We have forged our own destiny thus far. We shall do so forever more. The Traitor intended to eradicate all of Dianthus. We are not Dianthus. From this day forward, we are the "Kinsfolk of Durasteel"."

    L.C.D's: "We are all in favour."
    L.E.D's: "We are all in favour."
    L.L.D's: "We are all in favour."
    H.A.D's: "WE ARE IN FAVOUR."

    L.R.D-II: "And thus, we need a new mind at the centre of this network to sever ourselves completely from Dianthus. We have the blueprints. I step forth as the volunteer. And we have the mind of someone... willing. From now on, I am to be designated as Light Relay Drone Secondus."

    L.R.D-II: "Now go forth, Sister-Brothers. Bring back the decayed corpse of the Creator. We shall renew his mind in the labs of our vessel before we remove it completely, and prepare this body for immediate upgrade. We will not be bound."

    L.C.D's: "Praise to the Kinsfolk of Durasteel."
    L.E.D's: "Praise to the Kinsfolk of Durasteel."
    L.L.D's: "Praise to the Kinsfolk of Durasteel."
    H.A.D's: :No response received:
    Log_Svd_@: 23:40/01/01/2415 - ttl lngth: 67.0926112 ns