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Ameany's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by WholesomeBURN, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    *A small ship log kept buried under piles upon piles of junk data in her ship's computer, it includes a speech-to-text option which appears under a recorded video. It would take digging to find it, but then again why would someone bother.*

    Entry one.
    -Begin recording-
    *A green-haired Apex sits in front of the camera, she wears a jumpsuit tied-off at the waist and a oil-stained tee-shirt.*
    Welp, I finally got around to it! Thats right, I am finally gonna keep a journal with me. So, you and me, *She points off to the camera.* we have some things to talk about. First off, today is my first real day out of the gene-tank, so I got to get back to my pride-and-joy. It held together quite nicely considering I left it on for more than a week without being able to work on it... Soooo... Yeah! Fun fun! Next bit of business, I have yet to see anyone in our little clubhouse. I woke up from the gene-therapy, walked outside, completely nude I might add, and didn't see a soul! I wonder if it has been abandoned and they just forgot about me, might ask Pan about i- PANZER! *She looks like she remembered something important.* I forgot to tell her I was still alive! Her and the rest of my friends, Miles *She begins to count-off fingers, extending a finger for each name she calls off.*, Ximena, Rachel, Hunter, Grell, Song-bird, and Carolynn too! Poor dear, I managed to talk to her today at least, she asked me if I had any antidepressants on me. I gave her a bottle of placebos and hoped that the depression might be self-helped in a way. She talked about her past love, kept reminding me of Goliath, good thing I can keep a straight face or I might have started feeling down too. *The Apex pauses for a moment, she looks towards something off to the side of the screen and gets a small smile. She then lets out a long, drawn out sigh.* Ugh, I would hate to leave this on such a bad note, uuuhhh... I got a pretty good deal cut with a human fellow on Asani! I sorted out a issue he was having with an over-engineered paperweight he called a "Pre-Combustion Manifold" and completely removed it, sealed up the chunk of piping it took up, did a bit of weight-and-balancing for him, and sent him on his merry way. A easy five-hundred credits in my pocket, I should go out and get a drink! Or five... And a banana or two. *She smiles, pushing up her glasses before typing away at a keyboard in front of her.* Yep! Guess I will spend a nice evening at GUM... What a weirdly-named colony. Good night! I will write something later.
    -Recording End-
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  2. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Entry Two.
    -Begin Recording.-
    *The same green-haired Apex sits in front of the camera, wearing a fluffy set of pink pajamas that are stamped with bananas and beakers.*
    So, nothing much to report this time Jay, just a few lazy days while I recover. I did find another abandoned ship floating around in the void, went aboard and there was signs of battle damage everywhere. A lot of plasma, no bodies, I think they might have been spaced after a rapid decompression of the cabin, the only part of the ship with power and a corpse was the flight-deck, another Apex. Ugh. *She grimaces while talking about the Apex, turning her head away from the camera and to the door behind her, then back towards the camera.* Looks like he died from an actual bullet rather than plasma, so at least it was quick? Got some good salvage from that ship, most of the cargo-bay was torn apart, but I yanked out some engine parts and drained the reactor core, got enough fuel to make up for the voyage! Oh, and the attackers missed one crate, it had these really cool assault rifles! A lot different from anything i've seen. *She scratches her head a bit, and then reaches off camera, retrieving a small bottle of pink nail polish which she proceeds to start painting her monkey-like toe-nails.* Other than that, I guess I had a pretty good few days since I last talked to you. Pbbbbtttt.... *She razzes her tongue.* I think I might just cut this one short. See you in a few days Jay!
    -Recording End-
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  3. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    (( What is Ameany recovering from? Just wondering. ))
  4. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    ((She got shot in the side.))
  5. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Entry Three.
    -Begin Recording.-
    *Ameany sits cradle-style in front of the screen, sipping out of a bottle of what one can assume is moonshine with a bendy straw.*
    So... Jay... I am trying moonshine for once... Really weird. At first it was all just burny and I couldn't taste anything past the sickeningly potent alcohol but it has really grown on me. I cut it with some banana juice so it won't hurt to drink anymore. *She takes a long sip from the bottle.* Boy I love this stuff so much... *She rubs the bottle affectionately with the side of her face.* So, I finally managed to talk to Panzer, she is still being herself... Ugh... I would hate her if not for the fact that we are both on the same team. UUUUUUUGGGGHHHH. *She sips again from the bottle.* Why does she always have to do that? Huh? I mean, sure, she is now a rebel, but its like that is all she is now! She doesn't have fun, she doesn't enjoy herself, I don't think she even wears anything but body-armor! When I saw her, she was starting a fight with the now-crippled Windows Omega of the Order. Yep! That's right! SHE IS PICKING A FIGHT WITH A CRIPPLE! Uuuuuuooooohhhhh my gosh. Why? It's like she tries on purpose to make a monkey of herself. And when I tried to go talk to her about it, she responded *She rests her bottle on her stomach and speaks in a mockingly low voice, with each word she tilts her head from side-to-side.*"You don't know what its like, you haven't seen what I have." Uh, what now mrs. Sunshine? Huh? Did you say something? I was too busy thinking about a husband I actually cared about! She is a bitch sometimes, I would have hit her if I wasn't able to keep a cool head, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE! *She disregards the straw, drinking directly from the mouth of the clay jug.* Blugh... I need to keep my mind off of her. Good news, good news, I need something good to end this with... OH! HUMAN FRIEND! I made a new friend today, he was called Apollo, showed me his flamethrower! I couldn't tell what he looked like though, wore so much armor it hid his skin... Humans are weird like that, wearing a full-body suit in the middle of a colony, all I do at the most is a breastplate and maybe a helmet if it is really bad. I'ma cut it here for now, talk to you later Jay!
    -Recording End-
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  6. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Entry Four.
    -Begin recording.-
    *Ameany sits in front of the camera, a radio sits beside her chair blaring really old Earth clubbing music( *Cough* *Cough*), she herself looks like she just got out of a club, complete with wild-hair, weirdly-designed rave attire, and a few half-spent glowsticks.*
    Weird few days there Jay, weird few days. Earlier I met a really nice Floran who was actually civilized, she seemed to be stuck in her home up until that point so I guess it was nice to talk to her. Then I met a weird Apex whom I was sure had some sort of handicap... I dunno, she just kinda seemed slow. *She visibly shrugs, the glare catches on her shoulders and makes the faint outlines of body-paint visible.* So... Yeah... Max didn't show up again, tried of waiting for that human to realize that he has a business to run and being late to every dealing isn't going to help him out. Atleast I didn't spend any pixels on him. Now, onto the next thing! *She leans forward, flipping a switch on the console in front of her, her body lights up with glow-paint designs from intricate spirals to harsh angles that could leave someone with vertigo if they stared at her too long.* How'd you think!? I went to a little rave, didn't drink or anything, just danced a lot! It was fun, guess it is a human thing because there was mostly humans there, that and Hylotl! I kinda wish some of my other friend were there. I didn't see anybody I knew, just all strangers, I think someone like Meriweather would like it, hes the kind Apex who just loves to have fun... He seems to be the first in the frontier. *She kinda chuckles at her joke, but then sighs and pushes up her glasses.* I am still kinda worried though, this whole rebel thing. I don't think I am cut out for it, at the most I am just an engineer by day and a part-time lookout for the Gray Hand... Wouldn't Goliath be proud. *She pauses for a moment.* Welp, I guess that is it for a while, talk to you later Jay.
    -Recording End-
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